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Status Updates posted by _mkkk_

  1. Itty Bitty Piggy -Nikki

    1. Nug


      eye win yew lose

  2. Never realized I couldn't have the name of a character in a separate game. . . would anyone really be pleased if I changed it? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      I was never serious, it's fine to have the same name afaik

    3. Fishy


      Are you ******* artistic Space? Kaedrin is the one name in Kaedrin that isn't a witcher meme.

    4. Space


      http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Kaedwen OH **** 2 LETTERS DIFFERENT AAAAAAAAAAH WOOOOOOOW

  3. Nothin' but powder monkeys

  4. Novaskin makes me hate myself sometimes. . .

    1. Parkins


      dont worry we hate you too :^ )

  5. Shhhhh, Disco doesn't know yet of his skin: https://gyazo.com/239eb33ea761d93ae0479d6a7703f6a4



      well i do now! eeeep, is so pretty

  6. Since the server is down. . . I guess we should all become friends now?

  7. So does anyone else want to strangle the authentication servers or just me?

  8. So we just found my lost cat, thank jesus and RP may now commence! (Everyone go back to your lives, you filthy animals)

  9. So what children aren't legit... potatoes?: http://gyazo.com/06520a3e4d20b25093e14d09e0933402

    1. Heff


      she means bastards vs. legitimate children

    2. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      The potatoes are legit. Don't hurt their feelings.

  10. Some of the white list applications make me go "Wow, we have an author" and then others make me think "Now. . . how did a potato learn to type?"

    1. Jonificus


      You'd be surprised to see what gets through

    2. Ford


      I like it when I see a really well written app and I think in-game they're going to be legit, but then they talk like this: 'here sir pls taik mi swoord'

  11. Soooo, I wont be on really until tomorrow afternoon... for anyone who cares

  12. Sorry to any players feeling bored because the lack of events. . . I am sick with a horrible cold/fever and have had many midterms these past two weeks so maybe something may work out soon :D

  13. That moment when a man punches you, awwweeee

  14. The fact I'm not interested over any modern media other than Kate Middleton is having a third baby apparently. . . let me linger amongst you brits!

  15. The fact that I had a robber SS out of RP that wasn't going his way. . . #gg #muchwow

    1. Samler


      That is against ze rules.

  16. The fact the server crashes have made me rage so hard I am working out now #GG

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I thought it was just me, we have this huge thunderstorm up here atm :P

    2. Lark


      Gotta work them rping muscles

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