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Status Updates posted by Andustar

  1. Woke GM team? Might I recommend this:


    Edited by Gilded
    1. Jondead


      That video is the best thing I have had the pleasure of listening too for a while, bless you Gilded!

    2. Heero
    3. Wrynn


      this video offended me.

  2. Fix the disconnection issues please...

    1. Jondead


      ... Or Tythus loses his money maker

  3. It's getting quite annoying going through a crash every other day atm.

    1. Jondead


      Same here man, but why? It seems like because of the new plugin it happens, but meh who know ? 

    2. Guest


      I think its the lockpick plugin

  4. Will Halo 6 Infinite be a silver lining, or another flunk from 343 like Halo 5 Guardians?

  5. Well done, you banned people who legitimately were established in RP to be fighting for that side. Well done!

    1. Jondead


      Which people do you speak off?

    2. argonian


      if you scroll through the status updates you'll see a bunch of them 

  6. Lancaster... English royalty have infiltrated LOTC?!

    1. devvy


      that's what i'm saying!!

  7. I always thought dragons were overrated 

    1. Guest


      still can kill haense tho ?



    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Hey, you have a good day! ☩?

    3. Vege


      I've always preferred eagles and crows when it comes to things that fly

  8. Join the Brotherhood of the Golden Crow!


  9. There appears to be an issue in viewing a few in particular posts. Apparently we must request perms before hand.

  10. Am I the only one who prefers this new theme to the old?


    1. LPT
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      It has a bit of charm to it I guess 

    3. HardstyleRaver2


      You're not the only one. The new forums look quite clean and more modern.

  11. You know what, I like it! In a Microsoft Word kind of way.

  12. Freebuild: 


  13. Free my boy Juststan, not his fault his MC crashed!

    1. Juststan147


      thank you my boy Gilded but it was a kick and not a crash what caused this

  14. Would there be a nice MT around to check out my Magic App please? 


  15. Any MT's available to take my Magic Application? 


  16. Fantastic, voting for monkbread doesn't work. 


  17. "Once a Crow, always a Crow!" 


  18. So we now must oocly justify our alliances? Well done staff, you're just sucking the joy out of roleplay...

  19. Merry Christmas everyone

  20. St. Clownth really let himself go....

    Image result for IT

    1. fat robert

      fat robert


    2. ibraheemc2000



      (i used the clown dictionary <3)

  21. Finally reputation is back!

  22. Am I meant to be unable to post anything?

  23. Why do I feel like I've been sent back to Windows Vista when I'm using the Forums now?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      This darned new update has ruined our glorious forums

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