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Everything posted by π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–

  1. If buffs will still be a thing, can we please have passive buffs and not something that must be activated through shifting twice?

    1. Harri



      you realise those are objectively worse right

    2. mmat
  2. 2samspan and Ultravioletpixie have been implemented into the Fellowship. Meeting Minutes: Liberation and Knowledge of Whitewashes The Shaman Fellowship collectively agree to seeking Whitewashed Orcs that wish to propose redemption of their person. Trials will be held by the Fellowship Council and have the Whitewash reevaluated and judged before the Spirits and the Rex. The Hunting of Infamous Dark Shamans There will be a gathering and compilation of Kulgarok's offenses with Dark Shamanism including those who may follow him that will be presented before the next Fellowship meeting. Grand Rituals and Festivals Research of Spiritual Rituals for the Winter season will be conducted. A primary consideration are Spirits of the Hunt due to Game and food sources depleting during Hibernation. Organization of the Fellowship and Disconnection Rituals Unattunement Ritual will be examined and researched further in conference of the Spirits. Temple of Yar Construction, Fellowship Headquarters Progress is being made with the building of the Temple. An objective is being made to be completed in a Krug Year by the next Fellowship meeting. ((Attendants: Hedgehug, Kizumachan, Subsistence, HugeWud, InfamousTortuga, 2samspan, Hakkaido, Ultravioletpixie, micbox2, Z3m0s)) Meeting Minutes: 1:30 - 2:30 PM EST Saturday July 22nd, 2017 8th of the Grand Harvest, 1621
  3. The Shamanic Fellowship The Fellowship The Shamanic Fellowship is a faith mainly followed by the children of the first shaman and founder Krug, The Oldfather. It is known that many people of different racial backgrounds have converted their ways in worship of the Spirits. The Fellowship is an order of Shamanic peers that are dedicated to the balance of the Spirit Realm and representing Mortals to the Spirit Kind. Many of the fellowship are guided by the Shamans whose duty is diplomacy between the Mortal and Spirit Realms. There are many who return to the nomadic ways to bring others the teachings of the Spirits, but the Fellowship lies within the lands of the Krug who was the first to bring the influence and teachings of the Spirits. The collection of Shamans and Spirit worshippers are led by the High Shaman who is influential and renown by the Spirits as well as other Shamans. Many have worshipped the Spirits for a long length of time but the Fellowship is always willing to accept new dedicants. The High Shaman would also be willing to accept anyone who might seek forgiveness but more than often requests Spiritual judgement of the punishment. Those that consist of the Fellowship may seek spiritual guidance from or for any of their peers should they wish to do so. The Shamanic Fellowship collectively seeks a balance of the Spirits and a preservation of the powers that were bestowed to the Old Father Krug, his children, and the rest of Mortality. Shaman History & Lore Not much is known since the days of Aegis as much of the knowledge that was passed from ancestor to ancestor was lost with many of the older generations. There are records of Shamanism dating back to the early ages of Krug and the formation of Dark Shamanism during the Clan Wars. There are scribed accounts of the First Shamanic Revival being led by a great Farseer and Orc by the name of Mogroka’Gorkil The Farseer prospered greatly from Enrohk’s rise to become a Greater Spirit. In the most recent archives lie the tribulations that occurred of Kharak’Raguk and Orgon’s blight of Vailor that eventually cast it into destruction. The High Shaman, Motshams, and Dedicants The rankings within the fellowship are obtained through great lengths of dedicancy and guidance alongside their peers. The High Shaman The High Shaman’s responsibility is the lore keeping of Shamanic events and rituals. This rank includes the most experience of the Shamanic faith and is not easy to come by. The position provides both stability of the Fellowship as well as the Spirit Realm and brings guidance of the Spirits to the newcomers of the faith. The High Shaman maintains the diplomats of the several Realms of Spirits and keeps a watchful eye for some that might try to meddle in the politics and hierarchy of the Spirits. The Motsham The Motsham’s consist of knowledgeable and fierce teachers of the Shamanic faith. The responsibility of this position lies with the diplomacy and guidance of Krug’s children through the Spirits. There lies 5 positions a Motsham can gain that is diversified by each subtype holding a council formation with the High Shaman. A Motsham is a loyal follower of the High Shaman and the Shamanic Faith where they gain most of their knowledge from. The path to become a Motsham is long and difficult gained only through reputation and representation.. The Dedicant The Dedicant’s consist of Shamanic Teachers, Apprentices, and Worshippers. Their responsibilities include presenting shrines, rituals, and worship to the Spirits. Shaman Teachers and Apprentices may commune with the Spirits to negotiate praise for blessings. Spiritual worshippers have the duty of learning as well as assisting Shamans in any Spiritual matter if they ask for it. All together dedicants of the Shamanic Faith have the obligation of introducing others to the ways of the Spirits. Teachers and Dedication Dedication to the Spirits is one of the most vital things the faith calls for. For many it takes great lengths of time to prove themselves a faithful worshipper of the spirits. Though Teachers may provide teachings of the Spirits and their Realms, they must not be bugged about learning Shamanism. The Teacher may provide an understanding of meditation but ultimately it is the Spirit that chooses to appear to the apprentice. If a practice of another kind is taken up by a dedicant, it is very unlikely the Spirit would ever reveal itself due to the dislike of Voidal and Dark magic and/or concentration on other deities. The Spirit Realm The Spirit Realm is a vast province that is separated into 3 different dominions: Ancestral, Immortal and Elemental. The Ancestral Realm The Ancestral Realm is widely known among Spirit worshippers as a place named Stargush’Stroh. Here is where deceased mortal spirits live in harmony alongside their ancestors. Lataumen have the ability to converse with such spirits in Stargush’Stroh. The Immortal Realm The Immortal Realm consists of Spirits that are created from concepts, ideas, emotions, and more specific things. A house may be made of stone held by Elemental Spirits of Earth, but an Immortal Spirit reigns over the concept of what a House is and can influence it in a way to improve or weaken the structure. Immortal Spirits are often worked with by Witch Doctors, Farseers, and Spirit Smiths. The Elemental Realm The Elemental Realm influences physical aspects of the Mortal Realm. Elements can be used by Spirit Smiths and manipulated by Elementalists in the categories of Water, Fire, Earth and Air as basics. Elementalists with time and experience can manipulate intermediate elements such as Metal and Storm. There are more advanced Elemental spirits but they are beyond in-game comprehension. Spirit Grand List: Ordinance of the Fellowship Do not interfere with the hierarchy and politics of the Spirits. Do not attempt to bargain with the Spirit of Forbidden Knowledge. Do not misrepresent mortality during diplomacy and bargains with the Spirits. The Fellowship will act as a prevention of any instability caused in the Spirit Realm that might originate in the Mortal Realm. The Fellowship will update the Motshams and High Shamans of any developments they have made or projects they would like to work on. The High Shaman and Fellowship must remain as lore keepers in the Ancestral lands of Krug, but other Shamans may fall on a path of nomadism if they wish. Fear the Spirits, Praise the Spirits. The Current Fellowship High Shaman: Elphaba’Gorkil (Elementalist, Witch Doctor) Motshams: Gukdan’Raguk (Spirit Smith) Olnin (Witch Doctor) N/A (Farseer) Zlash’Lur (Elementalist) N/A (Latauman) Dedicants: The Banished Those who are banished from the fellowship of Shamans are those known to have contempt for the Spirits as well as intentions of bringing instability to the Spirit Realm. These figures also represent those who bargain with Ixli to learn the ways of Dark Shamanism and individuals who conspire alongside them. Banished Offenders: Kulgarok’Dom (Dark Shaman) Fellowships will be held every Saturday (Grand Harvest) at the Yar Temple of San’Raakh, 1:30 PM EST. Note: The Fellowship is not a means of learning Magic. Enlistment: MC Name: RP Name: Skype: Discord: Fellowship Ranking: Shaman Sub-type (if applicable):

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–


      I figured that was the reason they decided to cancerfy their forums with clickbait. It's irritating as ****.

    3. Thornz


      It's fucks with my scrolling >8{

    4. Swgrclan


      gotta pull in that revenue for more burgerking and server time. maybe the teams will actually be paid for their work if we put more ads up

  5. I continue to keep my stance on the Core Lore of the descendants and in no way do I think Krug was or should ever be mentioned as a woman. One of his noteable mates was named Grahla, the mother of Gorkil and Dom, how could Krug mate with Grahla and give birth to Krug's children if he were a she? There is no point why there should be any change in the core lore when it's been set in stone for several maps. This sort of thing also confuses other players so it should stick to what is already laid out rather than something we are trying to change.
  6. Krug didn't give two shits about how he looked. Krug bred all of the Orcs with a bunch of Fe-Orcs, he still definitely had the spark whether or not he was ugly. If you really consider the history of LOTC and the past maps, how many accounts are there of women players taking up leadership roles and actually act as an intimidating figure? If you are writing humorously, how do you expect something to be considered rather than taken as a joke? (This is Core Lore we are speaking about, something that's driven the server since the first days of Aegis.) Just no... :/
  7. Who were the GM's watching over the last warclaim? I'm tired of waiting for this dumb ass appeal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–


      I have no clue. I wasn't told who had banned me or who I should go to, I've just been waiting for someone to put a final answer on the appeal.

    3. Harri


      It doesn't quite work as simply as 'u r unban'. With the current system, bans need to be added to the bi weekly voting pool and have the GM team comment whether you should be banned or unbanned. Due to the team changing up and all, we're just settling in before getting to stuff like this.

  8. Looks like i'll just watch a Series of Unfortunate Events while I wait for an answer on my ban :*(

    1. AtomicSamurai


      ThatΒ whole show in a nut-shell:Β 200_s.gif

  9. When you hop off the ban train, just to step right back onto another ->Β 


  10. This is a bit off still in my opinion and seems like the rewrite offers the Greater Spirit's opinion on things, which I had always figured was a rule in Shamanism we don't step across. My main question of the whole Dark Shamanism switching from Ixli to Leyd is, why would Leyd all of a sudden decide that the Ish'Urkal were the best representatives of Spiritual Dominance when there have been several Dark Shamans before the Ish'Urkal? A Dark Shaman with the necessary power from the Tome could still only use the initial spirits they had met when the Shamanism was taught because they could subjugate it by having the knowledge of the Spirits 'real name' (the source of each Spirit's power). If an Ish'Urkal wished to subjugate any other Spirit they would have to have quite literally a Spiritual Battle with the Spirit in it's own domain, unless you could subjugate the Spirit through it's real name.
  11. I agree with iMattyz to an extent. Many Spirits are created and observed and filled with information but most of the time these pretty much go unused just as Smawton's had. Especially with the extreme low count of Shamans it's difficult to do most things with the Spirits that might appeal to others that might want to be Shamans, especially since most of them are still in training. Unless you know, a Spirit randomly decides to enter the Mortal Realm for whatever reason? What is the relevance of these Horsemen in RP, and why is it in the order of Ixli (Forbidden Truth), Fire, and Death?
  12. Weve already gone for the gold, so let's go for the stories that remain untold.

  13. Anything that gains too much power in LOTC >>>


  14. Soon... I shall be released from this Sky Prison!!

    1. mitch dharma
    2. ThatCanadian


      how bout no

    3. _pr0fit


      I see you too are also interested in the history of space, My favorite historical document is the Star Wars documentaries.

  15. War would be so much more appealing if it was dynamic combat compared to landing a hit on someone teleporting around lol

    1. CombatRolePlay


      I agree, It'd be so much easier to use my cheats if there was Β no lag

    2. Taketheshot


      we should solve all warclaims on mount and blade

    3. argonian


      hacking is way easier with lag, no one can tell you're using killaura if everyone is randomly taking damage from 10 seconds ago anyway

  16. Is it just me or do Youtube links not work on the forums right now?

  17. Animation project coming together as a teaser for a forum series

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