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About Adelemphii

  • Birthday May 25

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    inside the sticky lotc codebase

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    Adresin Tunnelsmasher, Adrea Goldhand, Eliyen Drakon
  • Character Race
    Dwarf, Dwarf, Snow Elf, Dwarf

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  1. I'm not a forum person and IDK where to put this so where else than on my status page?


    I wrote a plugin for adding more information to signs such as emotes and descriptions. Placing a multitude of signs down to describe a scene will be long gone with this plugin, and thus I'd like to get some feedback from the community :)


    Please comment on anything you may be concerned with or have an idea to improve, and I'll try and work on it!



    1. Traveller


      really cool! would it be possible to be able to customise the "Interact to read..." but keeping the red [!]? would be cool for paintings etc.

    2. Adelemphii



      really cool! would it be possible to be able to customise the "Interact to read..." but keeping the red [!]? would be cool for paintings etc.

      Very possible, I could likely get by for simplicity sake with adding just some key flags i.e. "--painting" where you put it at the start of a message like "/rpsign --painting This is a painting of James' great grandfather." and the text on the sign could then be "Interact to view painting." or something. @Traveller

      Or if the idea of adding custom text is desired enough by players, I could add a command to allow players to display custom prompts on the sign.

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