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Everything posted by Bvie

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Bvie


      If so....that'd be really shitty of you.

    3. AGiantPie


      More like I have a band of brothers who needs an abbey-shaped home.

    4. Bvie
  1. But I had more explosive arrows and alchemist fire to use :(

  2. TFW you do nothing but support someone and they say you have no faith in them.

    1. AGiantPie


      Don't worry I'm here for you.

  3. To bring the double chests of alch fire, explosive arrows, diamond armor, and 25MS Horses to the warzone or not...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnBaed


      I think you're secretly going to cause the map change by tripping on the warzone with all your pots and causing a big firey explosion

    3. ryno2


      Sept of Baelor

    4. Bvie


      I do have about 40 Double Chests of Alchemist Fuel :D

  4. Let me unload my chests of alch fire plx :)
  5. A letter would be sent to the halfling pair about such advertised work being needed in Sutica. The letter would request the pair to respond back to the Palace of Sutica at their earliest opportunity. ((Shoot me a PM and lets talk ^_^))
    1. Bvie



      >perfect brother gets caught with pot

      >family angry and yelling

      >I'm depicted as the good child

      >I'm okay with this

  6. I think that's one of my issues with clericalism compared to the other magics. The lengthy prayers needed to do virtually anything. Most combat is just instantaneous. I've seen paladins whip out mist and create shields and swords from thin air without any need for emoting. I've seen Dark Mages shoot out tendrils from their body with ease and able to manipulate shadows in a snap. Where as to connect to the Cleric's light, lines of prayer are required to even start connecting, and then clerics are encouraged to do even more lines. It just makes for very inefficient and unfair playing field when it comes to combat, especially when combat skills are still lack luster. Its why I've always believed Clerics should be more defensive/purifying circle/shielding from darkness/stand your ground type of fighter. Where Paladins are more offensive and run at things, Clerics do best remaining behind on their home turf where they can have purified circles, enchantments, blessings, shields, wards, etc. that makes it a very poor idea to fight a Cleric on their land.
  7. I often(never truly) see a battle where Five clerics can play ring around the rosey with a bonfire, remain undisturbed, allowed to sing Koombiah, and unleash such a spell. This implies that from past experiences and looking forward the ability to utilize such spells in combat seems to be few to non-existent.
  8. What counts as an 'elder cleric'? How does an 'elder cleric' learn the ways of wardenism? While the spells do look cool, I don't really see much of an RP setting there some of the larger ones could ever be used. I often(never truly) see a battle where Five clerics can play ring around the rosey with a bonfire, remain undisturbed, allowed to sing Koombiah, and unleash such a spell.
  9. Six Down, Seven to Go

  10. Pokemon GOers can relate to this

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JEEGK


      Yeeees hahaha

    3. SpodoKaiba


      Pretty much

    4. KBR


      Evee in my backyard last night

  11. Alch Shears are the ghetto Pokemon GO

  12. 4 Missed calls.

  13. Three missed calls.

  14. [!] A simple poster hangs at Cloud Temple docks[!] Looking to buy large amounts of Diorite, Andesite, and/or Granite in their rawest forms. 250 Minas will be paid for each full double chest of these stones. A mixture is fine as long as the chest is full. Please leave your name and amount of stone you have to trade below!
  15. Buying diorite, andesite, and granite.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garentoft


      It's 50 cent

    3. Bvie


      I'll take two!

    4. garentoft


      Oh my that's the biggest order for love that I've ever received

  16. The Lord of Light compels me...

    1. thaddeus11


      Milasanders you know what compels you.

  17. The Light shall purge.

  18. I need a dev! Halp!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ducklingator


      I am Developing my abilty to be pretty. does that count?


    3. Bvie
    4. Ducklingator
  19. WTT Mining Smithing and Breedting Tomes for other Skill Tomes

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