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About HurferDurfer1

  • Birthday 07/03/1995

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  1. defender of the faith, all heathen allies

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    2. Guest


      this isn’t a war about religion tho is it :/ ?

    3. Zhulik


      I don't approve of heathen allies but I will make a solid point here since I'm bored and on my phone.

      I find it actually comical that Haense whines about Renatus using pagans to fight when Haense actively harbors and protect pagans from the faith. Likewise, there is not a doubt in my mind that Haense uses heathens/undead from their civilian populace to fight in the same capacity Renatus does, due to the necessity to field men. Adding to this, if I am not mistaken, Santegia got into some deep **** with the Church aswell, as did the Reivers who actually attacked clergy. Yet, the Reivers are outsourced by Haense currently. Strange.

      I am in no way saying the number of pagans being used on either side is equal, but what I am saying is that it is the pot calling the kettle black, or at minimum grey.

      Dewper also brings up a good point. The war, currently, holds no weight with religion. Neither side is destroying temples, nor is either side butchering priests (except the Reivers which both sides use). There is not a movement to destroy humanity.

      I've been following Overwatch e-sports because I have no life and this situation reminds me of something very fitting. Muma (Haense) basically trash talked XQC (Renatus) live, starting Drama. XQC (Renatus) responds and tells Muma (Haense) to suck a ****. Muma (Haense) whined about being harassed and then tried to get XQC banned. Both sides are in the wrong.

      This is just my personal opinion and it in no way reflects the views of the church for people tin-foiling and gassing people from discord chats currently. Whatta joke.

    4. Tsuyose


      @Zhulik the man the myth couldn't of put it any ******* better

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