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Status Updates posted by lawnmowerman

  1. https://cdn.techinasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ItaspoTemple.jpg

    1. Harri


      wow if only she were real

    2. lawnmowerman


      yeah you'd like that you ******* fruitcake

  2. https://media1.giphy.com/media/yslgoNdzKnvRC/200_s.gif



      foreverial tidedup guck, rope mummified permanently and enjoying it

    2. GloriaPreussens
  3. map_of_the_empire.jpg

    migration to aeldin and stay there permamently when???

  4. fReE cActu$ jAcK

  5. if you dont repost the picture of gary the goblin and rep this status he'll visit your room tonight! :OOOO u have 10 minute :)



  6. *a letter reaches dude*

    i cant take it any more the kharadeen bullshit just overwhelms my brain i just cant take it anymore, bro.

    all the hot caliphate girls deny my rp and i just cant live with myself and without you...

    *the letter is sprayed with blood, and a bullet hole has gone through it....*



  7. *enters hot topic cautiously... flaunting to the cashier about his mineman creature character.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      *brandishes skeleton nkight charcter

    3. Delrof


      "Yeah so I play this really cool vampire girl on a minecraft roleplay server" 


      the cashier nods quite disinterested

    4. Zhulik


      Upon the fourth mention of the vampire character, the cashier kindly asks the young girl to leave only to be responded in a barrage of vitriolic Mediterranean slurs. From the back, a man hobbles over with an odd foot- alas, he cannot display his true identity for fear of the local mall authorities. 

      With a swift shout of "f*ggot" from the club-footed suitor, the girl curls into his arms whispering about how she will gut the cashier for such insolence to their 'lore'. The cashier blinks an eye at a time, yawning.

      Upon the yawn, the girl screeches- "HELP ME HE WEEL HURT ME" to the other store patrons- perhaps the girl was all bark and no bite. Her clubfooted suitor repeats the phrase "f*ggot* numerous more times. 

      Since this day, the girl has not returned to the mall for such evil criticisms.

  8. >tfw someone tryna get u banned for not wanting to go through the process of removing a skin from namemc because it includes logging onto minecraft, joining a server to acquire your namemc account, then deleting it, even if you were given the skin by the owner.

    1. monkeypoacher


      there's no way you could get banned for like, using a skin once



    2. lawnmowerman


      idk the player in question is a very slithery one, @char-char~

  9. @Dohvi can you please stop restricting Joey's content? He's crying on Teamspeak I don't know how to deal with it.

  10. She has returned, Geralt... After all these years...



    1. Dougstalicious


      that's a really hot pic

  11. im a real young ****** from the 6 throwing bows

    1. excited


      insert hooked cross here

  12. Checkin' third ward, I'm goin' mental.

  13. Alright, listen up. The big dogs are back.

  14. Can you make me High Magistrate? I don't do anything for five months, though.

  15. Day 1.



    I ******* hate you.




  16. Day 2.


    **** you.

    1. devvy


      hey u said u were gonna post something else

  17. Day 3.


    Ur the devil.

  18. Day 4 and 5.




  19. Deep, deep down body thurst!

    Deep down body thurst!

    Hey hey, yeah yeah!

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