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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–

  1. I vote Billy Bob for runner up of the Arch-Aengul position that Aerial once held.

    1. argonian


      archmage slayerΒ 

  2. I wonder.. were Steve and Alex the parents of the four descendant brothers?

  3. Hit’Lur was such a martyr.. he was just an orc representation of evil!

    1. Travista


      Yes ,yes, thank you

  4. It amazes me how many people would rather watch mindlessly than take action.

    1. Trenchist
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      what do you mean

      like when some dude getting stabbed and idc because idc crp?

  5. Progress was all right. Only it went on too long. ?️

  6. So... when does the premium role-play start happening?

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      on skype *unzips pants*

    2. Harold


      my mcname is premiumroleplay does that count?

  7. i really almost typed in lore of the craft...

    1. BipolarMk2


      5 hours ago, Corporatocracy said:

      isnt this a pvp server?

      Yes, but with some extra convoluted steps.

  8. Adventure RP (Combat, Hunt, Quests) > Slice of Life RP

  9. I get the whole revisionism thingΒ and rules change every map, but throwing constraints or red lines on top kills the fun especially when half the time people are already at risk of getting a VB.

  10. Have any of the ST even performed any story-line events? I’m quite finished with solely doing spice of life rp.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. squakhawk


      there have been events, quite a few- but the large scale ones are hard to get by due to what chimp said above. Mystery’s void event being the exception.

    3. CanadianKiwiFlight


      @SquakHawk ❀️


      Also, there are eventlines out their that one can go to. Something I always find funny is when someone says β€œThere are no ET doing events for me so I want a hunt” when there are a **** load of bounties up right now.


      Just look around man, im happy with how the ET is doing rn and stuffs just getting better and better with time, especially when some of our lads get really fleshed out!

    4. Knightei


      The bounties are events in disguise, I’d give them a go if you want to do some event stuff (most of them are killing related, but we’re getting into a roll now).

  11. If the Wandering Wizard is de-canonized, can we de-canonize the Four Brothers too?

    1. Kiiwi


      It’s past your bedtime!

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      when was he de canonized

  12. Orcs always have the best interruptions by modsΒ ?Β so much for dynamic rp

    1. Beyonce4Pres


      Just PunifiedZombie

      Image result for sunglasses emoji transparent



      Edited by Beyonce4Pres
    2. Guest


      what happened shamanistic!

    3. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–
  13. This Shamanism debate has lasted over several maps already.. it’s time to stop trying to divide where the Shamans are meant to be united.

    1. The Elder Eye

      The Elder Eye

      what are shamans

    2. Pond


      preach brother

    3. Sultan


      I agree to a degree but I feel the Orc’s have been wronged, and stripped of one of their epics, and being used to spice up personal RP rather than enhance RP for the entire playerbase. Shamanism was never meant to be the same as Voidal Magic and to a degree I think some people have exploited it for personal gain.Β 

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