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Richard / Mikhael

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Status Updates posted by Richard / Mikhael

  1. lol no wonder no one likes gemmy since she pulls **** like this

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      As soon as I heard he was banned I took a guess on who banned him. Looks like I was right.

    3. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      Well at least her path to throne is easier now!!!!

    4. Neri


      No need for a status like this... if you have a problem with a member of staff contact an Admin.

  2. wow nice another GM banning spree!!!!!!!

  3. brb gotta bury a dead horse

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Ya know the Orcs would probably eat it if you aren't gonna...

    3. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      no like legit i have to help bury my neighbors dead horse

    4. Carre_98


      thats well sick m8!

  4. smh elves dont seem to understand were at war

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      'nope elves too they declared it on thiss

    3. VonEbs


      Post inflamatory status' is against the rules, like raiding a city less than 24 hours after you were just there breaking other raid rules with 12 people to break someone out who had broken raid rules to raid the dwarves with 13 people.

    4. Lym


      Wow wow wow, gentlemen. No need for this. If raid rules were broken, contact the VAT with evidence and we'll do our best to help you. Other than that, there isn't a point in posting a status like this to poke and tease others.

  5. thanks ttwesten for avoiding RP!!!

  6. how does one become a druid

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      i want to become one with nature so chill

    3. Augor


      Just RP it out, I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction.

    4. Katherine1


      The way you join is strictly RP. There are no applications, so come to the grove and say you want to join. :)

  7. Not meaning to incite a flame war, but I want to know. Why do /you/ play as an edgy character, and why do you think its unique?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      Of course it is the death consequences. But there is no fixing it. There will always be a way to revive your character. I highly doubt permakilling will ever be enforced.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Void has it covered. People won't play themselves. They'll play someone they want to be. If you don't like it. Then you don't belong.

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      Then what's the god damn point of anything on this server. Wars, battles, assassinations, etc. There's no consequnces to it.

  8. King Wiiiiizaaard

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cirdanoth


      He did. We need a Marsh-Toad infestation of grand scale wizarded away.. Also, Kaedrin and its farmers seem cursed. Send help?

    3. Blundermore
    4. Raptorious



  9. omfg blazed :)

    1. V0idsoldier


      Is this really a appropriate status for a gm of the server to make? I demand for you to be demoted.

    2. Aislin



    3. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      omg ima report u fo usin da "mean" wrd "blzd""

  10. Whuddup just got GTA

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      I'm sorry to say but I'm going to have to post a ban report on all three of you. No choice sorry. :(

    3. Augor


      Cool kids play Europa Universalis IV

    4. Parading


      That is an insult to everything I stand for, and your picture is obviously making fun of British culture, which I am very offended by. You show a man drinking tea with an insulting CAPTION. Also all of this OOC that you people are starting is getting out of hand, I shall add that to my ban report. Prepare to face a BAN!

  11. Have you been RPly harassed by a mean guard? Have you lost a fight against a guard? Is your character breaking the law, and gets arrested? Did your character kill three guards, and your finally apprehended by the other guards? Did you lose in roleplay? Well, if any of these apply to you above, you oughta post a Ban Report on palmerman22!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      People can't seem to handle RP conflicts.

    3. Devin~


      Keep your cool broseph, be the better man

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      I'm as cool as ice, playa. :)

  12. ***** dont kill my vibe

  13. How do I write in books?

    1. Shadeleaf
    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      Wow Thanks man how helpful!

    3. Dreek


      press keys on your computer or write letters with a pen/pencil :3

  14. im so shacked right now hahah

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      fuckin **** i love it

    3. Aislin


      kills my vibe

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      all fuckin depends what **** do you listen too

  15. baked af

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      *a chorus of bubbles are heard*

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      *a window smashes as tear gas drops in through the window, gunshots are then heard as the SWAT team moves in and kills all of the drug addicts.*

    4. Thats Bobo

      Thats Bobo

      *Facepalms when all of you realised he just baked a cake...*

  16. Hey guys if you ever have a problem feel free to post a ban report on me cause it really helps

    1. tnoy23


      TBH, you can't fine someone because they /tell you something you don't like, that is bringing OOC into RP. Just my feedback I can't say anywhere else, nothing against you Palmerman <3

    2. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      that was a joke. hahah

  17. *Everytime we jail/hang someone* Report!111111!!

    1. Kaiser


      well, people don't like to lose

  18. Homecoming date with a German foreign Exchange student. This year will be a good year.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard / Mikhael
    3. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      (Just kidding dont rage pls)

    4. Shadeleaf


      -facepalm- There is so much wrong here...

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