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John Ivory

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by John Ivory

  1. it was a nice run seeya guys

  2. it was a nice run seeya guys

  3. Man get money with the gang
    Man get girls with the gang
    Man eat food with the gang

  4. obscura___breaking_bones_by_demonessie-d

    new artartart

  5. I like to kiss and suck.

  6. more fun police recruited 

  7. the staff rlly need 2 do smthn about pvp tbh instead of waiting until 1.9

  8. I've been gone for two years LoTC...

     Miss me!?

  9. why cant we all be friends

  10. No more petty fighting in the status updates. Only warning. 

  11. hahahahah bernie blown the **** out by the [redacted] vote once again

  12. hahahahah bernie blown the **** out by the [redacted] vote once again

  13. Make New York great again

  14. Are you irrelevant yet?

  15. hunwald got a warn for supporting trump... smh!

  16. hunwald got a warn for supporting trump... smh!

  17. hunwald got a warn for supporting trump... smh!

  18. I am sorry I insulted you Erik, please forgive me. I made a mistake, I am only human.

  19. anyone up for a game of civ one might happen

  20. Is there a potion that increases Archer damage?

  21. James bookmarks his pr0n. He's a real man.

  22. Should shields have some sort of skill-dependent stat or should they simply be vanilla mechanics?

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