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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. I was there in the skype chat, everyone agreed it was against the techlock, against the rules and all that. But staff thought for a minute, engaged their brain and realized it would be FANTASTIC roleplay. And so what happened? A sect of the world got turned into a massive event zone, it sparked refugee RP that spurred numerous kingdoms and other group, this one thing that was “against lore” made the world so much richer for it.
  2. A noble gesture my man, I wish all staff members were like you, thank you!
  3. Good words maly, took them right out of my mouth and express a sentiment that is all too common unfortunatly.
  4. You are part of the community team, if new players dont understand a subject it is UP TO YOU, you help guide them through those issues to roleplay. Having a reskinned crossbow with different flavor and different emotes but used in the same manner is not going to change anything drastic. If I go to shoot someone in one emote with a crossbow ill get a GM called on me, having a musket doesnt suddenly make it non punishable. if someone powergames you REPORT IT. Saying you dont want something because you dont want to report it is stupid. Dont report it I guess?
  5. This has been posted time and time and time again, Firearms are ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT than crossbows in terms of use and form. The only thing firearms offer is increased roleplay flavor and yknow what? THAT IS A GOOD THING. We can have super elven mages who can control someones mind and warp time and space but firearms with the same function as a crossbow is too “out of place” get outta here with that BS. You have a sect of players ready to adapt to this roleplay and are simply waiting for it, numerous times people have wrote astounding lore that makes sense and is well written. Again let me say this out loud A MUSKET HAS THE SAME POWERGAME POTENTIAL AS A CROSSBOW A MUSKET HAS THE SAME POWERGAME POTENTIAL AS A CROSSBOW A MUSKET HAS THE SAME POWERGAME POTENTIAL AS A CROSSBOW If crossbows are not banned, nor should be firearms. To all you out there whining and snivelling about ‘muh arpee!’ all i can say is there are a bunch of bleeding hearts around here that cant stand change in roleplay or to adapt to something that might be able to counter their special elven magic. All i can say is go on and bleed. ________________________________________________ Sir Henry trumps the elf mages who question how we can improve roleplay
  6. Thats the meme man! Its me talking in the voice of a GM about problems that dont exist and ways to curb those “problems” through solutions that make no sense/.
  7. The joke went right over your head my man.....
  8. Oren is GETTING TOO MODERN! They are acting like its the 17th century! How can we fix this? "Well what if we adapted to the roleplay and helped spur new aspects of it to work with the molding ideas of the playerbase and their ideas to make it better for everyone?" NAHHH FAM WE'S GONNA BAN SWEARS! THATLL FUCKIN TEACH THEM!
  9. Things have changed my friend, accept my friend request on discord and we shall talk.
  10. Where do I report pedophiles for cybering with young children they meet on lotc? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Banned


      There have been posts about the Email,  and it’s not too hard to tell someone to contact the GM Lead, Alpha..

    3. AlphaMoist


      I was also drunk at the time of posting, so idrc. He got the information he needed, doesn’t matter anymore

  11. Kingdom of Icefeld 1522 ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Actions The initial designs for the landship based on a galley prove to be too heavy however the engineers of the Kingdom of Icefeld were far from deterred more gold goes into research for a model based of smaller coastal vessels rather than larger galleys. Even further the designers toy with the idea of using an iceglass blade upon the front to ride across the ground at the front of the landship to freeze the surface of the snow and allow a smoother slide across the surface. ((Education level 65,000 this turn [145,000 gold total)) 1,500 to the treasury 10,000g for two new settlements on the northern shores. Population 2,500,000 Base 5,077,825 Growth Total Population: 7,577,825 Cities- 2 Towns- 8 Settlements- 2 Treasury 3,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 21,000g Foundry: 11,000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 24,000g Upkeep: -7000g Military 2,350 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,300 Medium Infantry T1 9,950 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,400 Medium Archers T1 900 Heavy infantry T3 1,400 Crossbowmen T3 5000 Medium Infantry T3 400 Heavy Cavalry T3 1 Caravel 2 Galley’s Industry 30 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 11 Foundries 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  12. Kingdom of Icefeld 1522 ____________________________ Winter had come harsly, the first major expedition in Icefeld History fell flat upon its face within several months of departure, what began as a cheery trek across the Ice with visions of glory and success were dashed upon the windswept coasts of the western shores when Ser Franz made the unilateral decision to beat a hasty retreat back across the ice as spring neared. Many men died in the cold winter through which it was thought to be prepared from. Such folly would require much of a debate when the Army returned home that summer. It was clear that new ideas would be required if Icefeld sought to control the Icefields, to endure them was one thing, but to master them was a complete other and it would require the nations greatest minds to achieve the ability to do such. ____________________________________________________________________ Actions Large amounts of provisions are shipped to the army to facilitate its return through the spring and summer including 150 horses upon the return to the frontier villages 9000 gold The problems that arose from the expedition to the Auldic tribe troubled many within the kingdom. The Kingdoms brightest minds convened at the Hall of Builders within Kaldvask, for a month they spoke and spoke and spoke before realizing an idea. The strong winds of the Icefields blew at immeasurable speeds and battered any man who dared to venture into it. Why not harness the wind on land as they had on waves? To make the fierce wind of which was their enemy, an ally? The initial plan set forth by the builders is to develop a working prototype of the aptly named Land-Sailer. The frame of a galley would be constructed of lighter cedar rather than the oak meant for rough seas. lighter materials, saving a large amount of weight due to the absence of waterproofing. Iron wood stoves would be carefully spread around the ship to provide warmth when travelling, Several large sails tower above the covered deck to provide maximum wind coverage. The Land ship would experiment between enlarged cart wheels, or large waxed wooden skis The plans for such a prototype are expertly crafted and a large amount of gold goes towards them as well as prototype construction. 80,000gold (Education level 5) Population 2,500,000 Base 4,516,505 Growth Total Population: 7,016,505 Cities- 2 Towns- 8 Settlements- 0 Treasury 5,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 21,000g Foundry: 11,000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 22,500g Upkeep: -7000g Military 2,350 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,300 Medium Infantry T1 9,950 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,400 Medium Archers T1 900 Heavy infantry T3 1,400 Crossbowmen T3 5000 Medium Infantry T3 400 Heavy Cavalry T3 1 Caravel 2 Galley’s Industry 30 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 11 Foundries 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  13. Kingdom of Icefeld 1521 ____________________________ King Havvard paced around the table slowly running his fingers deftly through his fine grey beard, his chain shirt jingled lightly as he paused movement and spoke “They are fierce, but they lack the numbers.” The Chief Soldier head of the Icefeld Army nodded slowly as the other guild Chiefs sat around the table. Around the room the sunlight glowed through the large windows, copper pipes with heat radiated off of them from the edges. “From what the Explorer Franz Josef and his expedition have uncovered they are proud but they lack the certain...quality of life we have.” Havvard nodded as he slowly seated himself in the chair staring out over the capital below. “We must bring them into the fold” Chief Builder Balain noted with a firm nod “It will benefit both kingdoms and solidify ourselves in the North.” Havvard let out a sigh “We will solidify ourselves, we share common ancestry. It shall be done.” ________________________________________ Franz Josef adjusted his courtier wear as he tapped his boots on the ground outside the tall wooden door. He had arrived back in Kaldvask the Royal Capital, only two days before, with a loud screech the oak door was opened by two guards as Franz walked into the throne room, various high ranking guild workers, nobles and the elite lined the sides clapping as he entered the room striding across the marble floor towards the throne. After thousands of miles he was finally back in his home an expedition over. King Havvard rose from his throne as Franz stopped. The court fell silent as the King spoke “Franz Josef…...you have served our kingdom well, and with honour befitting your position and stature. Your expedition has brought Icefeld new glory! Fame! It has brought us into the eyes of the world...Kneel Franz” Franz Josef lowered himself to his knees before the King. Drawing his sword a finely smithed Ice glass blade with inlaid gold and silver. “Do you swear to defend to uphold the law and defend the rightful ruler to Icefeld, King Havvard I and my heirs and successors?” Frans spoke “Yes I do.” Havvard continued “Do you swear to defend those who cannot defend themselves? To protect the weak and innocent? To carry out the tasks asked of you by GODs and men?” Franz nodded “I do…” Havvard stepped towards Franz smacking him firmly upside the head with his free hand. “Let this be the last blow you take unanswered!” King Havvard raised his blade hovering it over the shoulders of franz, the cold freezing him to the bone but never making contact. “Then arise Ser Franz of the House Josef, a knight of Icefeld!” The applause resounded through the throne room as Franz stood King Havvard sheathed his blade as he turned to speak to the newly anointed Knight “We have big plans for you Ser Franz, you are a hero after all…” ____________________________________________________________________ Actions The annexation of the Auldic tribes begins in earnest as the spring warms the Icefields of the north. The Icefeld army marches east and crosses the strait during the warmer months using the well experienced returned explorers from Franz Josef’s Expedition to guide the army safely across the ice to the Island of the nearest Auldic Tribe. Regrouping themselves 500 Icefeld Raiders depart with Ser Franz to the tribe carrying an offer. They make contact with the tribe and using prior relations and his vast knowledge of the tribes, Franz Josef brings the kings offer which consists of 10,000 gold to willingly join the fold under the Kingdom of Icefeld. The chiefs of the tribes are offered control of their local territory as Barons provided they swear fealty to King Havvard. If the local tribes refuse. The Icefeld Army is to march on to take the southern tip of the island by force. The total force consisting of 2,000 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,000 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units 1000 Heavy infantry T3 1000 Crossbowmen T3 3000 Medium Infantry T3 500 Heavy Cavalry T3 The Explorers of the Expeditions having returned with Franz Josef, prepare report after report on all aspects of the Auldic tribal societies to give the Icefeld Army every edge in all manners using their years of time living among the Auldic. A vast sum of wealth is thrust towards the Army to complete this task, ensuring all needs for provisions, equipment and support staff as well as increased Campaign pay for the soldiers. 40,000 gold 16,000 gold is spent recruiting 2000 T3 Medium Infantry 500 T3 Crossbowmen are recruited 5000 gold 5000 gold is spent building two galleys 4000g is sent to the treasury Population 2,500,000 Base 3,996,763 Growth Total Population: 6,496,764 Cities- 2 Towns- 8 Settlements- 0 Treasury 25,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 4000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 21,000g Foundry: 11,000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 21,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units 1000 Heavy infantry T3 1000 Crossbowmen T3 3000 Medium Infantry T3 500 Heavy Cavalry T3 1 Caravel Industry 30 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 11 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  14. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ ((Really busy! RP next week i PROMISE!)) ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure Investment into a better tier of protection and weaponry for soldiers continues Edu-5 30k invested previously 30,000g Large amounts of foundries are produced through the nation 30,000g for 4 Foundries 8000g for 2000 t3 Medium infantry 1500 sent to treasury Population 2,500,000 Base 3,515,522 Growth Total Population: 6,015,522 Cities- 2 Towns- 8 Settlements- 0 Treasury 21,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 4000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 21,000g Foundry: 7000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 21,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units 1000 Heavy infantry T3 1000 Crossbowmen T3 1000 Medium Infantry T3 500 Heavy Cavalry T3 1 Caravel Industry 30 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 7 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  15. Kingdom of Icefeld No RP busy week! ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure 30,000g Spent on research of a stronger set of armor and weapons to improve the equipment of the soldiers of Icefeld, making particular use of the researched Iceglass 1000g sent to the treasury 20,000 gold spent on four mushroom farms 11,000g spent on 500 T3 Heavy cavalry Population 2,500,000 Base 3,069,928 Growth Total Population: 5,569,928 Cities- 2 Towns- 6 Settlements- 2 Treasury 21,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 4000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 15,000g Foundry: 7000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 19,500g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units 1000 Heavy infantry T3 1000 Crossbowmen T3 1000 Medium Infantry T3 1 Caravel Industry 22 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 7 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  16. So when does textera come back to Oren and hack the server to let us win more pvp? Oh....that already happens.
  17. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ Explorers log Day 1005 “The Days grow longer as spring nears, we have come far since our departure from kaldvask six years ago, new men arrive with supplies yearly to supplement our small losses but i am confident we will make progress, we have begun to prepare to move south. Our journey is still far from end and we must remain vigilant in our duties. Our group will be the first from our nation to explore the world, the ancestors of auldau would be proud at our prowess, but we are far from done yet.” Franz closed his journal and packed it a way in his rucksack, the clips buckling and the hard leather flexing as he lifted it onto his back, men around the camp continued to strike the camp and prepared to march onwards, a few men ate but most were simply busy preparing for the long march, it would only be a matter of time before they reached their homes once more, or so they were promised... ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure The Expeditions continue! The modified Caravel known as the Ice Runner sets sail from Auldhau’s End sailing north past Ulaydar and into the east to discover what lays beyond the horizon. ((MOD)) Legendary Explorer Franz Josef finally out of the icy north leads his men south of the taiga they had wintered in to the lands of the south ((MOD)) 6,000g Two new settlements are founded in the Icefields, expertly carved into the rock and ice 10,000g Four foundries are established 28,000g 1000 T3 Medium infantry are recruited 8000g 1600g sent to the treasury Population 2,500,000 Base 2,657,341 Growth Total Population: 5,157,341 Cities- 2 Towns- 5 Settlements- 1 Treasury 20,100 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Men of Olm Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 4000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 15,000g Foundry: 3000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 15,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units 1000 Heavy infantry T3 1000 Crossbowmen T3 1 Caravel Industry 22 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 3 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  18. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ ((Gonna pull a mith here, too much work this week)) ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure The men of the Icefeld Expedition led by the now legendary explorer Franz Josef, now having crossed into Aros take up their numerous supplies shipped to them last year. The hardy group proceeds west from the Icebear tribes and then across the small strait into the wilderness hoping to reach green before the next winter. 5,000g ((MOD)) As summer arrives an exploratory party departs with several hundred men and diplomats to attempt to make contact with the Men of Olm to the west. Every precaution is taken to ensure the expeditions success 5000g *MOD* The men of the builders guild begin construction at Auldhau’s End on a very large caravel. It's Incredibly well engineered and overly designed with many backups. Stronger weaved sails, hardened hull, sheltered decks to protect from the icy rain and snow of the north. This ship is expressly designed for long range exploration with a large ammount of supplies for a crew. And it is to be prepared for an expedition next year. 10,000g ((MOD)) The Icefeld Ambassador seeks an audience with the leaders of Blackmarrow asking specifically about the tower so gestured to last year ((MOD)) The Icefeldian researchers send their research for crossbowmen and heavy cavalry to their new found friends the Ulaydar. And an embassy is established there. Nestled in the mountains edge overlooking the great white Ice plains another settlement is carved into the centuries old stone to increase the size of the nation 5000g As the year comes for young men to choose their profession, King Havvard sends some of his most trusted masters at arms to recruit the strongest men and boys to join the ranks of two new infantry units, cobbling together veterans from other units. 12,000g for 1000 T3 Heavy infantry 10,000g for 1000 T3 Crossbowmen 4,000g is sent to the treasury Population 2,500,000 Base 2,275,316 Growth Total Population: 4,775,316 Cities- 2 Towns- 5 Settlements- 0 Treasury 18,500 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 15,000g Foundry: 3000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 13,500g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 2 Mangonel Units Industry 22 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 3 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  19. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ Diary of Franz Josef, Lead Explorer Day 875 “The Harsh winds continue to blow. As we focus on the journey ahead we must be wary. The Icefeldian hand has grasped across a continent, and King Havvard’s Colours adorn mountains every 100 leagues. It has been 800 and seventy five days since we left the capital of Kaldvask. 700 days since we left the Auldic tribes and began the long trek. It has been only 400 days since myself and 50 of the best explorers left the other 200 explorers with the Chief and his Western Auldic tribes. With the warmer seasons coming it is prevalent that we must make more progress. The men have begun to show the first signs of fatigue. Many wonder when we will return to our Kingdom. Many were only boys when we departed. But the north has a way of breeding boys into men, and that is much more true out here in the wild. This year will be spent preparing, i have conferred with King Havvard through long delayed letter and we are of the opinion south is the way to go. When the ice thaws next spring our expedition shall depart the Ice tribes to the unknowns. What lies there we will soon find out.” ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure As the Expedition to the Auldic tribes begins to expand through more than just one continent. No movement is conducted this year. Instead the year is spent gathering supplies and ferrying the other 200 explorers to the Ice tribes from the Western Auldic tribes. Supplies are stocked and the hardy explorers of Icefeld under the leadership of Franz Josef prepare to depart south. 2000g ((MOD)) The Ambassador to the Blackmarrow begins to make several inquiries towards the disappearance of their expedition to the glaciers. Perhaps the Blackmarrow know something? ((MOD)) As the leaves turn green for the first time in the year, the Builders Guild begins a truly extensive overhaul of the Kingdoms military research, from the deepest caverns to the tallest mountain outposts, pages are drafted and prototypes developed 7,500g for Heavy infantry 10,000g For crossbowmen 20,000g for Heavy cavalry Several Magonels are constructed in the nations foundries 3000g 4000g is sent to the treasury Population 2,500,000 Base 1,921,589 Growth Total Population: 4,421,589 Cities- 2 Towns- 4 Settlements- 1 Treasury 14,500 gold Trade Partners Blackmarrow Ulaydar Auldic Tribes Financial Base Income: 3000g Trade: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 12,000g Foundry: 3000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 12,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders T1 2,500 Medium Infantry T1 1,000 Icefeld Sappers T1 1,500 Medium Archers T1 Industry 22 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 3 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  20. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ The Strong winds blew across the Icefeldian encampment. As the sun settled in the east darkness and cold began to seep in. The expedition of 50 of the best men tended to their needs and chores as they settled in for the night, five of the men patrolled the encampment keeping watch as a few men mingled with the meldan forces of which they had just met. Smoke piped up from the roof of the largest tent as a flickering light shone from inside. Franz scribbled carefully in his leather journal. It had been three years almost since his expedition departed from Auldhau’s end. The long trek across the continent had taken its toll on some of the men but the Icefeldians were hardy. No injuries fewer than an ankle sprain were reported and everyone had got along well. Franz looked around his tent as he sat his pen down and closed his journal. The light from the small stove danced yellow upon the tent as it ruffled from the cold wind blowing across the snow. Franz slowly climbed into his bedroll shutting his eyes as howl of the wind overcame him. His home was a long ways away. But they had to go even further, before they could begin the long journey home. ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure 15,000 gold spent on three mushroom farms 5,000g Spent on the town of Skavrack in the North 10,000 is spent on researching the Ice Glass with hundreds of guildsman from the Builders. 7,500g is spent on a new Foundry The men from Icefeld Accompany the Ice bears on their raids of the slavers, in particular they are in search of a certain boy. (MOD) 2000g Is spent on another expedition, this time in a small ship. Led by several soldiers and departing from Blackmarrow capital They sail up the coast towards the glaciers in the North, what might they encounter there? (MOD) Population 2,500,000 Base 1,594,064 Growth Total Population: 4,094,064 Cities- 2 Towns- 3 Settlements- 1 Treasury 10,500 gold Financial Base Income: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 9000g Foundry: 2000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 12,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders 2,500 Medium Infantry 1,000 Icefeld Sappers 1,500 Archers Industry 19 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 2 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  21. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ The sounds of chisels echoed through the large pit that had been dug in the plains. Looking above one could see the wind and snow blast across the gaps in the rock above them but deep inside the crevasse they were safe. It had been only a year since construction began and already the bustling village had become a town in its own right. The floor of the crevasse was filled with homes of hopeful explorers and and other citizens of the kingdom staking a claim to the east. At the end of the cavern one could see the constructions still undergoing on the foundries of the town. Noise making itself clearly heard throughout the day and silent at night. The Chief Builder Oskar Holien had only been at the town three months now and in that time progress was up nearly 30% “Keep those slabs secure!” He shouted over the noise of construction as several men fitted the slabs for the smokestacks into position. The foundries had yet to be lit but winter was coming and it was important to have them lit before then. One of the builders approached raising his fist to his chest “Chief Builder” he stated waiting to be called. Oskar waved him forward “What news do you bring from Kaldvask boy?” He stated with a grunt as he leaned over his table. The boy nodded taking several blueprints out from the satchel he had slung across his back. “New plans Chief Builder, for the next settlement. The Kingdom wishes we grow.” Oskar unrolled the plans looking them over, almost a carbon copy of the ones they were working on now. “There are less than 7,000 of the builders in this new town working. We will need twice as many to finish this town by next year.” Oskar stated with a sigh. “Boy find my steward and help him pack my things, seems i have another construction to lead.” Such was the life of the Chief Builder, ever working. ____________________________________________________________________ Expenditure 5000g is spent on the town of Ivardavet in the northern Icefields Expedition to the Western Auldic tribes (MOD 6000g spent last turn) 15,000g spent on three mushroom farms. 1000g spent on the gift to the blackmarrow 7,500g spent on one Manufactory 2,500g sent to treasury Last Rounds Map changes + this round Population 2,500,000 Base 1,290,800 Growth Total Population: 3,790,800 Cities- 2 Towns- 1 Settlements- 2 Treasury 6,000 gold Financial Base Income: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Towns: 3000g Foundry: 1000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 10,500g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders 2,500 Medium Infantry 1,000 Icefeld Sappers 1,500 Archers Industry 16 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 1 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
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