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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by bumblefina

  1. running water is not lore approved and you WILL be given a lore infraction. this is your LAST WARNING

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      we ain't FUCKIN' around!

  2. RIP Fuu, Hello Tura

    1. ThumperJack


      What?! But Fuu was awesome!

  3. riperino serverino

    1. ForbiddenExile


      Would you like some riperoni on that slice of serverino?

  4. take the server to the monks

    1. Kilig


      Better just take Minecraft to the monks

  5. Lotc, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

    1. jamesb


      - the biggest lie a teacher has ever told.

  6. lotc is going to destroy itself

  7. Congratulations on ET son.. Mum is proud

  8. does the forum randomly go offline for anyone else, like maybe 10 minutes to an hour? what is going on

  9. i am... one with the earth... a worm.......

    1. UnBaed



  10. food taking a long time to eat and the server lag right now is upsetting me

    1. Space




      learn it


      embrace it


      live it

  11. last night was a mistake

    1. Gangrel1230


      That's what my mom said to me

  12. In my time on this server I have never seen something like that before. Really incredible shift of tides happening right infront of us. Fun to watch!

    1. mkaxeman


      wub da skah you talking bout

  13. "Quick, everyone get alts" - Unbaed, Thursday at 06:35 PM

  14. I accidently started a riot

    1. idiot


      Proud of ya' mama

  15. Please turn off mob spawning in settlement regions. If I want to go out hunting zombies, I'll go out into the wild.

    1. Ever


      You or your region owner can modreq to have mob spawning turned off in your settlement/village/etc.

  16. staff bad

    1. Potts244


      So smooth and simple, it's art.

  17. i think im just gonna take a break from lotc for awhile ya'll have fun

  18. sometimes i gotta try real hard to not get my jimmies rustled over stupid stuff


    1. UnBaed


      I almost bursted out laughing in class

  20. New orenian motto: you can't spell 'harmony' without 'harm'

  21. @Potts244 thank u for that beautiful post it made my day +1

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