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Status Updates posted by ItsMyWorld66

  1. Is it possible to get Music Disks on the server right now? Like an admin shop that sells them or something?

  2. Is it possible to get Music Disks on the server right now? Like an admin shop that sells them or something

  3. Any idea when the map of Almaris will be viewable in the Museum?

  4. Anyone else unable to connect?

  5. Buying a pair of Foxes, if anyone has some for sale~

  6. Can we get heads request up and running please? I wish to make custom Plushies!💜

  7. Devirad Charter When?

  8. Does anyone know what AidenCoin's do?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crevel


      It is absolutely worthless. It is the definition of a shitcoin. Since Energy Elixirs became invalid, people felt that Tech Team needed to replace the 30-day voting milestone. One of the former techs presumably thought it would be funny if they made the end reward a golden nugget with their own name on it. It serves no function. It's a shame that they don't switch out the end reward for something more worthwhile to encourage people to vote for the full period.

    3. creamynoteblock
    4. Jentos


      relic of a dead age, and a dead promise

  9. Dont get me wrong, I'm joyous over the Hookah and Aviary Plugins. But please...team...Give me back my /heads request so I can make plushies again! 😭

  10. I misss youuuuuu!

  11. I'm hoping that there's a last minute Market thing, so that people can spend their last minas before map change.

  12. Is it possible to get Music Disks on the server right now? Like an admin shop that sells them or something?

  13. Is it possible to get the map for Almaris? I noticed that it's not available in the museum, it still thinks that Almaris is the 'current' Map to visit.

    1. ContestedSnow


      it would be nice to be able to visit ye olde almaris once more

    2. Tigergiri


      I brought over a actual map of almaris to aevos. Been waiting to set it up 

  14. Is the Hookah Plugin broken? T^T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      You can’t use drugs whilst having something held in your off-hand

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      I’m a fact core

    4. Kvasir


      THE fact core.

  15. Player Heads and Gilded Blackstone options please! I'm wanting that sweet plushie crafting.

    1. Malins Welcome

      Malins Welcome

      what is gilded blackstone supposed to do? I don't keep up with minecraft updates

    2. ItsMyWorld66


      It's very pretty. It's a black/brown mixture color with veins of gold running through the block.

  16. Please someone change the Prismarine Crystals to either the Shards or the actual blocks so we can use them. Crystals are worthless without the Shards. T^T

  17. So is this Iblees' Touch an actual drug we can use in the Hookah, with a recipe that's craftable like the others or is it just a nicely lored Herb?

    1. ItsMyWorld66


      Does it have a recipe that we can find/discover? And what about Box of Crayons?

    2. ItsMyWorld66


      Ty so much! <3 Might take forever given the gazillion different possible combinations, but I'll give it a shot!

      Edited by ItsMyWorld66
  18. This is bullshit! The “Upper Management” not only stomped all over the Event that so many players were happy and excited over, but at the end we get a bullshit ending that was scripted and the ONE GOOD THING that people were happy with they voided. What the hell?!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ReveredOwl


      In other words, feedback noted.

    3. Ryloth


      Let’s not forget the players actually upset with the event – not everyone enjoyed it. I wasn’t even there and I didn’t like it, neither did many people who attended. It was classic lorebreak and powerplay at large, and unfortunately that is due to a failure of multiple staff members after being thrown Mystery’s project. It was not simply a fault of the ST actors who brazenly ignored Kha/Metztli/Valaen lore or performed god-awful actions in what is the finale to a historical event chain, but also a failure of administration and many other people. I blame Mystery’s blacklist for this issue, personally.

    4. AlphaMoist


      As Ryloth stated, the entire reason the event and its issues came to my attention was because players were complaining about it. There are plans to redo the event entirely, but you have to remember that just because you enjoyed what occurred doesn’t mean everyone else did, and there are a lot of players who are overall happy with the void. I apologize you are upset with it, and my only hope I can have is that the ET make up for it in the future. 

  19. Will we be in 1.12.2 upon the restart of the server or once we reach the new land?

    1. Vamoose


      Yes, once we transfer to the new map on Saturday 

  20. :: As one of the only 3 players on....I try to paint the town fishy....::

  21. :: Beats on server with wrench :: Work!

  22. :: Nuzzles Status Update ::

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