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Trin Keeper

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About Trin Keeper

  • Birthday 06/03/1997

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    In a fluffy cloud!!!
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, making jewelry (with wire) , Legend of Zelda

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  • Character Name
    Sarafinn/Finn Terrence and Emilia Vladov

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  1. Why... WHY do poeple take their IC hate and make it OOC hate.. and then make anyone who want to be part of more than your group suffer becuase " oh my gosh! You can't do that, becuase we'll have to banish you and your character becuase your OTHER totally unrelated character is joining our enemies and we hate them, so if you do your out.." it's just like WHA... blows my mind... every time...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      yah.. It's just kinda frustrating for the people who want to do more than just roleplay with the same people all the time... I understand the part about the meta, but when they've been around for a while and know that metaing is wrong then it really shouldn't be an issue.. I just feel like everyone is confined to one side. Some probably like it that way.. but maybe I'm just weird by want a foot in different types of rp.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      What they're doing is meta. A lot of people have characters in opposite factions, it's not really unusual and they shouldn't be trying to control that.

    4. Savoyard


      Fight the power

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