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knightly11 | lotc_fox

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Status Replies posted by knightly11 | lotc_fox

  1. Oh, status' have returned.

  2. can someone explain this art plagiarism situation

  3. dagoth ur welcomes you, my old friend. but to this place where destiny is made... why have you come unprepared.

  4. who is menarra, could someone pls explain

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      a druid who until very recently was a gm but now he's the lore admin or some sh** and now some people are mad. i think

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. good job locking arks thread, staff. that sh** was really getting out of hand

  6. Spiffy could not see, he was legally blind.

  7. Deadpool is being killed off. Time to riot and mass no pvp everyone.

  8. Good Hunt overall, loved my week in the mountains.

  9. All of my creature's names have been changed up so it is easier to say and read through. And give me your feed back please. :) Aterruce'tras, Aterruce'waezit , Fuer'yon and Inlu'thin

  10. As I am fairly new to the server, after acquiring a very valuable staff, when I was advised to destroy it, I did. The same staff was later on auction for 3000 Mina. I believe the worst part was the fact my character would've known it's value, but threw it away anyways.

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      i wouldnt feel too bad man, those staves are pretty much useless

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. where do i post my applications

  12. What are the names of the planets on which we have lived since Aegis? I don't mean the name of the continents (Aegis, Asulon, Anthos, Athera) or the islands, I mean the name of the planets on which those landmasses are located.

  13. Is LotC seriously still down?

  14. banned again, lovely. ;~;

  15. Are there any other known planets in the cosmos different from the one LoTC is set on? Does space even exist?

  16. Hi, my name is Will and I'm a Dragoboo

  17. Cappy is Illuminati. Cappy has 5 letters, The Illuminati pyramid has 3 corners and 1 eye, 3 + 1=4, 5-4=1 the illuminati pyramid has 1 eye, Cappy is illuminati confirmed!

  18. Am I the only who who doesn't like Borderlands? .-.

  19. why do we not have NoCheat, or at least some sort of hacking protection?

  20. Do I need to have a specific skill level to chop certain kinds of trees...? cus i kinda need a certain kind of wood and its only giving me sticks.

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