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Man of Respect

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  1. I love how realistic the JCP guardsmen are, while they take bribes, every other single settlement guard doesn't takes bribes and are the emotionally flawless "justice be served" guard regardless of race standards


    For example, take a high elf guard. Most wont take a bribe because "PURITYYYYYYYYY", but humans are also grown with the mentality of "praise god praise god" (unless you obviously play yourself irl and like to pretend you are also an atheist that pretends to believe in god on LotC) and also, somehow, a concept of humanity. I mean, a lot of high elves are dark magic practicers, so why not corrupt guards?


    And this applies to everywhere else. I dont even need to talk about orcs because the bribe is the tribute you pay, still, if you dont think so, just reply here! I mean, I dont have a reason to not listen to you - for I am human, and shall I listen to what you have to say. But whatever.


    And regardless of that youre corrupt or not, what about the rest AKA majority? Im not telling you to tell your guardsmen to start being corrupt, but, start to think most reallisticaly instead of using pesky excuses of purity concepts and townsguard flawless consensus.


    tldr jcp is lotc most realistic lotc guard

    1. Birdnerdy


      my character has stomped out any petty human vices present in his soldiers

    2. Icarnus


      The problem with JCP is it resembles too much of a modern police force. In how they operate and are set up.

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