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John Ivory

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by John Ivory

  1. anime is the true White nationalist's preferred form of entertainment

  2. anime is the true White nationalist's preferred form of entertainment

  3. trumples btfo kbtV8zN.gif

  4. Eu4 on CMUNION at 8:00 EST b there (special appearances by: Soren, Jarkarll, Dibley)

  5. Kyle, Justin, Radu, if you're reading this, come home

  6. Kyle, Justin, Radu, if you're reading this, come home

  7. Kyle, Justin, Radu, if you're reading this, come home

  8. Exhibit A on why LWC should be available to everyone.


  9. https://gyazo.com/281afb39729ae94b5963116e60386a5a this must be against some sort of international law

  10. unstumpable

  11. oh i wish i was in the land of...

  12. oh i wish i was in the land of...

  13. 9 warning points, what should I do for my final one?

  14. heff just dmed me on twitter asking to make him an orc skin

  15. Daily reminder that everyone who complained about Scene21 got blown the **** out. 130+ players on a Monday night. check em.



  16. I cannot wait for this Saturday

  17. Who is good at skinning armor? That's my one flaw when it comes to skins lol

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