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Everything posted by Jentos

  1. Perhaps one could use a modreq?
  2. Voting is a great and daily way to get money!
  3. IS THIS SOME KIND OF ADDED MAGIC: Voidal stuff breaker?

  4. Jentos grins, looking down at his many wounds he had acquire yesterday when his fellow hunting friends had released him on a bear "Finnaley', some be' understandin' berserkers... Aye, we' ain't normal men."
  5. I have a few questions: can one make a deviant, and make it more beast like? Like adding hooves or an animal head? Of course, this would make the quality of the creation
  6. Raveran scratches his nose, looking at the poster "ye'll do jest fine!"
  7. Can I have your Skype? I wanna add u on a group chat


  8. The hairy man smiles "A'll take tha' elf."
  9. Steward/Master of the hunt

  10. He grins as he reads the paper, scratching his head "A' ain't tha' richest man though... Ba't A' can still pay 1100 for teachin' " He sighs "If only master hadn't left... T'would be free!"
  11. Jentos Sigh's, scratching his head "300 minas fer' a teacher! An' Thatch, A'll give ye' 150 if ye' want."
  12. Lifts an eyebrow at the advert that was crippled on twice "Oi? Two different writing' styles... Vhy na't a clear answer..."
  13. A big raven flies threw the skies, occasionally dropping a letter at every village, town and city The letter reads: "Jentos Blackwood is currently looking for a teacher of Void-Magic, specifically Lightning Evocation, Wind evocation and Telekinesis. I only look to learn one of these, if thy teacher wishes to teach more, I shall gladly accept. A pay of 250 minas shall be paid for this teaching. I am looking for a new teacher since I am suspecting that the one who had offered me, has been avoiding me, a pay of 100 minas shall be paid to him if he wishes to continue his teaching to me, in other words, if I was wrong. I shall conduct myself as a proper student and respect his or hers rules if one is to teach me. A hundred Minas will be paid for accepting the teaching, another 50 when I shall have leaned the subject mildly, and a final 100 when I will have finished, note that I have been able to learn to control void with my last teacher." -Jentos Blackwood.
  14. Jentos smiles happily, warming his hands over a fire Me men be'lookin' fer' some act'n, vhy not?
  15. Raveran Jentos Blackwood Basics on Jentos: An easily angered Highlander of many blood's. An old Cherckassian. Nicknames: Jentos, Mr Blackwood Age: 52 years old Race: Highlander Status: Unhappy, healthy, feel's insulted Description An almost seven feet tall giant Dark ebony eyes A light-brown hair (Very hairy) Has a light skin covered in many scars Bares a black tattoo on his right arm which seems as if it were part of the skin Has many curses, passed from generation Raveran Jentos Blackwood Basics on Jentos: An easily angered Highlander of many blood's. An old Cherckassian. Nicknames: Jentos, Mr Blackwood Age: 52 years old Race: Highlander Status: Unhappy, healthy, feel's insulted Description An almost seven feet tall giant Dark ebony eyes A light-brown hair (Very hairy) Has a light skin covered in many scars Bares a black tattoo on his right arm which seems as if it were part of the skin Has many curses, passed from generation Personality Will always defend his friends for he has already lost many, has lots of experience from his many years: Of war, of living in the wilderness, of prison and torture, advising Most think of him being a wild man, transformed in a wealthy bastard, but he is a rather nice man to those who are nice in return, but he will be rather careful and a bit more ruff with strangers and enemies. Has a great fear of a certain beast: The Wendigo, he thinks it is the remains of his ancestor Fangrin Blackwood He likes giving things, but he does not like spending His accent is a rather strange mix of, dwarven, Orenian and Norlander He will never kill someone unless he really needs to Jentos is a very generous man He plays the violin, flute and the bagpipes Strengths/weaknesses: Intuitive: Jentos can easily see if someone is lying, dishonest and knows a lot simply by looking at someone's eyes Void magic: Magic is a powerful thing. Jentos is only an apprentice, and binding with the void has weakened his muscles even though they are still powerful. The 'Wild Man's Flaw': A mysterious inner power he calls like that. He hopes he has lost, he is not sure whether it was caused by Thanium or something else... Makes him either go wild, like a berserker. Percival's scar: After spending almost four years in the dungeons of Percival Staunton, tortured and locked, his body was strengthen, his soul, darkened and his mind... Gone mad! Curious: Jentos is a curious, yet clam and stern man, this could drive him on mad quests such as to find the keep of his ancestors, lost in the frost that would bear the remains of his great great grandfather "And the beast, wild King and lord of clans burst into a thousand pieces, slain but freed of his curse." The wound of fire: When the Order of the Silent Knight was disappearing, disbanded by the church, the 'coup de grace' was given by a dragon, all died, except Raveran Jentos and an elf, while battling the dragon, the Blackwood was scorched on the left side of his leg which explains why he sometimes limp. Relations, orders and family: Jentos has had many countless friends, such as The Silent Knight, Samuel Norwick, Silvia Breten and many more. And of course, most died in tragic ways, and improbable! A flesh eating frost beast. A witch, and a dragon have caused these mischiefs Orders: Jentos started by joining the guard of Summerhall, unfortunately after his dear friend Icarnus was banned from these same lands, Jentos left as well, wanting to join the Savoyards, but was brutally rejected for an unknown reason. Afterwards, the Golden crow was disbanded by the Silent knight and his order, the Cherckassians, allies of the Crow decided to join the Silent knight to prove honor to the winner. The Silent Knight (Narthok) proved to be a good and just man, unfortunately, lies from the Church caused the order to disappear, as well as a dragon who scorched those Lands which are now known as Carnatia For a brief but happy time, Raveran joined the order of Carnatia, but when he learned void all magic, lightning evocation, he lost much strength and unable'd him to wear metal armor whiteout risking to electrocute himself Family: Jentos had once been a proud Cherckassian, yet they're strict rules displeased him, and when he joined the mighty Arthur Roswell, the leader Jan, wanted him dead since he needed men for his own town, and saw that as treachery, on the mountain he and Jentos fought, on the mountain, Jan's head rolled. The Blackwood family, a once powerful house, is now almost gone except for a young cousin of Jentos and a half dwarf Alignment: Chaotic good Achievements: Killed a demonic beast named Borboros Has fought a dragon and lived to tell the tale Killed the troll of Salvus accompanied only with one man "Bloodey' thing ate me' horse an' still wanted more!" Slain a whole group of huge golem-like frost beast's Battled a 25feet wingspan Raven. (Did all the damage but another 'killed it' Personality Will always defend his friends for he has already lost many, has lots of experience from his many years: Of war, of living in the wilderness, of prison and torture, advising Most think of him being a wild man, transformed in a wealthy bastard, but he is a rather nice man to those who are nice in return, but he will be rather careful and a bit more ruff with strangers and enemies. Has a great fear of a certain beast: The Wendigo, he thinks it is the remains of his ancestor Fangrin Blackwood He likes giving things, but he does not like spending His accent is a rather strange mix of, dwarven, Orenian and Norlander He will never kill someone unless he really needs to Jentos is a very generous man He plays the violin, flute and the bagpipes Strengths/weaknesses: Intuitive: Jentos can easily see if someone is lying, dishonest and knows a lot simply by looking at someone's eyes Void magic: Magic is a powerful thing. Jentos is only an apprentice, and binding with the void has weakened his muscles even though they are still powerful. The 'Wild Man's Flaw': A mysterious inner power he calls like that. He hopes he has lost, he is not sure whether it was caused by Thanium or something else... Makes him either go wild, like a berserker. Percival's scar: After spending almost four years in the dungeons of Percival Staunton, tortured and locked, his body was strengthen, his soul, darkened and his mind... Gone mad! Curious: Jentos is a curious, yet clam and stern man, this could drive him on mad quests such as to find the keep of his ancestors, lost in the frost that would bear the remains of his great great grandfather "And the beast, wild King and lord of clans burst into a thousand pieces, slain but freed of his curse." The wound of fire: When the Order of the Silent Knight was disappearing, disbanded by the church, the 'coup de grace' was given by a dragon, all died, except Raveran Jentos and an elf, while battling the dragon, the Blackwood was scorched on the left side of his leg which explains why he sometimes limp. Relations, orders and family: Jentos has had many countless friends, such as The Silent Knight, Samuel Norwick, Silvia Breten and many more. And of course, most died in tragic ways, and improbable! A flesh eating frost beast. A witch, and a dragon have caused these mischiefs Orders: Jentos started by joining the guard of Summerhall, unfortunately after his dear friend Icarnus was banned from these same lands, Jentos left as well, wanting to join the Savoyards, but was brutally rejected for an unknown reason. Afterwards, the Golden crow was disbanded by the Silent knight and his order, the Cherckassians, allies of the Crow decided to join the Silent knight to prove honor to the winner. The Silent Knight (Narthok) proved to be a good and just man, unfortunately, lies from the Church caused the order to disappear, as well as a dragon who scorched those Lands which are now known as Carnatia For a brief but happy time, Raveran joined the order of Carnatia, but when he learned void all magic, lightning evocation, he lost much strength and unable'd him to wear metal armor whiteout risking to electrocute himself Family: Jentos had once been a proud Cherckassian, yet they're strict rules displeased him, and when he joined the mighty Arthur Roswell, the leader Jan, wanted him dead since he needed men for his own town, and saw that as treachery, on the mountain he and Jentos fought, on the mountain, Jan's head rolled. The Blackwood family, a once powerful house, is now almost gone except for a young cousin of Jentos and a half dwarf Alignment: Chaotic good Achievements: Killed a demonic beast named Borboros Has fought a dragon and lived to tell the tale Killed the troll of Salvus accompanied only with one man "Bloodey' thing ate me' horse an' still wanted more!" Slain a whole group of huge golem-like frost beast's. Battled a 25feet wingspan Raven. (Did all the damage but another 'killed it')
  16. Scratches his beard as he usually does, reading the paper "A could use a bit O' drakes tail."
  17. An old parchment is nailed solidly unto the wall of Felsen "Important bounty." Bounty: Mark Birch's hat location/owner: Unknown other information: If the hat is in your possession, please give it back, the hat had been first stolen by an olog and a goblin, their corpses were found near the robbing had took place, telling me they had been robbed shortly afterwards, of course, the hat was missing. No questions shall be ask, a bounty of 150 minas shall be given to whom shall bring it. Please, t'is all my friend has left of his dead family. Mark Birch (moocheal), send a bird to Jentos if found (Jentos) the hat is black with a brown ribbon, a rather round form -Signed, Raveran Jentos Of Blackwood
  18. Sitting in a nearby inn, sipping his sweet wine, he think's. William is disowned, am' about' t'be' in h'council an' magic runs in my vein's, time's be' good

  19. The crew, was preparing for another attempt to slay these beasts We don't need more men! Would shout Jentos of Blackwood, we need more courage!
  20. *Would polish his sword and load his crossbow and head towards Luciensport with a smile
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