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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. Username: Taketheshot56 Discord: (Pm if you want.) You know it. Ideas and Suggestions?: None i havent posted. Nation Name: United Sol Federation Race: Human History: (Optional.) The Human nation, born from a primordial world millions of years ago. Humanity has grasped on to its world through the thousands of years that followed. It took only 60 years from the first human flight to the landing of Humans on their terrestrial moon of Luna. What followed could be described as a dark age for humanity. Though the developments of the Musk Corporation continued throughout the 21st century no major nations attempted exploration of space. In 2130, the United States Suffered a harrowing second civil war after decades of internal strife. With the sole superpower in shambles North Korea and the descendants of Kim Jung un took it upon themselves to attempt a nuclear launch on south Korea. The United Kingdom responded with its SLBMs decimating the North Koreans. Seeing the launches Russia and China both began launches against europe and Japan. The nuclear war lasted 42 minutes before it all fell silent. The Human population fell in the course of a few days to only 4 billion. Most in India and the Americas and Africa. The remaining nations untouched by the Nuclear war formed together in the United Sol Federation, linking the small mining colonies of the asteroids into a planetwide government. The next century saw major developments as wars were slowly drawn to an end by the Federation before finally declaring world peace with the death of several african terrorist groups in 2180. Humanity looked to space and BEYOND for their future. Map location: (Remember, fill the square(s) and send it to me privately.) Starting Sectors: 1-4 (every sector not taken permits you to request a boon) 1 sector
  2. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ No RP due to IRL stuff sadly. _________________________________________________________________ Expenditure 5,000 is spent on the settlement of Iredeck, an underground town carved into the rock and ice along the shore of Expedition Bay 5,000 is spent on the new settlement in the Ice-Plains, Hofsfell 9,000 is sent to the banks due to an accounting error 5,000 is spent on a new mushroom farm 6000g is spent on the expedition to the Western Auldic tribes Population 2,500,000 Base 1,010,000 Growth Total Population: 3,510,000 Cities- 2 Towns- 0 Settlements- 1 Treasury 3,500 gold Financial Base Income: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Merchant Guilds: 6000g Foundry: 1000g Iceglass: 4500g Population: 9,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders 2,500 Medium Infantry 1,000 Icefeld Sappers 1,500 Archers Industry 14 Mushroom Farms 2 Merchant Guilds 1 Foundry 1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine
  3. Kingdom of Icefeld ____________________________ His Ancestor has chosen the system of the pillars for a reason, whether it was out of necessity or simply the easiest choice at the time, Havvard knew not. It was only his system to follow. Havvard ran his gloved hand over the crude pine casket, feeling the intricate carvings along the face. As he swept his cloak behind him he turned to face the crowd within the temple “He served long, he served well. Vrokaar, Chief of the Miners put his pillar before all else.” Havvard set the gold encrusted pick onto the top of the casket as two soldiers lashed it around. “His time in this realm is done. And now he returns to the God of creation. Take this pick man of Icefeld, and complete your life” Havvard leaned over the chasm in the center of the temple, unending darkness going down further than anyone could comprehend “He makes his journey back to the rock and Ice.” The crowd echoed “ROCK AND ICE” Havvard lifted his boot going to kick the casket off the slab of rock, a faint whoosh as it disappeared from sight into the darkness of the chasm never making a sound when it hit the bottom, if there was a bottom. The Icy mountain air burned Havvards throat as he stepped out the temple and into the snow. The sky above was a clear blue but the wind blew fiercely through the mountains. “My King” The Chief Builder Oskar Slette worked his way towards the king passing the axe wielding guards with ease as the old man carried an arm full of charts “Our suspicions were correct my King, there is another nation on the edge of the Icefield now.” The pair slowly began walking down the street as people parted way by the force of the guards ahead of them, most eager to get back to their guildhouses where the next Chief Miner would be selected. “I see, the cartographer Ragnar has spent his time well.” Oskar added “And the gold well too my King, he completed our charts early and on budget. He will make a fine Chief Builder one day i should hope.” Havvard stopped in his tracks to study the charts “Perhaps we will dispatch an envoy to these neighbours then.” Oskar nodded “Im sure such things can be discussed at the next council meeting, but take leave now to the mines my King. We have discovered something interesting outside the soapstone chasm. Something you will be interested in.” The paths were icy and treacherous but for King Havvard and his retinue, they made good time arriving at the mine, down in the caves they passed farms of mushroom as they reached a site guarded by soldiers. “And what is this?” Havvard asked of the soldier at the front who raised his fist to his chest “My King, we discovered it clearing stone last week.” The soldier parted revealing a frosty glass protruding from the rock below. “Glass?” Havvard asking leaning down to touch it. “MY KING DON'T!” the young soldier ripped the kings hand back at the last second. One of the household guards drew his axe lunging forward at the soldier before Havvard stopped him. “Frostbite…” The soldier nodded with a gulp axe on his throat “Throngvaar touched it sire and his arm had to be amputated….” King Havvard waved his hand as his guard stepped back he reached down to pull the young soldier to his feet, “What is your name warrior?” the soldier nodded rubbing his neck. “Jan Hedstrom. My King.” Havvard nodded “Do not be alarmed Jan, you have done well.” Havvard turned to leave as several of the builders guild entered the cave “Im sure we will speak soon.” The King said as he took his leave. ____________________________________________________________________ Actions & Expenditure 70,000 Gold is poured into 14 mushroom farms 7,500 gold Into iceglass mine 18,000 is spent on two merchants guilds 5,000 spent on a settlement (Put in map change) 7,500 is spent on a factory 3,500 gold is sent to the treasury An expedition of 500 explorers, diplomatic envoys merchants and guards are dispatched to the nation to the west across the Ice fields in the hopes of establishing diplomatic contact. {MOD} 200 Explorers and guides are sent into the lands surrounding the new settlement to gauge the newly added territory A diplomatic envoy of 50 men depart to Blackmarrow to learn of hopefully new nations and gauge the culture and political interests of the area {MOD} Population 2,500,000 Base 750,000 Growth Treasury 3,500 gold Financial Base Income: 3000g Economic Points: 6000g Population: 18,000g Late bonus: 45,000g Economic start bonus: 45,000g Upkeep: -3000g Military 2,500 Icefeld Raiders 2,500 Medium Infantry 1,000 Icefeld Sappers 1,500 Archers
  4. Nation Name: Kingdom of Icefeld BRIEF History: In the year 700 the Enlightened Kingdom of Auldhau had dispatched the nation's finest craftsmen, miners and builders into the far northern ice fields above The Greenthroat. The promise of wealth abound, resources and new discoveries drove investments into the project. Originally consisting of some 20,000 men the Kingdom of Auldhau had then deported prostitutes and female criminals to the far north to make up for the lack of women in the expedition. In the year 768 the final expedition departed the Kingdom of Auldhau to join their countrymen in the icefields. As the Auldhau ships departed to return to their crumbling homeland it was the last they would ever see of another nation for hundreds of years. Upon the revelation they would be on their own, the people of the Ice fields expedition turned their conflict inwards. In the early months of 769, the expedition camps along the coast were lawless. Thousands clashed in raids as groups of their own formation struggled to horde food and supplies. Villages burned and what little agriculture could be sustained lay salted as groups continued to clash. In the fall of 769 however a change swept over the land. Foreman Johan Rike who’s party of 3,000 had spent the past three years prospecting the Silver Peaks mountain range to the west. Exited the snowy passes into the plains along the coast. Well fed, organized and spared from the conflict of the past year. The men of Johan Rike’s party clashed with the feuding groups and carved out a figurative line in the sand. Foreman Rike proclaimed in what is a now common call in Icefeld “We are the men of rock and of Ice.” and Johan Rike forced the population to make a choice, they could remain on the windswept, snow battered northern coast and freeze to death as winter came. Or they could join Johan and his party in the sheltered passes of the Silver Peaks, pledging their loyalty to him. While not fully known how many joined him, the historians of Icefeld estimate some 5,000 chose to freeze while the rest took shelter in the passes. Establishing the city of Kaldvask. Foreman Rike was proclaimed King of Rock and Ice in the year 770 and the House of Rike has ruled the Silver peaks ever since. Nation Culture: The Icefeldian people are proud, stubborn and strong. The harsh climate of the northern arctic has put a strong focus into the necessity of the Kingdoms needs, the four pillars of Icefeldian society are the Miners, Builders, Soldiers and the Farmers. Each of these pillars are supported by their respective guilds and led by their chiefs. The most common and honorable pillar are the Miners, a key aspect of Icefeldian society and dating back to their original purpose of the Ice Fields Expedition centuries ago. The Miners toil away in underground tunnels, chiseling out passages and hauling raw metals and jewels out of the rock and ice. The Miners consist of, quarrymen, drillers, supply haulers, smiths, foundrymen and prospectors. Without the miners carving out new resources on a daily basis the Kingdom would’ve fallen centuries ago. The Builders are considered the smartest of the four pillars and work closely with the Miners on a day to day basis. The Builders guild comprises of carpenters, stone carvers, scientists, doctors, teachers and architects. The Builders are responsible for some of the finest structures in the Kingdom such as the Redmont Stronghold, seat of House Rike. Or Ivorgord’s Foundry, the largest smeltery within the Kingdom. With Wood as scarce as it is the majority of the Kingdom is constructed of stone and iron. The Soldiers are the lawmen of the Kingdom, from Palace guards to the fire brigade in small towns, these men train with sword and shield, bow and arrow to defend the Kingdom of Icefeld from any threats the King deems forefront. These men take the security of the Kingdom into their own hands on a daily basis and are considered the hardiest of the four guilds as well as the most rowdy. It is not uncommon for Lawmen to be placed in the stockades on their night off only to be released and pick up their swords in the morning to return to their patrols. Finally are the Farmers, often overlooked in the annals of Icefeldian history most of the farmers stick to their own and avoid the cities and towns. The lack of arable land in the Kingdom of Icefeld has led the Farmers to develop unique ways to cultivate food and drink for their homeland. The most common are farms of mushrooms along underground river beds deep in the mountains. The guild consists of growers, lumberjacks, hunters, waterfetchers and irrigationists. The Kingdom of Icefeld proudly worships the God of Creation, though he is oft’ referred to as the lord of Rock and Ice within Icefeldian literature. Human Or Humagi (Describe Humagi): Human Nation Government System: The Kingdom of Icefeld relies on a simple form of Monarchial Bureaucracy. The King which consists of the eldest Rike son descending from the legendary Johan Rike is crowned king when his father dies. There consists four main pillars of Icefeld society. The Miners, The Builders, The Soldiers and The Farmers. Each of these groups elects a Chief, and the King approves them with the help of their councillor. Upon the death of a chief the professions will reconvene for one month and elect a new chief to represent their pillar. The duty of the King is to oversee the Chiefs council and administrate the Kingdom through the help of his advisors. He is responsible for directing the Chiefs with orders, as well as making and overseeing directly the laws of the Kingdom. Economy: 6 - The foundries and smithies of the Kingdom roar as they churn out weapons, jewelry and other goods to sell to nations. Education: Education is important in Icefeldian society, each boy is expected to choose for himself a job to pursue at the age of fourteen and is then sent to the respective guild for training. 5 Size (include rough area on map): {5} The Kingdom of Icefeld stretches across the Silver Peaks and expands slightly along the eastern and southern coasts Military: 3 Five Companies of medium Infantry 2,500 Five Companies of heavy infantry 2,500 Two Companies of Icefeld sappers (Light infantry) 1,000 Three companies of Archers 1,500 Mysticism: 2 Offerings are typically made to the God of Creation weekly to preserve the safety of the mines and pray for newfound wealth. Key Figure 1: King Havvard Rike Key Figure 2: Chief Miner Sven Wagle Key Figure 3: Chief Builder Oskar Holien Key Figure 4: Chief Soldier Mikkel Bohler Key Figure 5: Chief Farmer Olivar Slette Unique Unit: Replacing Light Infantry is the Icefeld Miners. The Icefeld Miners are some of the finest miners the Kingdom has to offer, their only difference however is they do not mine for gems or jewels, but for tunnels. The Icefeld Miners are experts in construction, mining and explosives. The Icefeld Miners stalk silently through hastily dug tunnels within the mountains and underneath the battlefields. Their expert abilities afford them a wide range of skills when it comes to asymmetrical warfare. Hidden Fruit: ilichi
  5. I think you should take a look at accepted lore submissions before posting these.
  6. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2160 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ 2161 “Reactors at peak efficiency” Sounds continued to be emitted from the control room below him as the leadership of the United states stood looking out the large video panels that showed the target in sight. “Targeting array information uplink established” Admiral Jones stood next to President Cuthos as they studied the data-pad “The expected effects on a world with atmosphere are amplified at least 20 fold.” James nodded slowly as the rest of the group comprising of different congressmen and military officers looked back to the viewing monitors “Initiate power coupling sequence.” The lights throughout the station began to dim as everyone began to grow silent. The Fire Control Officer continued running down his checklist. “EXS Primed, power conduits green.” “Initiate loading sequence.” Deep inside the massive station yellow lights flicked as a large magnetic lift slowly began lowering a 100 ton itoron-dakite projectile into the chamber a laser quickly scanned the outside in a final check as the breech sealed and air was evacuated from the loop. “Beginning projectile runup.” The floor beneath President Cuthos began to rumble deeply as the massive slug begin to go around its electro magnetic loop carefully guided along as it made its way around the 300km loop, first once then faster and faster. “Beginning final target solutions check.” Even so far below them James could hear the sound as the projectile traveled in its loop, looking up to the monitor he watched at its velocity increased .10C then .20C, Looking out at the planet below it was covered in rock, ice and dirt. He looked back as it slowly crept up .70C .90C. “Standby for firing.” Everyone in the room held their breath as the velocity display finally hit .99C “Firing” As the Projectile went around the loop for a final time the magnetic fields changed and instead of being guided around the loop once more the itoron slug travelling at 99% of lightspeed flew out of the station. The flash as the projectile hit the planet with the force of a 45959954 megatons momentarily reset the cameras, there was an audible gasp in the room as the video feed returned. The entire side of the planet was stripped from its blue icy surface as truly massive crater could be seen at the point of impact. Rock debris and ice could be seen travelling away from the point of impact at ludicrous speeds, the ‘planet’ if it could be called one anymore was a shattered cracked cratered ruin. Several battleships, cruisers and a carrier disembarked from the stations well protected docking bays as they began to perform scans of the system. “Take us home” President James said calmly Admiral Jones nodded “Of course Mr President” The admiral stepped towards the control room as the ships reactors once again began spewing out power to the FTL and the station warped away from the test site quickly as it had come. Leaving an eerie scene behind. ________________________________________________________________ Fleet maint 8AP 100AP Construction of 10,000 strike craft are contracted off to other companies in the US-Skellar-Libellan confederation 24AP for Four Carriers 16P is Also contracted off for two battleships In addition to its projectiles the new battlestation would be loaded with more weapons consisting of 10 Xyrolite WMDs 100AP 147AP is spent on the final iteration of project infallible ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 1,200,900 Humans 101,230 Da’nor 18,850 Human-Tijerian 97,490 Skellar 110,360 Libellans 29,350 Ceri 7,200 Ascardians 92,450 Krib 41,980 Ymorian 10,700 Korosi Total Pop 1,710,510 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 5AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 2AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 3AP HE bonus 1 Business 96AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 12AP from agriculture 250AP from Baltic confederacy TOTAL: 395
  7. Form to mail to Nunya’s Business Stall – Name ((and Username)): Phillip Marshall (Taketheshot56) Giveaway Item #1: HoarFrost Battle scepter Giveaway Item #2:Wyvern Scale Armor Giveaway Item #3: Storm’s calln Hammer of the Thunderlord
  8. i love this idea but considering the fact LT has put a full stop on any type of lore mining for lore materials, im not sure if now is the best time to post it.
  9. Taketheshot


    Rest in peace my nignog, you shall be missed. F
  10. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2160 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ 2160 ________________________________________________________________ Fleet maint 3AP Massive amounts of fortifications are built along the northern border of the Keerim Imperium and Tassaran Republic. 667AP towards 1000AP of defenses Massive amounts of resources are spent upgrading the main guns of the US fleet to the maximum tier. Entire science teams work day and night to accomplish this for the end of the year. (360AP for tier 6 railguns) 6 Iowa Class Heavy cruisers are constructed 36AP 2 Vancouver class frigates are constructed 4AP 75AP is spent towards hiring more and more engineers and labourers from the Free Southern Alliance, LE and even the Keerim. In order to speed construction of the USS Liberty Mobile Battlestation. ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 1,090,800 Humans 88,500 Da’nor 12,650 Human-Tijerian 77,690 Skellar 83,860 Libellans 15,980 Ceri 7,200 Ascardians 74,960 Krib 31,680 Ymorian 10,000 Korosi Total Pop 1,493,320 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 5AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 2AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 3AP HE bonus 1 Business 96AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 12AP from agriculture 1000AP from LE TOTAL: 1145
  11. Baahzuth Jungles ______________________________ 5000 Denarii is spent to restore the second stone fort to working order. 1000 Denarii on military upkeep 20,000 Denarii is spent on New farmland 17,000 Denarii Makes its way to the capital, distributed among the poor of the Capital city. 6IF is spent garnering prospects from the capital to scour Baahzuth for precious metals! _____________________________________ Population Total: 408,147 AP Luxury Resources (Spice) T2: 20AP Base 10AP Mercantile District 4AP Imperial Funds 5AP T1 Foundry 4AP Military 500 Baahzuth rangers, T1 equipment, Elite training 500 Tier 3 Elite Baahzuth Rangers
  12. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2159 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ 2159 “Magnificent isn't it?” James Cuthos de facto President of the USA for nearly a decade now said as he sipped slowly on his glass of tonic water with a splash of gin. The USS Constitution one of the largest warships ever created by humans was completely and utterly dwarfed by the massive construct that hung in the sky above the capital. Jefe nodded slowly as the rest of the cabinet stood in awe along the large bridge of the constitution. A mix of wonder and complete awe among their eyes. The Libellan Ambassador and the Skellar King stood alongside them as the cover for the massive railgun was slowly lowered into place. “The main cannon?” The King inquired. James nodded slowly “Yes, it fires a massive Itoron core dakite coated slug. 500m long and 80m wide, it accelerates along the super magnet rail here.” James pointed to the holographic projection on the bridge. “The 100km run up accelerates the projectile to a large percentage of lightspeed. We have yet to test fire it. But the simulations show total destruction of an entire planet if given full power. Of course that still remains to be seen.” The Skellar king nodded a ponder in his eyes. “It relies on a complex and power hungry quantum jump drive and warp system. But it does indeed move my friend.” The group turned once more to face the massive installation in orbit. “It shall be our saviour gentlemen...We call her, Liberty.” ________________________________________________________________ Fleet maint 2AP Project Liberty is issued using much the same design as before. (1500 AP) Across the LE the entirety of Arcturus Defense Solutions sets to work constructing truly vast amounts of defenses, stockpiling ammunition digging tunnels, world after world the engineers go through building first class fortifications. Leaving plenty of good advertisements in their wake as well as fine installations. (3334AP for 5000AP worth of defenses) Massive amounts of new Business are generated with new forms of advertisements everywhere. (250 AP) Two heavy cruisers are constructed 12AP One battleship is constructed 8AP ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 921,500 Humans 80,450 Da’nor 8,320 Human-Tijerian 56,850 Skellar 64,790 Libellans 11,980 Ceri 5,200 Ascardians 41,960 Krib 22,680 Ymorian Total Pop 1,213,730 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 4AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 2AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 3AP HE bonus 1 Business 56AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 12AP from agriculture 5000AP from LE TOTAL: 5104
  13. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2156 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ ________________________________________________________________ And thus it began. The largest construction project ever completed began. Nearly every single one of the 300,000 employees of Arcturus Defense Solutions would be working overtime this year. Everyday hundreds of freighters arrived and departed from the Moon of Iris in the capital system. Where raw materials were gathered for manufacturing and millions of tons of Shields, armor plates, weapons and supplies departed alongside skilled engineers and laborers. The orbit traffic Masters had an absolute hell of a time directing that much traffic. But nevertheless it went through. Across a vast swath of territory in the southern Galaxy, under construction signs went up. As the year progressed Key fortifications went up along the edges of Skellar and Libellan space. The beginnings of an Iron Wall. (334AP for 500AP towards a massive wall of fortifications spanning the borders of the skellar and the libellan Union) 1AP for fleet maint. The Arcturans in turn put an order in to the best Skellar shipbuilders available for a VIP Transport with atmospheric as well as interstellar capabilities. To be known as Air Force One. (20AP) With a massive amount of new capital to invest. The US Treasury commits a large portion of it towards the restart of a former Airline and iconic American brand. Pan American World Airways resumed operations April 17th 2157. After 166 years of no operation the Space lines first rounds of investment is to capitalize on affordable, comfortable and reliable transport of persons and goods across the Galaxy domestically and internationally. With millions of tonnes of supplies and men to move around the galaxy this sure is the charter to use. (200 Ap into Business) With Interests secured Several new US Navy vessels are commissioned in the form of three light cruisers 15AP 1AP is spent on further Krib-geared advertisements. ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 814,674 Humans 67,431 Da’nor 5,861 Human-Tijerian 46,316 Skellar 42,822 Libellans 9,571 Ceri 3,178 Ascardians 34,940 Krib 16,844 Ymorian Total Pop 1,041,637 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 3AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 2AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 3AP HE bonus 1 Business 24AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 12AP from agriculture 500 AP from Skellar and libellan TOTAL: 571
  14. Baahzuth Jungles ______________________________ 5000 Denarii is spent to restore the stone fort to working order. Whispers here, whispers there, a rumor flies, my oh my! (1 Imperial Influence) 4000 Denarii is given to prospectors in Baahzuth, accompanied by small patrols of soldiers they scour the rivers and the edge of the hopeless Crags looking for precious metals. 20,000 Denari is given for the first tier 1 foundry near Abdera on the coast. 7,000 Denarii is used to raise another cohort of tier 3 Elite Baahzuth Rangers 2000 Denarii is sent to the poor of the capital once more, spread throughout the city to the poorest of the poor. _____________________________________ Population Total: 377,914 AP Luxury Resources (Spice) T2: 20AP Base 10AP Mercantile District 4AP Imperial Funds 5AP Military 500 Baahzuth rangers, T1 equipment, Elite training 500 Spear men medium infantry, t2 equipment, no training
  15. Baahzuth Jungles ______________________________ As the large treasure ship finally weighed anchor and left the small dock of Salinae Caelus stood with several of the provincial guards. “A very fine haul if I do say so myself your excellency.” Caelus nodded slowly as he removed the lids on one of the five large trunks. Just as he knew. Filled to the brim with a 1000 denarii per chest and five of the large chests sat on the dock. “A fine haul indeed young soldier.” Grasping a handful of coins he doled two out to each man. A fine price for the loyalty of his soldiers and their comfort with a woman in the tavern later. “Thank you your excellency! We shall have this gold moved to the provincial guard right now sire.” Caelus nodded with a small grin as the men set to work moving the chests and he returned to the keep. This year had been extra productive. The First Governor Lucretia had failed in her promises to Caelus and now the young man had seen her reduced to a petty child refusing all cooperation. Fitting for the most part. _______________________________ 25AP is sent to Aulus where their engineers finish the upgrades to Baazuths spice trade infrastructure. 25AP Recruited from the hardiest of young men from the jungles eager to serve and willing to fight. The Governor commissions the first cohort of Baahzuth Rangers (1AP for unit, 1Ap for t1 gear. 3AP for elite) With an excess of wealth laying around the people of Baazhuth donate 1000 denari to the poor of the capital province. (1AP) With the patrols gaining more success. Legate pius is encouraged to broaden his “Patrols” a little further south into more populated land with the hopes of catching even more prisoners and protecting the spice industry. Or so they say. _____________________________________ Population Total: 349,920 AP Luxury Resources (Spice) 10AP Base 10AP Mercantile District 4AP Slaving profits 5AP Imperial Council 2AP __________________________________ THE GRAY COAST 15AP into finishing t1 foundry 2AP into trying to bribe some sorcerers to come to the gray coast (with the promise of an academy being built promptly), 5AP for upgrading the farm
  16. Baahzuth Jungles ______________________________ Govenor Caelus Artorius rapped his hand upon his oak desk water trickled down from one of the fountains in his office. Lush plants sat behind him and brightened the room. His door opened and one off the servants ushered a man in accompanied by Deputy Governor Licanius. The farmer man bowed solemnly as he entered “Your Eminence.” Caelus ushered for the man to sit. “Please. Tell us of the conditions near the southern border. I have heard many a rumor but we must gain proper insight.” The peasant farmer nodded removing the best straw hat he owned setting it in his lap. “Your Eminence the rumors are true. The past few months have seen a great increase in wildmen moving north. My neighbors had their farm torched and many others have been raided!” The Farmer pulled out a large stone hatchet sharpened with flint. “This was embedded at our front door.” Caelus was taken aback but nodded slowly. The farmer continued. “The Legion they sit in their forts, barely do patrol! It's gettin too much your eminence! Too much!” Caelus cleared his throat. “We are very much aware of the situation, the legions WILL help you, it will take time but they will arrive. That I assure you.” Caelus thought back to the earlier morning. The Legatus of Baahzuth was bloodthirsty indeed. He willfully departed to organize further patrols and now all that was left was to assure the populace. “Deputy Governor” Caelus nodded directing his hand. Deputy Licanius nodded and spoke. “Sir we give you these 100 gold pieces to restore your community to what it once was. The legion will arrive. The hordes will be driven back. That we promise you.” Lunch had come and gone, too short Caelus thought to himself. Lunch was his favorite meal of the day. In the legion breakfast consisted of hard bread and sometimes a cup of soup on the march. Dinner was heartier but was accompanied with the pitching of camp every night. Lunch however was without complexities and. Caelus’ day however was far from Complexity. Moored at the small dock of Salinae was a large galley. “Yer Eminence.” The Captain said with the shrill accent of the northern Empire. “I've adjusted me ship as much as possible. But a slaving ship hasn't been built in decades. Surely it will work?” Caelus nodded at the cages on the deck. Surely enough to secure and transport 100 slaves. “You have presented it well. Soon these savage slaves we will capture. Shall toil away in the mines of the Empire, perhaps then they will understand what it means to raid our fair province.” _______________________________ 25AP is sent to Aulus for their engineers to begin a t2 Luxury (25/50) 2AP is sent to the foundries of Annors crossroads for one set of t2 medium infantry equipment. 2AP is spent recruiting One Cohort of Medium infantry Under the deft guidance of Legatus Pius. The Legion begins increased patrols and skirmishes with the wild tribesman with the goal of stopping the attacks on the spice farms and gaining slaves to sell. (MOD) _____________________________________ Population: 324,000 25AP AP Luxury Resources (Spice) 10AP Base 10AP Mercantile District 4AP Imperial council 5AP
  17. Province of choice: Baahzuth Jungles Governor (Their name, and a little personal history): Caelus Artorius, Caelus Artorius was born to Lucius Artorius and Cluntia Lorio. Growing up along one of the many rivers in the jungle Caelus was like all men of the Jungles, encouraged into serving in the Legion. Upon his 18th year he officially joined and was dispatched to join the 72nd Horse Archers, in Fort Drouth, a massive stone citadel in the Esk Savannah. Clashes with beasts were the main form of conflict in the Esk, It was not uncommon for the garrisons to be dispatched twice a day on horseback to drive back the beasts as much as possible. In 932NE Caelus and a portion of his garrison were moved to the Tamaraad Coast to stop the advance of the Trinnimec king. At the Battle of the Scorched Tongues. Upon the loss of the cohort field Commander Caelus took charge and led his archer cavalry forward with the mercenary advance at the behest of Scipius. This bold move did not go unnoticed. Back in Baahzuth Caelus was honored as a hero in the eyes of the province. Throughout the next few years the current Governor Aloric took a fond approach to Caelus, Governor Alorics daughter Vibia was married to Caelus and upon Governor Alorics death at the hand of illness, Caelus took over as Governor in 936NE. In his few years as Governor Caelus has pushed for more expeditions into the jungle and with a focus on finding the forts hidden by the jungle long ago. Your Provincial Culture: To thrive in the southern heat and jungles, one has to be strong. From the time of the first conquest of the jungles and founding of the warrior colonies. Much has been carried over through the centuries. Unlike the northern provinces and their adoration of needless extravagance and weak milk drinking men. In the Jungles the roots of the first warrior colonies are still evident. A certain pride is honed for those who have served. Almost all young boys are guided down the path of military service. Be it serving in legions quartered on the northern borders. Or being sent to police the waterways of rivera as a simple footman enforcing the Emperor's trading tariffs and laws. While most men of a strong age work moving spices up and down the river citizens hold a distinct bond of shared Legionary service with one another not seen in the other provinces, rich and poor alike work to slowly bring the Jungles into the fold of the empire through hard work and warrior traditions of the first colony. A Unique Military Unit for your Province (You should read the mechanics before you decide): “The Baahzuth Jungles produce some of the fiercest men i've ever seen, strong, loyal and ready to fight for their Emperor. If We had 100,000 of their soldiers we would rule the world.” -General Flavius Baahzuth Ranger,skilled in camouflage and unconventional warfare. Imperial Generals for centuries have deployed Baahzuth Rangers ahead of their armies. These hardened men choose stealth and silence in their movements. harassing enemy flanks and flanking themselves and scouting. These soldiers carry both a crossbow and shortsword as well. This affords them flexibility normal infantry or scouts in the Imperial Legions do not have. Being able to engage the enemy at range and in hand to hand. Though they should not be deployed as soldiers at the front of a battle line. They can double as light infantry if absolutely needed.
  18. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2156 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ It was all over the news. “Celebrations erupt all across the southern galaxy this week as the war with the Keerim comes to a close. In complete surprise to almost the entire Galaxy. The former fringe nation of Arcturus has managed to do what the former leader Franz of the LC failed to do. In many circles and forums throughout the southern galaxy, many wonder just how James Cuthos managed to take his nation from a failed occupied state to forming and founding the Free Southern Alliance alongside the Skellar and the Libellan as well as negotiating a long term peace agreement another aspect at which the LC under its former leadership failed to do. While The rising nation of Arcturus continues its journey upwards, many are wondering just what James cuthos has planned next. And ho-” James paused the television in his office above Artemis the shutters rising and revealing the stars outside the large windows to the sides of the large screen. Slowly turning in his leather chair he faced Vice President Jefe along with all his senior members of staff. Mouth agape on everyone James spoke. “Holy….****, how has it worked out this good. How did it work out this ******* good….” Across the room sipping water from a straw Jefe looked up from his datapad speaking nonchalantly. “Polls are rating Arcturus at a threshold of 97% higher. We are rising steadily each day in almost every category. Relative to a human nation of course.” James thumbed his chin. He turned to the window behind him. Although the LC had withdrawn the amount of trading ships now passing through Arcturus and Gateway Station was immense. “And what of our issues regarding our good friends the Solarin’s?” James placed his hands behind his back looking over his shoulder as he spoke. “They've displayed contempt before, the last time they were powerful they launched a foolish attack on the Han.” Jefe tapped once more on his datapad. Bringing up a projection on the screen displaying fleet mockups. “The solarin fleet on its own is much similar to ours in capacity and numbers. With the slavs joining them their numbers grow tenfold in that capacity… However.” Jefe smirked as he brought up the next slide. “Where the Human Federations ships number in a few hundred.” A massive assortment of several hundred fleets popped up. “Our federation the Free Southern Alliance. Maintains a navy in the thousands of ships range.” James smiled once more. “Where the old regimes were weak my friends, we are strong....” ________________________________________________________________ Once again the Arcturans complete a large contract on time, the citadels defenses significantly boosted the engineers leave a large holosign in front of the station before departing. Bidding all who pass by to seek contracts with Arcturus Defense Solutions. Much the same occurs in Kyber Core space, the planetary defense ring now ready for added defenses. Of course that would have to wait another year. Across the USA thousands of farms arise, from the icy permafrost of Iris, the desert sands of New New Mexico and the expansive fields of Eytani. The new Krib Refugees quickly seize the agricultural sectors, proving to be capable farmers. The agricultural investments begin to immediately bear fruit. Literally. 75AP to Agriculture (Doubled to 150 for 2% boost) More and more advertisements go out across the galaxy. The Krib already with a large presence within Arcturus are encouraged to immigrate for freedom, liberty and honest work. The Vice President of Arcturus the Krib known as Jefe addresses the Krib scattered throughout refugee camps in the northern galaxy in his native tongue. “My people, for too long have you suffered in the north of the galaxy, enslaved, abused, and beaten at the hands of those who would take advantage of you and after the fall of our own nation. But that time has come to an end. The colony of New Oregon in Arcturus. A colony solely of Krib, a planet for our people! A fresh start and a new home for us all to call. The Arcturans have accepted me as their second in charge, they embrace our people and wish to offer us another chance, my friends, i urge you all to accept this offer. Contact Arcturus through your galactic terminal and you will receive pickup to take you to your new home.” The video cuts to scenes of Kribs going about their daily business in Arcturus. Farming, selling expensive items, and living their lives happy. The scene returns to Vice President Jefe in his office. “My people, accept this offer, make a change for yourselves, make a change for good. Join us here in our new home.” And with that the video is broadcasted to every Krib refugee camp in the galaxy reaching billions of Krib. And other refugees. With peace now finally had, Arcturus braces and extends its arms to a massive influx of Krib. 1AP to boost broadcasts across the entire galaxy. (MOD) With its position solidified. A small base is constructed in the Ursa Minor Galaxy. The first foothold for Arcturus in another galaxy within the Korosi nation with their permission of course. Furthermore With an understanding of each others languages finally. The Exploration ship gearing up for its second return back to the Milky Way. President James extends an offer for the Korosi Crown Princess to visit Arcturus for a two year stay. (MOD) 1AP for Fleet maint. With the flagship company of Arcturus Defense Solutions now having completed numerous large projects across the galaxy. It extends its services outwards to more and more alien nations including members of the New Southern Alliance for the chance to purchase efficient defenses for cheaper than your average contractor. (MOD) The Statue of liberty recovered from Earth is installed in the capital system of Arcturus, a beacon of hope and freedom for all new immigrants. (MOD) ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 720,683 Humans 54,696 Da’nor 5,582 Human-Tijerian 40,111 Skellar 40,398 Libellans 9,116 Ceri 3,027 Ascardians 22,897 Krib 10,800 Ymorian Total Pop 907,310 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 3AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 1AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 2AP HE bonus 1 Business 24AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 20AP from Czar TOTAL: 77
  19. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 2102 With the arrival of a new year, so does the Edonian battlefleet, with no ships to speak of the Union quickly surrenders. It is full and unconditional with the planet coming under full annexation in the first few months.
  20. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 2102 __________________________________________________________________ AP: 18AP into business 4RP into t2 ballistics _______________________________________________________________ 50AP into universities 75AP into Business 75AP into Agriculture ________________________________________________________________ Breakdown: 3AP from agriculture 6AP from business 4AP from base 1AP from colony 4AP from population 1AP from trade
  21. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2156 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “As you can see here Mr President the entire LC force is in complete disarray. The blunder at the hands of the Maltese truly has incapacitated the entire federation.” James grimaced looking across the holoscreen projected in front of him. Taking a slow drag of breath as he scanned left to right, The Maltese were under attack from all sides. Even the feeble han and their tools in the south had invaded. “And what about us?” James asked mildy turning his eyes back towards Admiral Moore. The command center deep inside the bunker where the men stood looking over the holomap shuddered gently with vibrations from above, testing of the railguns. “Well Mr President, the Skellar and the Libellan are both under attack. It is expected they will attempt an attack during the year, when, remains to be seen.” James nodded slowly gazing across the room where men and women of all races were hard at work. A far cry from the chaos and hysteria that plagued the nation before. “And our commitments to fighting the incursion? The ones we promised the Empress, I suspect those will have to be stopped have we switched the training objectives around to focus on defense?” Admiral Moore nodded “Of course sir, its a shame as well, a greater foe knocks on our doorstep the Maltese ignore it in favor of adding to their….what do they call it? Some Earth fruit, an orange?” James Cuthos folded his hands behind his back. “A banana admiral, they just had to expand their god damn banana.” ________________________________________________________ Bill Jennings slowly closed his locker for the day as he finished his work day. A mundane but well paying job with good benefits he strode out of the backroom smelling of grease and oil. The 19 year old had just spent an 8 hour shift preparing point defense guns to be shipped off to the newest defense project across the galaxy. He got in line with the rest of the workers per usual on a Friday afternoon. Sophie a girl of much the same age sat at the front of the line at a desk handing out the pay cheques to the workers, eager to spend them on drinks and a late night on the town. Cheques were perhaps a bad way to describe them. Arcturus had phased out cheques and money long ago, everyone had a digital wallet. Bill handed the girl his timesheets as he stared at the clock quarter to five PM. “Right so your same rate coupled with your profit sharing which has come through today for last quarter….here you are…….” the woman keyed in a few numbers and the machine which Bill had inserted his wallet into ejected it and he picked it up. The 20 virtual 100 dollar bills bearing the face of a scornful Obama joined the several 5 dollar Trumps and 1 dollar Hillary’s in his virtual wallet. “Thanks Again Sophie, seeya on Monday.” The girl smiled back at him “See you on Monday Bill.” Bill Jennings walked out of his workplace which sat in the industrial park to the east of the city core. New Reno was growing but still large in his own right. He walked past several Kribs lingering in a nearby alley. Despite the best efforts of Immigration and customs several refugees fell through the cracks and ended up on the streets. These two Krib wore matching bandannas, The Trent Park snail brothers. They had been responsible for several robberies in the area but the police did not have enough evidence to charge them yet. They slithered aggressively and slowly towards Bill who sped up walking. After a few minutes he arrived at the local train station. The buzz of activity made him wish he were already home as he scanned his transit card and boarded a nearby train. The Suburbs were a short 10 minute ride but between all the other folks and crying children it felt like eternity. Zooming through the city core past tall skyscrapers and then out into the tropical countryside. After getting off the train he leisurely walked down the street to his home. He had heard the horror stories of Earth in the late 21st century. 5000 dollar rent on a one bedroom apartment, though that were still the case in expensive apartments in the city he still lived well in his two bedroom house in a nice neighborhood. As did most people his age, the free market adjusted itself perfectly within the galaxy and he was already paying a steady mortgage with plenty of money left over for utilities and anything else he wanted. Sitting on his porch sipping a beer illegally he thought he wanted more. Doesn’t everyone? ________________________________________________________________ As the year ends so does construction on Aurora, As the engineers pack up they leave a convenient sign on the front lawn of the busy government building where they had just installed some of the new defenses. Hopeful to catch the passing eye of potential investors. As soon as the last team of engineers arrives home on Arcturus another massive contract needed to be filled. Once again the Arcturan’s and their superior defense engineers depart, this time for Kyber Core in the south. A defensive ring around the planet, what some would regard as impossible the Arcturan’s see no such obstacle, After talks they agree with Kyber Core officials that the orbital defense ring will be completed in four segments complete with railguns long range missiles and shield generators. They set to work to complete the first segment of defenses that year. ((20AP for 30AP worth of defenses)) Another group of engineers from Arcturus Defense Solutions are dispatched to the Citadel in Trade Federation space. A massive overhaul is organized and begins to be implemented to make the Citadel an even harder nut to crack. Massive armor plates are added alongside newly constructed hangar bays for fighters. Across the surface thousands of point defense cannons are installed alongside backup Xyrolite generators. The Citadel also receives several detachable mine laying pods alongside thousands of railguns, laser turrets and swarm missiles. A massive overhaul to an already well defended station. ((20AP for 30AP worth of defenses)) Once again an investment into Arcturus Defense Solutions is placed, all across the galaxy signs go up as more and more factions and nations come to do business. As such the Arcturans host what will be regarded as the first Arcturus Defense Expo. Companies from all across the galaxy are invited to show their wares to potential buyers. Hosted in the city of New Reno in a massive convention center along the Tropical coast of the Arcturan Capital. (25AP to Business) Several human Companies are invited as well to attend and sport their wares alongside the massive defense contractors of the galaxy. -Hephaestus Enterprises. -Kyber Core -Edonia -Hephorstus -Trade Federation -Armawraithe Across the USA New refugees are appropriately homed. As more and more space in the nation needs to be filled Arcturus spends mass amounts of resources and money towards advertising a brighter tomorrow. The Krib especially are targeted in the advertisements, encouraged to contact Arcturus at their nearest network terminal and receive pickup for them and any other refugees within a month. 6AP. Two South Dakota Class Battleships are launched 16AP 4Ap for a colonial freighter 1AP for Fleet maint. Significant resources go into the field of exploration and archaeology Large amounts of resources are spent investigating the TCs of Arcturus for minerals or otherwise. 5AP With kanata, Edonia, and the Han falling. Arcturus offers refugees from their nations the chance to live under a free human government (MOD) ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 648,270 Humans 52,092 Da’nor 5,317 Human-Tijerian 38,201 Skellar 38,112 Libellans 8,682 Ceri 2,883 Ascardians 16,201 Krib GARRISON 200,000 Ceri 100,000 Ascard 10,000 Skellar Total Pop 809,758 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system _______________________________________________ Kapteyn B System ______________________________________________ Zeta-Reticuli B ___________________________________________ AP: 3AP from pop 6AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 4AP from Expansion 1AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 2AP HE bonus 1 Business 20AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 22AP from Sneaky 22AP from Eric TOTAL: 97
  22. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2153 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The Star of Arcturus slowly arose in the dawn skies. Waves crashed onto the waterfront as the city of New Plymouth Rock on the capital of Artemis slowly awoke to a new morning. This day was truly the first for which Arcturus had seen peace, nearly three decades of constant war and strife all now to be defined by one nation under God. For the first time without struggle a people awoke from their nightly slumber the masters of themselves. No longer would any state attempt to claim control over this nation. One by one tens of thousands of people began to file past the gargantuan monument sculpted of Dakite of which the Arcturans now held a vast supply of. Nestled in a small coastal inlet to the North of the large capital the memorial would have nearly 400,000 names etched into it. As the monument prepared for its grand commissioning men and women alike filed along the shoreline to hear their leader speak, the sounds of exotic alien birds filled the otherwise silent air as the distant crashing of water upon rocks echoed in from the massive ocean to the east. Soldiers, sailors and marines lined the side of the monument as President James Cuthos made his way up to the grandstand to speak at the podium the massive monument towering behind him in all its green glory. “My Fellow citizens, it has been nearly half a century since we departed from our home in the Sol system. Life has gone on much the same as it will continue to go on, but we as a people have suffered much in our pursuit of freedom and liberty. While the founders of our great nation may have never intended for what we have become. But we must never forget our roots as we push forward into the future.” The large crowd stood stoic the usual cheers and clapping absent during this tense time. The pauses between the speech leaving nothing but the distant sound of water fresh in the ears of those gathered. “We have struggled as our forefathers struggled and theirs before them. Struggle, that means a lot in the past and present of our great nation. While we may not be the largest, the richest, or the strongest. We certainly hold one trait that is unique and that we will continue to hold until the star of Arcturus burns out millions of years from now. We hold freedom my friends, the freedom to choose, the freedom to believe and say what we want, the freedom to do as we wish. But as so many have laid down their lives in this quest, it's been proven time and time again. Freedom is not free. Freedom and liberty must be paid for in the most honoured blood of our sons and daughters, as we have paid with our blood, and our fathers before and their fathers before them. All the way back to the Battle of Concord and the shot heard round the World at the Old North Bridge” Another silence lay hung in the air as the crowd waited once more. Tears evident on the face of many, but most importantly determination. Determination to do what had to be done. “Four hundred thousand names are carved into the dakite of this monument, four hundred thousand sons and daughters who fell so that we may be free. We owe everything to them and as such we must be prepared to do what is necessary in order to survive. We must fight for our nation. For our freedom, four ourselves. Let us take a moment to remember those who gave their lives so that we may live free.” The silence came and went and the remaining people, human and alien alike filed past the monument once more. Fully aware that more blood would have to be spilled in the near Future. ________________________________________________________________ Thousands of Engineers and contractors flock to the Aurora colonies in Hephaestus space, they quickly set to work across the planet constructing tens of thousands of Anti fighter/Anti-missile, point defense emplacements around key installations and cities. As well as creating secure bunkers for their ammunition and crew. 4AP for 6AP worth of defenses for the Aurora Colony 25AP into massive business advertising offering superior defenses for cheaper prices! ((25 to business)) 1AP in fleet maintenance 0AP to colonize the Desert world to the east of the Capital system, doing a mineral scan upon arrival Four new Swordfish Class Stealth Corvettes are chrisinted 4Ap Four Vancouver Class Frigates undergo construction 8Ap 20AP for SL5 The massive Exploration ship known as the USS Rhode Island departs with its 2000 man crew for the Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy (MODDD) A call goes out across the galaxy, the Krib who have had their homeland destroyed and are being enslaved left right and center are offered safety. Brodcasts go out to the many refugee camps housing Krib, they are offered safety and security in the nation of Arcturus. No enslavement only freedom and liberty. (MOD) ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 617,400 Humans 49,612 Da’nor 5,064 Human-Tijerian 36,382 Skellar 35,955 Libellans 8,269 Ceri 2,746 Ascardians 1 KRIB! GARRISON 200,000 Ceri 100,000 Ascard 10,000 Skellar Total Pop 755,429 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 6Ap Dakite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System _________________________________________ Fomalhaut system ___________________________________________ Kapteyn B Sytem ___________________________________________ AP: 3AP from pop 5AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 3AP from Expansion 1AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 2AP HE bonus 1 Business 16AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP Dakite 6AP 5AP from mith TOTAL: 47
  23. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2153 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The inside of the shuttle was quiet. A lone Krib looked around in the darkness as several men armed with rifles surrounded him. The Krib let out a slow sad whine like sound. He had come so far and been through so much. Driven from his homeland and then sold by the Alduu'uuraneans to the race Arcturans. He had braved weeks in an Alduu'uuranean ships hold before finally boarding the dark shuttle. A rough bumping jolted him back to his senses as the shuttle came to a stop. The door slowly opened and he was blinded by the sunlight of star known as Arcturus, ushered forward by the men behind him he slithered down the ramp as the loud noise of people overwhelmed him. As his eyes began to adjust to see clearly his senses once again returned and he found himself at the bottom of the ramp on a red carpet. The sounds echoing in the air were cheers. Looking around he saw tens of thousands of people lining the sides of the square holding signs and cheering. But cheering for what? Him??!?! He slowly slithered forwards and peered upwards. A large banner hung between two skyscrapers reading ‘WELCOME KRIB!’ he slithered even more until he was met by President James Cuthos on the carpet. Beckoning him to follow the Krib made a confused noise and followed up onto a large stage. President James began to speak into a microphone as the Krib slithered up next to him. “People of Arcturus! My fellow citizens!” The cheering began to quiet as he spoke. “For nearly thirty years we have been in conflict. We have fought and clawed our way to survival every day…no matter the price. Our nation has made mistakes. It has blundered. But we have made great strides. The first Humans of the original southern nations to find the Northern Galaxy, The first humans to visit another Galaxy. We have continued to push the realms of possibility despite the great hatred and disdain other nations may hold for us. With the end of this war there will surely be a new enemy on the horizon. But for kow we have finally achieved peace! With the help of the LC we have advanced as a society and will continue to do so on our own. The first major step in doing so is to welcome new faces into our nation. My fellow Arcturans. We have scoured the galaxy far and near. My friends. I give you the newest addition to our great nation. The first krib of Arcturus! JEFE!” Jefe looked around again as the massive crowd began to cheer chanting his name. James Cuthos put his arm around the Krib as cameras flashed around him. Jefe finally began to realize they were celebrating him. A normal Krib abused and sold like a common product after being driven from his home world by war. As he thought the band began to play and what he assumed to be his new friend or master. He wasn't quite sure yet, beckoned him to follow to a nearby car. Guiding him up inside the car James sat beside him and spoke. “I promise you Jefe, we will do everything in our power to ensure your race suffers no more.” The car slowly began to move down the road with the band marching behind. Confetti thrown from the rooftops and windows of buildings fluttered down on the motorcade from above. Lightly and slowly Jefe began to smile. Were his troubles finally over? ________________________________________________________________ 25AP into the Company known as Arcturus Defense Solution. For continued advertising across the galaxy for more reliable and cost effective defenses. ((25 to business)) 1AP in fleet maintenance 0AP for sending the colony ship out to colonize the Dakite rich world previously discovered 1Ap is given to a certain organization to deliver them one Krib A lavish mansion is constructed for the Krib custom tailored to his races every need 2AP With the end of the Keerim war and perhaps closing one of the bloodiest chapters in Arcturan history. Vast sums goes towards constructing a large memorial. With nearly 400,000 names of all US civilians and military personnel killed in the war 4AP Arcturus reaches out to several nations across the southern galaxy. Offering sale of the first Shipment of Dakite out of the mines next year. (MOD) ____________________________ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Kyber Core -Libellan -Armawraithe -H.E ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 588,000 Humans 47,250 Da’nor 5,775 Human-Tijerian 34,650 Skellar 33,920 Libellans 7,875 Ceri 2,615 Ascardians 1 KRIB! GARRISON 200,000 Ceri 100,000 Ascard 10,000 Skellar Total Pop 720,086 _______________________________ Industry 25AP Business 100AP National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining 2AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System ____________________________________________ Fomalhaut System ___________________________________________ AP: 2AP from pop 4AP from colonies 2AP from industry 4AP Base 2AP from Expansion 1AP from trade Trade Fed bonus 2AP Business 12AP Itoron 2AP Xyrolite 2AP TOTAL: 33
  24. USA ACTIONS 4 AP maint for navy 4AP for colonial freighter 6AP for an Iowa Class Heavy Cruiser 100AP Into establishing Arcturan Defense Solutions, ((Business investment)) The state sponsored company offers superior defensive buildings and emplacements constructed at a 50% increase versus normal engineers. 0AP the Colonial freighter colonizes the previously found planet. 0AP efforts are made to find another suitable colony planet directly below it. ________________________
  25. Phillip furrows his eyebrow "Perhaps they should just wait the 1 saints hour and 30 saints minutes until the sky gods force the release of the girl...."
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