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Eggles the Beagles

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    [Francisca Lindor] [Eraleth Carraway] [Grenlith]

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  1. So... Devs are adding things to professions that they have little knowledge, basically killing that profession, and thinking that everything is peachy when literally a large portion of the community is saying, "No!". The horsening part 2, sorry alchemist, you guys are getting hit like we were.

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    2. IrishPerson


      Anything that doesn't work will be quick to be reverted, I'd imagine.

    3. Eggles the Beagles

      Eggles the Beagles

      I hope you know, I've heard other wise. The new alchemy plugin is not going to be changed unless enough alchemist tell the they f*** up. What people fail to realize is that unless people complain, the Devs won't care. If we just sat there and said nothing, nothing would change! So I will voice my opinion on the subjects. Maybe if we voiced our opinion earlier, none of this would be happening. I understand they are volunteers but when you completely disregard the community's opinion, what's the point of 'working' for the community if you are just going to do whatever you want?

    4. LPT


      There is a big difference between voicing an opinion and being a sarcastic ass people don't understand that putting statuses with little to no thought into them which accuse the tech team of acting like what they did was perfect. or throwing in memes like "The horsening" If you want to be taken seriously make a legit post, or better yet post on a legit post already made instead of flooding the status update spot with heat of the moment anger and angst. The TT has not disregarded concerns and it's ridiculous to say that and proof you're only posting because you're pissed, and not thinking rationally.


      P.s Jistuma is not the only person in the TT and is not the TT lead so what he says about alchemy in it's current state is not law.

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