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Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

  1. Any else have the problem where they can't delete their personas?

  2. Does anyone know where Vandorian is located?

    1. Angmarzku


      SpaceOfAids misspelled. It's Vandoria

    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Where is it though?

  3. I feel this is what orcs hear in their heads during a warclaim. 


    1. Moochael


      I wish I heard Freddy Mercury in my mind 24/7 tbh

    2. Smaw



  4. i just realized something, its not really important but it bothers me, where it says your rank such as gold vip or member, ect, that it does not say that im a gold vip when i am. also it says that i am newly spawned but i have been playing since september of last year. like i said not important but bothers me.

    1. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      ok that makes more sence, i thought my gold vip just was not working. Thanks!

  5. I know that self teaching magic is a thing now but what application do i use?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      No problemo dude!

    3. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      but i have one last question, i want to learn telekinissis or mind magic but the old magic list is gone is gone so i cant get imformtion on them, is there a other list that has this stuff?

    4. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      If you wish to self teach, you will be unable to learn Mental Magic. Telekinesis is self teachable however. There is a list on the same thread titled Magic User List, or something like that. Simply click the category and bam! 

  6. i was trying to make a new playable creature/construt but i

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      how about i show you what i have so far and you tell me what you think should be changed

    3. Lima


      Yeah pm me it or a mat member, I ain't actually staff just a player for reference. 

    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      yes but everyone has their own thoughts

  7. I was wondering, since you are a MAT, is there any freindly playable spirits/ghosts? and what happened to the magic creatures/construt list?

  8. Is there a magic were you can capture ghosts and make them do what you want? Is that a thing?

    1. drfate786


      Yes, its called mysticism. 

    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm
  9. my dark elf is looking for a job, msg me if you have work to give me.

  10. So I just bought something called a nexus shard but I'm not sure what I does or what the nexus is in LOTC. please help!

  11. what does tier one and two in ilussion magic do for you? thanks before hand!

  12. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136258-white-list-application/ Can one of the application team mebers pleases review my friend? thanks before hand!

  13. But really almost all the dwarves are banned so I would be sad if the orcs failed to protect themselves.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. the 1 bow

      the 1 bow

      Keeping this war IC. Mad dog Grimlie is cool anyway

    3. Kirrekith


      Dwarves and Orcs have always been at war, forgetting brine based individuals I've always interpreted it to be a situation of "Oh, you got me this time... But next time!" with Orcs and Dwarves always exchanging blows and for the most part just enjoying the conflict that has always been there between them, like two siblings who always fall out and scrap to no end with no clear victor. I hope the IC conflict the Orcs and Dwarves share between themselves never ends, its too enjoyable to not have.

    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      I was in the last raid on the orcs but im a byrophite wood elf. don't know why I included myself in the battle, but it was my first raid and I was banned till sunday.


  14. Can any one tell me were I can find a group of bounty hunters who are willing to accept some one to join? I'm talking about the trade forum bounties of course.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Should be fine, PM me your skype if you want

    3. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      there are 5 other people with that name, I cant tell which one is you!

    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Click on my name and go to private message then send me your skype name

  15. can I get whitelisted now I was the first to get in the accepted spot but everyone else got whitelisted

  16. can some one help me find the magic format. I cant seem to find it.

  17. Could someone tell me were a Bryophite could find a place were they are not rejected on sight. its really hard to roleplay when people don't even try.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ketchen


      If you meet me at the Dwarven Docks, I can take you to them ^_^

    3. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      I will get on right now and thanks!

    4. H


      side note, don't play a bryophite if you don't want to deal with being discriminated against. it's rp.

  18. Could we get some lore on the reason zombies and skelotons roam the land. I look and there isn't much there.

  19. Does anyone know if there is living moss in Vailor?


    1. Rassidic


      There damn sure is!



      Woo. Feel free to re-apply, Dunzur.

  20. Does anyone know when Quavinir_Tinuvial gets on. he went over my application and pended it but I fixed the mistakes and he never checked it in 10 hours. now I have like 2 hours to get reviewed or my application gets denied. can someone help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      then my application will be denied in 2 hours for not getting reviewed right?


    3. mitto


      Nope, it'll be reviewed again once the 24 hour is over, if you've made the changes before then it's fine. If he checks it and you HAVEN'T made the changes you'll be denied. Basically, you have until he comes back online to do them, if you've done them just sit tight.

    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      ok thanks for the help :D

  21. how do I become a citizen of a city?


    1. Jistuma


      Depends on the city, yet most of them have a forum post you have to make an app in.

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