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About grnappa

  • Birthday May 24

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    Sir Erik Othaman
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    Highlander (Raevir)

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  1. Shit man, one of my most formative RP experiences on this server was watching the Imperial Wardens (Which I was one of em) get butchered by Maric's Rebellion like 7-8 years ago (time flies). 

    Can't keep coddling newer players. Successful leaders are forged from beneficial and bad RP. Let them get steamrolled by another entity so that they callous up and branch out on their own. Don't ban people who are epicenters for conflict RP.

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    2. grnappa


      @_Sheylo_ ._.

      If you manage to piss an entire nation off as a small start-up, that's on you. If you were a large nation (*cough* Haelun'or *cough*) and are now degraded to the point that you can't even fend off small raids, you deserve to get steamrolled. 

      Players will do what they want no matter how many times they get destroyed. It's how progress is made. Stuff that doesn't work is annihilated by groups that work and therefore, that player learns from that experience. They will take maybe a 1-2 month break to cool off their emotions and come back with a fresh mindset.

      Places like Balian, Sutica, Haense, Adria, etc. all got their start from the remnants of other destroyed groups. Oren has been destroyed more times than you can count on your hands, but those players who were in those dissolved groups will always come back and figure out a way to do it better. If not a main nation, then an upstart group.

      Tl;dr: Being destroyed makes you better at not being destroyed later.

    3. rukio


      God bless the good take of grnappa. These new players don't know how good it can be. 


      @_Sheylo_You miss the point. -100 points from house haelunor

    4. _Sheylo_


      So true. Down with small communities. *raises pitchfork*

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