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Lord Brocktree

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Everything posted by Lord Brocktree

  1. Does anyone know why I have infinite slowness and weakness?

    1. Mankaar


      It might be the fact that you haven't signed up with the persona's plugin yet.

    2. Mankaar


      If not shoot a modreq.

  2. Why Is it whenever I try to get my skin back it takes me to the biography of hista?

  3. Anyone know who made the chainmail crafting plugin?

  4. Why can't I connect? what's going on? Am I the only one experiencing this?

  5. Can't log on to the server yet others can

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Brocktree

      Lord Brocktree

      Didn't work, what do I do now?

    3. Cappy


      Try again. That's about all you can do.

    4. thepizzaplac


      IF it is Bad Login and you already tried relogging in, try just spamming the connect so as soon as it says Bad Login hit it again

  6. My latest crazy idea:

  7. I wonder if people think my character creates decent RP

  8. I wish there was a way to keep items of RP significance

  9. wonder what happened to the shops plugin

    1. Neri


      Got removed due to a serious exploit. We've got our own shop plugin in development which is done, just needs some final testing before we can implement it.

    2. Lark



    3. Neri


      *would announce but cant post in the news update forum*

  10. what happened to my whitelist?

  11. I don't know whether to make a high elf alternate, a dwarf alternate, or a halfling alternate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NomadGaia


      Make a halfling

    3. Sporadic


      make a half high elf half dwarf half ling character. Spoiler alert: high elves will shun you.

    4. Lord Brocktree

      Lord Brocktree

      Well, that for me defeats the entire purpose of the high elf part

  12. really think there should be a "poisoned weapons" plugin

    1. Evilbanana5757


      +1 say all the edgy dark elf assassins

  13. vaerhaven is so empty these days

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      because dwarven empire sucks these days lel

  14. UMHG RECRUITMENT FORM What is your name?Athri Ullral What is your race?Mali'ker Do you have access to Golden Weapons?No, not as of today Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to slay beasts whom terrorize Anthos? most deminately Why do you seek to join the UMHG? I wish to slay monsters to protect the inhabitants of Anthos Where were you born? I was born on a farm In the forest surounding Malinor Do you understand the difference between Monsters and the paranormal(Gravens, apparitions, etc)? yes Have you slain a Monster before? yes, though only the common ones Do you believe the UMHG should import a sub-group UPEG (Unnatural Paranormal Exorcism Group)? I believe that such is a great Idea.
  15. I think I broke the nexus combat plugin

  16. can't login after disconecting to relog, anyone else experiencing a similar problem or can tell me why it is happening?

  17. Got accepted yay! :)

    1. Rassidic


      Congrats. You're going to have a great time here.

  18. my app is pending O_O

  19. got denied :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      I recommend talking a lot to the Application Team member that denied you. They're very willing to help.

    3. Heff
    4. tnoy23



  20. well, now that I can post 'till my heart's content the only thing stopping me from applying is getting my hands on the elf app format

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PtahWithin


      Good luck! :)

    3. SparehoeCakes


      I replied to your other status about this. :)

    4. Lord Brocktree

      Lord Brocktree

      the reason I'm saying this ginger, is the spoiler containing all the information and the format on that post isn't working

  21. all I want to do is apply for the server and I'm not even allowed to do that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Brocktree

      Lord Brocktree

      because I for some reason am unable to post anything on the forums

    3. mmat


      If I'm not mistaken you need to validate your email address.

    4. Lord Brocktree

      Lord Brocktree

      you are probably right thanks

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