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Everything posted by 饾暰饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枌饾枤饾枠饾枍

  1. [!] A painting of the Orc commander Falum'Lur who wears a rugged chest plate and wields a burning torch before the World Cactus There are placards placed all through out the Realm of Axios with a traditional design to the scroll. Along with the painting, there is an official sigil of Krugmar's Scaddernak at the bottom with a note attached reading: "Those who find labor in the service of others are requested to report to the Targoth. This will be a one time opportunity to seek Servantry of the Orcish people and learn about their ways and faith. In due time, through the labor and service for the Targoth those who wish to continue their lives of servitude towards the Orcish People as well as the Spirits may face the required trials to recieve Honorary status. Your worthiness will only be proven through the trials and obstacles you endure during your time with the Orcs as well as the labor you perform in service for the Targoth and the Lur Clan. In your service, many teachings will be brought upon you as well as the understanding of ones own Spirituality. Contact Targoth Falum'Lur to begin your Servitude." Leave a comment if interested or send a PM to Shamanistic over the Forums or IG to pursue the task.
  2. Can an FM please pin this post for me?聽

    1. Kvasir


      yes pin lordofthecraft.net

  3. Let's be real though, if they were in the octagon McGregor would've fucked him up.

    1. HedgeHug


      I think we can all agree Mcgregor held his own pretty damn well for an unexpected long time. I didn't expect him to win in an out-game, but I am surprised!

      and indeed, mcgregor would fight him in the ring, but mayweather would never fight mcgregor in the octagon.

    2. Space


      irrelevant but true i guess

    3. sneLf


      ye ye, Though he did very well against Mayweather.

  4. For the most part, Deities that aren't of that aspect don't like voidal magic because it's literally nothing. At least Deity powers come from Spirits themselves rather than manipulating something that isn't there. In that case it'd be a VERY small minority of Spirits under the majority. Personally, I don't see any reason why Lataumancy (or any sub-type for that matter) needs any more clarification to make it more unique than it already is. Speaking to the dead is a grand power in itself but for some reason others strive to produce new and more advanced magics that are based off the core magics. There needs to also be consideration of where Shamanism lies currently in its sad state, there are very few shamans probably less than their dark shaman counterparts but Farseeing and Lataumancy are lacking greatly in the nation which are practically the guiding sub-types of the Orcish Culture. Rationally speaking, I don't see any reason for new additions and sub-types to a magic type that is already lacking within it's main and most influential sub-types.
  5. Good fight

    1. wolfdwg


      Who fought? Who won? Did you kill anyone?

    2. 饾暰饾枡饾枂饾枟饾枌饾枤饾枠饾枍


      Some Orenians counter raided Orcs I think, unsure on what transpired before. It was like 5v12 and I killed 2 dudes

    3. wolfdwg


      Nice work boyo

  6. Why are so many LOTCers becoming Immortal these days?

    1. ibraheemc2000


      ah the true question is why not 'try' to become immortal these days

  7. This is why the Server Render is complicated聽compared to聽Single Player Render -->

  8. When Nexus is meant to promote role-play but your not supposed to RP at Resource Island.

  9. Ooh wow you're looking dirty need a champagne shower now
    Lay down Let's see if we can get the lipstick to come out

  10. The exact same social reasons why a woodelf wouldn't. it's taboo and whitewashable. Not to mention that since these Spirits are deities of a different realm they have personalities and characteristics and VERY much despise void magic or most other magic for that matter.
  11. There is nothing saying that Shamanism is a racial locked magic, but Shamanism ties back to the race of Orcs in General. Some Shaman could care less about the Orcs and say they could just teach someone the language of the Spirits (Old Blah, Black Tongue) from their lessons. Old Blah is a vast language and eventually derived into the Orcs usage of Blah, but for most occasions this seems to be overstepped and doesn't relate Regular Blah to Old Blah in any way. Orcs are more prone to Old Blah than any of the other races simply because they associate themselves more with the Spirits, where most others don't nor should they because they have their own lores. This is not saying that I am against other races learning either Imo it doesn't make sense that people don't affiliate their person with people who actually speak Blah. Some people dont affiliate regular blah with old blah in any way, but the apprentice can skip regular blah and learn the more advanced and comprehensive old blah?
  12. An Immortal Spirit created Stargush'Stroh huh? In no way, should the final resting place of Orcs and Spirit Believers be easy to manipulate. Immortal and Elemental Realms make more sense of being easier to manipulate than the Ancestral Realm
  13. Dark Shamans should really only have few and certain accessibility to Stargush'Stroh, but as a final resting place for Orcs and those who believe in Spirit's it should not be 'easily' influenced. The Spirit of Moon and Shadow have their own place in the domain of the Immortal Realm, not to leave their realm and somehow manipulate Stargush'Stroh to make some sort of special place for Elves to live separate of the Orcs.
  14. An Immortal Spirit of Shadows. That does not explain that these specific Immortal Spirits have any relevancy to Stargush'Stroh in any way. It might be a shadow of the Mortal Realm but it clearly states in the previous post that "Kruul accepted the challenge presented, and both of the Spirits worked in unison to create a pocket of Stargush'Stroh that would house the Mali鈥檏er."
  15. A question remains why Luara and Khruul might even have any means or ability to shape or make pockets within an ancestral realm that is a separate realm from their domains.
  16. Elf Privilege:聽


    :( I wanna participate in the event...

  17. Classic LOTC:聽22a13c6ed6d9916b1a7cf329e351d50f.png

    1. Harri


      i told you to make a modreq if you needed a warp in a broadcast

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