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The Thought Police

Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by The Thought Police

  1. Dota is better than league. *Takes cover*

  2. Kalamoot, whatcha' looking at my profile for fam?

  3. The HAND of chaos grows stronger, Soon the war will end

  4. Thanks for nuking the kha skypechat. You know who you are.

  5. Am I the only one who can barely stay logged on for a couple of minutes?

  6. Why do player reports take so long to resolve? potential rulebreakers go days if not weeks without punishment where is the "moderating"?

  7. I feel the need of a person I can make constant LoL puns with and say taunts. . .

  8. Would you rather kill your best friend, or be killed by your best friend?

  9. What culture is 'Heartlander' based off of? (Real life culture)

  10. Need new character ideas...

  11. Does this server have a skype chat?

    1. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      I think we should get an official LotC Skype chat.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. I should play a child and play silly pranks on the city goers and do more silly things. Like pull someone's pants down.

  13. If I wanted to join the Oren army would I too need an edgy face scar?

  14. If I change my IGN will I still be able to access my vault?

  15. why am i being bullied

  16. You got me paralyzed... You got me so obsessed with you...

  17. why am i being bullied

    1. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      because you're from yorkshire and that disgusts everyone

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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