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Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

  1. Whats going on with the server?


  2. what just made us crash?


  3. Does anyone know if there is living moss in Vailor?


    1. Rassidic


      There damn sure is!



      Woo. Feel free to re-apply, Dunzur.

  4. Were are all the magic application team members? they are almost never on.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      my application title was correct and my application was posted 2 days ago. that means I've been skiped   twice now.

    3. Demotheus


      Is this true?

    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      well yeah, if you were skipped and I was before you that means I was skipped twice.

  5. Could we get some lore on the reason zombies and skelotons roam the land. I look and there isn't much there.

  6. How do I delete a persona?  have one charcter that I don't use and is just takeing space.

    1. Moochael


      shift and right click the persona i believe

    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Thanks it worked!


    3. Moochael
  7. can some one help me find the magic format. I cant seem to find it.

  8. How do I get perma-killed? I know you can die but you need to forget anything leadng to your death but how do I truly die?

    1. AGiantPie


      You can perma-kill yourself at any time by committing suicide (If you kill yourself you don't get revived), or you can choose to perma-die any time you normally would get revived by the monks.

    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      ok thanks now I don't have to worry about losing my characters just my stuff... mean orcs.

    3. AGiantPie


      It's all in the name of Rp.

  9. how do I reduce the file size of a screenshot? thanks in avance

    1. Space


      Lower the size would probably be the easiest.

  10. I again have two questions. 1: why cant I build or mine but the others can? 2: how do I lock a chest? thanks ahead of time

    1. Space


      You cannot mine or build because the world is regioned. You have to get permissions, in game, to build in the majority of the world. As for mining, there are specific mines that are in a seperate world that you fast travel to, but again, you need permission IRP to enter those.

      The work around is the resource island. You can't build there, but you can mine at the mine there, get wood, yet dirt, get sand, all that, always, without needing permission. It has specific rules for it though.

    2. Space


      Oh and you have to be a 25$ VIP to lock stuff.

  11. I have two questions.1: why can I not mine when others are? 2: you know the paper "nexus guide" you start with how do I get it back?

    1. Jistuma


      Can't answer for 1, since I don't mine much. But for 2, you don't need the paper, you can do /me. Though you can also turn the paper back on again in /me as well.

    2. ShameJax


      They are added to the regions whilst you are not.



  13. can I get whitelisted now I was the first to get in the accepted spot but everyone else got whitelisted

  14. my application got accepted but why cant I play?

    1. Valdis


      give them some time, you will be whitelisted.

    2. Kilig


      It took me another day to be whitelisted once I was accepted.. Just have to wait it out. You'll be on soon :)

    3. ?????


      Give them time to whitelist.

  15. I finished my first application. YAY!!! toke me a week but who cares!

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Congratulations. Just don't get in too deep.

  16. Does anyone know when Quavinir_Tinuvial gets on. he went over my application and pended it but I fixed the mistakes and he never checked it in 10 hours. now I have like 2 hours to get reviewed or my application gets denied. can someone help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      then my application will be denied in 2 hours for not getting reviewed right?


    3. mitto


      Nope, it'll be reviewed again once the 24 hour is over, if you've made the changes before then it's fine. If he checks it and you HAVEN'T made the changes you'll be denied. Basically, you have until he comes back online to do them, if you've done them just sit tight.

    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      ok thanks for the help :D

  17. What realm are we in right now. I looked it up on the wiki and it really does not say anything about it.


  18. how long does it usally take to get whitelisted? I've been waiting a little over a day know.

    1. Ventusyr


      Expect a few days at most. If not, PM the person reviewing your app and/or someone on the Application Team!

    2. Dromui


      About a month minimum. 

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