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Han Solo

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Status Updates posted by Han Solo

  1. Yes, server crashed! Now's my chance to get on!

    1. StevenQuick
    2. Han Solo

      Han Solo

      *high five* Yeah!

    3. excited


      teammm ammericaaaa fug yeaaaahhhh

  2. Can like 30 VIPs leave and let us connect and then get back on?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VonEbs


      It doesn't.

    3. sophia


      rittsy confirmed it

    4. sophia


      there was too many, which is why it crashes

  3. 331 out of 300. Guess I'll be joinin' tomorrow

  4. C'mon, give is a legit ETA

  5. I swear to God, Oren symbolizes Russia. Knox=Putin

    1. Draeris


      Knox is not Putin... I'll go cry with Telanir now.

  6. This whole PVP-Default reminds me of Russian And Ukraine

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mmat


      Fight for mother ukraina

    3. Heff


      guis just join austrlia we iz halflings... we dunt care

    4. Draeris


      Speaking of Russia and Ukraine... Post on the FRP comrade!

  7. #MotherRussiaOverUkraine

  8. I spent the last hour listening to a french dude talking about his views on America. Wow, we're really hated. :3

    1. Merkaken


      I thought everyone knew this

  9. I was thinking of applying for a position... then I remembered I have no friends who can vouch for me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parading


      I have that same feel bro

    3. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      I wanted to apply for a staff position but then I realized I'm not a complete and utter loser



      hey ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  10. We are sucking in Sochi so bad - U.S

  11. Who's cooler, Vald. Putin, or Pres Obama? :3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. dude
    3. Eleatic


      Hrm..Putin, the human-rights abusing narcacist who would, at any increased human civil nature, would be executed. And Obama, someone who is atleast trying.

      I'll go with Obama, tom.

    4. sir lusty

      sir lusty

      Well, i believe politics is bullshit anywhay Fredfort, so i dont really care. but at least lars løkke dosen´t imprison people for throwing water at him ;

  12. Server down?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seannie


      use this ip if you cant connect login1.lordofthecraft.net

    3. Parading


      No, but it is laggy as nuts

    4. TMGavLan


      None of the IPs are working for me. Hrm..

  13. Superbowl Night :D

  14. What would happen if the entire LotC Community was stranded in a zombie apocalypse?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhia


      I would ban you all then /butcher and live a quiet life. :P

    3. cruzazul
    4. TheBreadmannn


      There would be a bunch of nerds trying to fight back the horde with spells and magic.

  15. I want you all to know... *looks around* I'm a Pimp

  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the forum is most active when the server is down.

  17. Don't worry 'bout the whitelist part. They're probably just gonna see of its gonna crash again... It'll be up soon, I hope

  18. RIP: All the RP that just happened

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