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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. @Harold mr admin pls respond 

    1. DahStalker


      my blacklist : (

  2. do you like crying at graves

    1. Galendar


      heroes never die

  3. hello mister ouity sir


    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Hey there hope you're doin well :)

  4. papi pollo lore changes:

    * all races r incapable of reproduction

    * all chars r mature at 18

    * stop being weird 

    1. Laeonathan


      the world could be so simple.

  5. where heph, where chaldees

    1. femurlord


      Chaldees got removed, heph left

  6. how have u been sir

    1. shiftnative


      Great..! I'm married, working full-time and playing classic Everquest. Waiting for Counterstrike 2, Hytale, Diablo 4 and hopefully an MMO that holds my interest..! I've been working on a single player minecraft build here and there (you can find it in my earlier recent status's) how about you?

  7. my reputation says I'm divine. all you mfs without 3 dots.. Don't acknowledge me anymore. We aren't the same

    1. Crevel


      You should get good and improve your rep ratio. Rep ratio is all that matters in this cursed place.

  8. the whole club lookin at her 

  9. ill be an ewife if u free punchsteel

  10. will you be my mom

  11. que te la pique un pollo

  12. hello apparently my char is the son of ur gay son how r u

  13. Day 4 and 5 forgive me I have been busy.

  14. All I want for Christmas, are cards. Safyre Terry, age 8, was badly burned in a fire when she was 5 years old that killed her siblings and her father. Her father saved her life, but she still suffered burns on 75% of her body. Despite this, her attitude remains good. All she wants is for you to send her a Christmas Card. With the link below I hope that you're all able to think through and send her a card. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl_GV3NGINc

  15. u look beautiful 2day :3 x3

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