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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. Reservation form ((IGN:)) 7lo Date arriving (if not immediate) (( date and time, 7 days in advance maximum )): Immediatly Names: His Majesty Aurelius Horen of Renatus-Marna How many rooms will you need: All of them Do you and those with you promise to read the welcome board when you arrive: No how many elven days will you be staying, 1-3: Permanently you will become our vassal
  2. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2152 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The group of young boys smashed the window into the warehouse, on this far side of the capital city there were no guards here anymore “Come on guys! Let's check it out! I bet this is where they store all the jewels and stuff!” The leader of their gang of kids Johnny scoffed “I doubt it, they sold all that **** off years ago!” The boys climbed through the window and stood on the platform that overlooked the warehouse floor, it was dark and dusty. “Whoaaa check it out” the boy who broke the window William called to the other two. He pointed towards a 10 truck which sat on a flat tire near the main door “Check it out!” The boys walked over to the truck coated in its own layer of dust, the boys tried opening the door which was firmly stuck, wiping off the dust they revealed a name “California National Guard?” Johnny wondered aloud “What the hell is California?” William pondered “Ohhh California! That was an old state back on Earth!” The boys chuckled as the door opened and they climbed inside the dusty cabin “Wait….that means this...is from earth? IT MUST BE ONE OF THE ORIGINAL ARK VEHICLES!” The boys oohed and ahhhed as they slid out the side door and continued walking around the wherehouse “I wonder what else is in here?” William spoke to his friends as they rounded the corner where rows of shipping crates sat. “I wonder wha-” He was cut off by the sound of a hiss of air coming from the nearest crate. Approaching the shipping crate the group looked down the row and each container hissed. “Yo I don't like the looks of this guys” The african american Albert said as him and his brother backed away from the two cousins William and Johnny. The doors of the first crate opened as the rest of the crates followed suit, Albert and his brother ran as William and Johnny stood frozen inside the crate a red light appeared as several whirring sounds erupted from inside, following down the line of crates. Tithonus MK2 droids marched out and turned to face the boys “Stop! Intruders!” The droids quickly surrounded the boys as Albert and his brother escaped out the window to safety. “Oh **** man! Don't hurt us robot! Were just kids yo!” The droid commander lowered his rifle “Orders from command! Grab those two and take them to the command post!” Two of the mk2 battle droids nodded and grabbed the boys arms leading them off down the end of the corridor of the wherehouse as they passed 12,000 of the mk2 droids activating and being maintained by automated service droids. “Oh man we should've gone with Albert!” William quipped as they approached a large steel door at the heart of the wherehouse labyrinth. One of the droids scanned a card and the doors opened, inside were several US Marines standing at consoles rousing the droids from their slumber as a flurry of activity covered the control room. Reaching the back of the control room the droids opened the door and spoke in a mechanical voice “Go inside intruders!” The boys gulped as they walked inside what appeared to be an office. The droid spoke “Sit down!” Before closing the door and leaving the two boys of 18 and 17 respectively alone in the office. They sat down on the satin couch as they looked out the tiny window before looking to each other. At the end of the room another door opened and a man stepped out in uniform, the boys stood up sizing the man up who appeared to be in his late twenties bearing captain's bars on his shoulders. “So I see you boys stumbled upon my warehouse?” Johnny looked to the man “look were just kids sir, you don't have to kill us, we were just looking around honest!” The man looked at the boys as he sat down at his desk “What are your names?” William spoke up “Im Will, he’s johnny and he was right we were just looking!” The older man looked at the boys once more “Settle down this isn't the Han Dominion you're not going to be killed. My name is is James Cuthos, you might have heard of my father?” The boys looked shocked “Wait your dad was Admiral Cuthos? The Admiral Cuthos? The one who routed the entire Solarin fleet? At Landliir Triat?” James nodded “Yes that’s him.” Johnny looked at the man. “Wait wasn't he killed?” James nodded “Yes he was, and if you’ve noticed our nation is in shambles.” The boys collectively nodded “So what are you doing here?” James smirked “I've come to set the nation straight.” The mk2 tithonus droids marched out into the outskirts of the capital marching towards the city center. Joining the LC troops the droids would begin to quell protests and guard the streets. James Cuthos took care to inform the LC about this development before he walked out of his office, with the boys, sending them home. He strode into another room where a crude recording setup was sitting at the ready The US marines loyal to James continued to modify tech systems before speaking to him “Sir were standing by to route the signal to the carrier then broadcast it.” James Cuthos nodded taking seat in front of the flag very well let's get to it. He said as he shuffled his speech papers in front of him. “My Fellow Americans, over the past years our government has abandoned us, yet we went on, our government up and left at the drop of the hat as soon as things were getting rough. Cowards the lot of them. To Succeed in this new world, this new war, this new conflict! We must unite as a people and finally quell this hostility towards one another, we must all return to our work, and we must focus on the task at hand, I have managed to retrieve the codes for our planetary defense droids and have set them to work to keep the peace, The Keerim have come to our doorstep and soon we will no longer have time to quarrel among ourselves, I have contacted the LC with this proposal and now I make it to you, Our government system will be led by a President, each colony will be led by a governor and each city an senator, all these roles will be elected and up for election within the year, we will change this planet for the better, good night, and god bless, the United States of Arcturus.” ____________________________ ACTIONS 0AP James Cuthos Presents himself to the LC as the best choice for a leader and seeks a meeting to discuss the future. 0AP The US eager to prove themselves, offers their fleet and droids to assist against the Keerim wherever the LC need them. 5AP is spent on what can only be described as a MASSIVE exploration vessel. Capable of transporting over 2000 scientists, engineers, security teams and diplomats. The exploration ship would be extremely well over engineered to be about the size of a light cruiser, featuring shields and minimal weapons, the ship would also host several drop ships and landing craft for moving equipment and people to the surface. The exploration ship would contain extremely efficient water and oxygen converters as well as a large enough hydroponics section to feed the entire crew while embarked. The ship is fitted with a warp and anchor drive. Immediately upon the launch the ship would speed out into the galaxy to discover new wonders. Its first destination would be to explore the south western corner of the galaxy the ship taking a wide berth around conflict zones. 5AP is spent on an extensive survey of all TCs and CS's to find proper resources to exploit. 4AP is spent on a colony ship 0AP the system to the direct west of the capital system would be scouted for the colonization of it. 0AP is spent sending several probes out to search for any potential pirates that would threaten the supply lines of the war effort. 0AP looking to sell off its mineral reserves to finally get back on its feet, the US contacts the Darkul, protorian, LC and the ka'Chezh or any other willing party, to sell off 1000 tons of Itoron and 1000 tons of Xyrolite 0AP the US contacts both the Skellar and the libellan to speak of the possibility of sending US Officers aboard their naval vessels to observe and hopefully gain insight into combat. 0AP James Cuthos former Captain of the USS Valley Forge and now defacto leader of the United States offers the full use of his fleet to the LC war effort, awaiting tasking. 3AP The Entire US Navy goes through a Block 71 retrofit. Receiving certain plans, the US installs Al-Mawt railguns on all of its ships. Furthermore almost all software systems are overhauled. Each ship receives the upgraded passive sensors researched by the US several years ago. 300 Shifya repair drones are also constructed and distributed throughout the fleet. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 520,000 Humans 38,000 Da’nor 5,800 Human-Tijerian 32,000 Skellar 30,000 Libellans 5,500 Ceri 2,000 Ascardians GARRISON 120,000 Ceri 150,000 Ascard 20,000 Da’nor 5,000 Skellar Total Pop 633,300 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining +100 Xyrolite per turn +100 Itoron per turn 1000 Xyrolite in storage 1000 Itoron in storage ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System ___________________________________________
  3. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2148 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ August 1st 2148 ____________________________ ACTIONS 8AP Spent on targeting systems. The US begins construction of several high yield xyrolite bombs making use of the 1000 tons of refined xyrolite sitting in storage, This would be done by an all human research team done in secret of course. 7AP The United States Leaves the coalition of humanity. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -GTFO -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 344,000 Humans 26,000 Da’nor 6,700 Human-Tijerian 24,000 Skellar 18,750 Libellans 4,000 Ceri 500 Ascard GARRISON 100,000 Ceri 50,000 Ascard 60,000 Da’nor 10,000 Skellar Total Pop 419,950 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining +100 Xyrolite per turn +100 Itoron per turn 1000 Xyrolite in storage 1000 Itoron in storage ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System ___________________________________________
  4. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2148 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ August 1st 2148 ____________________________ ACTIONS 4AP for military shakedown, searching for any sabotage or faults within the ground forces or navy. 14AP to Targeting computers All US ships are equipped with project longshot railguns. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -PAR -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ Defenses 15AP on Civilian Bunkers (Capital system) 45AP on PSDI (Capital system) 8AP on PSDI (Vulentum system) 8AP on PSDI (Harrow System) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 316,500 Humans 24,000 Da’nor 6,800 Human-Tijerian 22,000 Skellar 15,500 Libellans 3,500 Ceri GARRISON 50,000 Ceri 20,000 Ascard 40,000 Da’nor Total Pop 387,800 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids _____________________________________ Mining +100 Xyrolite per turn +100 Itoron per turn 800 Xyrolite in storage 800 Itoron in storage ______________________________________ Arcturus System _____________________________ Valentum-1 ________________________________________ Harrow System ___________________________________________ Dominion of Man ________________________________________________________ DOM switched to fanaticism thanks to Alex’s tomfoolery, and his abuse of Noah.
  5. Medeusculors were extremely difficult to obtain and centered around needing high level ooc magic friends to get them, comparing them to something anyone can get if they put enough time in, is preposterous.
  6. Medeusculors were extremely difficult to obtain and centered around needing high level ooc magic friends to get them, comparing them to something anyone can get if they put enough time in, is preposterous.
  7. Completely false, dwed elves and all other descended races can be good cannonists and are treated as such. Acts of degeneracy such as half elfs, dark elves and snow elves are classified as degenerate and treated as such.
  8. I agree but diamond stuff removed was at an admin level, perhaps go for steel with a blue hue maybe?
  9. Geez Ive been making these blades quite some time now, infusing thanic dust into the metal while it heats, but this lore is so much more +1 Only issue is carb doesnt exist anymore.
  10. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2144 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Old Ironsides” Admiral Johnson looked down at his hands, the darker skin tone of his african american ancestors blended meekly against the dark blue railing he rested them on, lines and wrinkles showing the Admirals age. It was expected of him to lay down his command in the next year and allow the department of the armed forces to choose a successor. President Whitmore strode up behind him leaning over the railing as well “So, David, you have a few years yet, no need to retire just now, think you will be able to take it over?” The Admiral grinned slyly under his peaked cap “Mr President, you honour me greatly, but i am an old man. I don't think I should be the one putting their flag on her sir.” James Whitmore nodded slightly looking down from the railing, across the massive building towards the dock, where 1000 welding torches lit up like stars as they constructed the massive frame. “Look David, I get it, I really do, but the fact of the matter is. None of the rear admirals have the experience to take over the flagship, there is a war coming David, one that will change our history forever. We must be ready.” The thousands of Han workers looked like ants as they lowered massive itoron plates onto the shell and continued work on the ship. “If you think so Mr President, I will command your dreadnought. But I agree….Times are changing.” _________________________________________________________ The Planetary Surface Defense initiative is slowly being expanded upon other planets and moons within the nation. The first module of the defense initiative is ground based missile silos, deployed in heavily armored silo bunkers the Surface to space missiles are equipped with various warheads to be used against an enemy. _____________________________________________________ The second module is a fleet of TEL1A1 Tomahawk mobile launch platforms, these mobile trucks are designed to change locations on a weekly basis being able to go from driving to firing the TEL surface to space missile in six minutes. ______________________________________________________________ The third module is T.A.A.W.P AKA Top. The transportable anti aircraft weapons platforms are a mix of mobile anti aircraft missiles and flak cannons designed to be employed around key structures and areas to intercept enemy strike craft. ____________________________________________________________ The fourth module is ground railgun emplacements. These emplacements are designed to be fired directly at enemy ships in orbit and range in size from 500cm to 2m projectiles. Existing in both armored bunkers and hidden emplacements these are mounted around the surface in extremely large numbers. ___________________________________________________ The fifth module is a fleet of MAV-1 vehicles, these massive trucks are mounted with dual 400mm railguns. The trucks constantly change locations and are designed to fire directly at ships in orbit before moving away to avoid return fire. ____________________________ ACTIONS 0AP for Constitution Class Dreadnought purchase from Han. 10AP for PSDI fortification for both colony worlds, these would consist of numerous surface railgun batteries and missile silos on each of the colony planets. 10AP For the construction of intricate bunker systems for the capital of Artemis, spread throughout the surface and deep enough to avoid orbital bombardment and protect the population hiding within. 2AP for the construction of a theia based out of the capital system 2AP to the dominion of Man 4AP for two frigates 1Ap for one Balitmore class corvette For the first time in near a decade, the US holds its first congressional election with 20 seats up for grabs among the three planets. {{{MOD PLEASE}}} ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -PAR -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ Defenses 30AP on PSDI (Homeplanet) ______________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 302,000 Humans 23,000 Da’nor 6,900 Human Tijeran 20,000 Skellar 14,000 Libellans 2,500 Ceri GARRISON 50,000 Ceri 20,000 Ascard 40,000 Da’nor Total Pop 368,400 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap National Mentality Expansion ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________ Dominion of Man ________________________________________________________ 8AP the construction of numerous heavy rail gun emplacements at the Han shipyard
  11. @The Pink Lion Any chance this could be reviewed and/or brought before headstaff.
  12. can the sever stop dying.

    1. rukio


      I'd rather it stop lagging mid-pvp.

    2. Taketheshot


      seriously though tofuus, are there fixes incoming for the render problems?

  13. Will be perfect tbh, great place to put



  14. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2144 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Tell me, do you know what the term ‘Call of the void’ means?” President Whitmore said to the young man taking notes beside him. “N-no sir I don't? What is it?” James Whitmore bit the tip of his tongue a little bit as he swallowed the last drops of drink from his crystal glass. Staring out the window of the vantage station in the direction of Keerim space. “You ever find yourself in a tall place, say the ledge of a cliff or a building and think to yourself, that to jump would surely mean death. But you are compelled to anyway?” The aide paused his writing with a stumble snapping the lead of his pencil “I suppose sir, I never really thought of it.” James Whitmore set his glass down on the oak desk behind him. “Its called the call of the void, and now you know.” Several seconds of silence passed by. “You weren't born on earth were you son?” Looking up the young man shook his head “No sir, my parents were but I was born on Iris.” James nodded “I should've thought so, we are a dying breed, I was but a boy on Earth. Tell me, Phill is it?” The younger man nodded “Yes sir, Phill, Newmann. I started here last week.” James nodded “What do they tell you about the United States in school, the old states of Earth?” Phill paused “Enough sir, we were taught that it was power-” James cut him off. “Not just powerful, a superpower, coast to coast, millions of people, democracy, apple pie. A far fall, we are not them anymore. We are barely a democracy, if you could even call it that.” The two men stood side by side as they stared out the large window “But times are changing, in the near future big things will happen for us Phill, just you wait and see.” ____________________________ ACTIONS With major changes taking place within the nation, a large number of sailors are discharged from duty in order to allow them to enter the civilian workforce. A thorough and intense scanning program takes place with the US wishing to fully document their resources in both CS and TC. 2AP With the new path for the US clear a vast amount of resources are placed into the Planetary Surface Defense Initiative once more. A focus is made on fortifying the many moons and asteroids surrounding the lush capital world of Artemis in order to protect the capital from any future incursions. The focus is placed on heavy railguns, PD emplacements and long range missiles. 10AP Han Shipyard-8AP 2AP to the Dominion of Man ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -PAR -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 275,000 Humans 20,000 Da’nor 7,000 Human-Tijerian 18,000 Skellar 12,000 Libellans 2,000 Ceri GARRISON 50,000 Ceri 15,000 Ascard 20,000 Da’nor Total Pop 334,000 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -25,000 US Navy sailors -15,000 US Marines -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. -12,000 Tithonus MK2 droids ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________ Dominion of Man “As we step into this new era, I am proud to be chosen by the members of the Dominion to lead this federation for the next term, the next five years will see great increase in trade, military and population growth of the Dominion, to that I promise. But we must remember those who made this great federation possible, a great many people died to preserve humanity in the fight against Eadn, many lost their lives driving back the tyranny of THC and protecting the affiliation against the purge that many nations worked so hard to facilitate. Therefore, my first act as the Arbiter of the Dominion of Man is to declare today, June 21st. Thule day, in honor of the brave men and women of the Thulean Navy who put their foot down and tried to stop the THC northern battle group from purging the peaceful citizens of the Affiliation. Even though they all died in their endeavor their sacrifice allowed us the time we needed to intercept the battle group, their action undoubtedly saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and so this day, will be a federation holiday in memorial of those who helped it form.” ________________________________________________________ The first act of the Dominion of man is to create the first interstellar highway comprising of numerous quantum anchors being constructed. 6AP ((Ill send the locations to you czar)) The second act of this year is to assist in the fortification of the Beijing stronghold. Numerous heavy rail gun cannons are constructed around the massive Han Shipyard to protect it from threat. 1AP Establishing June 21st as Thule Day throughout the federation. 0AP
  15. Who would win, An island fortress

    impervious to all attacks, or some

    weird podracing guys boat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      ... **** I laughed

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      its not impervious to attack if it was attacked

    4. LatzMomo


      was rough. 30 good men fighting to the death!

  16. Hey Uhhh could someone unban my good pal Dewper?

  17. @Harrison I want you to know the

    kawaii girl anime poster you got me

    for Christmas is going to Atlas.

    Edited by Taketheshot
  18. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2144 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The craft plunged spiraled out of control as it neared closer to the treeline, spinning and spinning the last thing that was seen, was the tips of the jungle canopy before a jarring shock and then nothing. And then a light, bright, piercing through the darkness, and then again. It went black. As she awoke again, this time is was not for a millisecond. Slowly opening her eyes the woman looked around her surroundings. No longer in her gear she was in a blue hospital gown. Laying in a bed of a small room with steel walls. The blinds were closed but she could hear commotion in the hallway outside. She struggled to remember where she was. As she lay back in the bed the door opened and what looked to be a doctor stepped inside. Followed by another man who looked strangely like a soldier of some sort she struggled to speak “Wh- where?” The officer nodded “I'm sure you have a lot of question, and don't worry we will answer them all. But for now you need to rest. It is very important.” She nodded as the doctor injected something into her IV and she once again slipped unconscious. An unknown amount of time passed before she awoke again, gazing through the same familiar room she found even more men in military clothing and a few women, all watching her. As she rubbed her eyes the man she spoke to for a brief moment stepped forward and sat down on a chair facing the woman in the hospital bed. “Do you know where you are?” He asked curiously as he studied the woman. She shook her head “Its all foggy the last thing I remember was going down….” The man thumbed his chin with a slight sigh. “You are on board the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge.” she nodded slowly thinking to herself how unfamiliar this was “Did you pull me out? Out of the wreckage?” The man bit his lip before pausing. “No, we didn't.” She gave a confused look as she thought to herself “Well how di- how did I get here?” The naval officer took an even deeper breath as he looked to his colleges behind him, silently studying the interaction. “You are aboard the USS Valley Forge, currently orbiting the planet Hermes in the Arcturus system.” She chuckled trying to rationalize what the man was saying “Hermes? Artur what?” The man nodded to his aide who began pressing buttons. And he responded to her. “The year is 2145, you are in the Arcturus system of the United States of Arcturus, successor of the United States of America....” He paused as the aide finished pressing a button and the shades began to open revealing the view from the hospital room of an Ocean of Stars. “You have been in stasis, for two hundred and seven years…..Miss Earhart. You never died in that plane crash….” With a gasp Amelia looked out the window next to her bed, and fully grasped the reality of her situation. ____________________________ ACTIONS 7AP to the HE for a truly massive order 2AP to dirty, the greedy bastard! 0AP for sending out the colony ship to the southernmost sector. As well as scanning it upon arrival 4AP The US begins to take the 2000 out of stasis and returning them to their nations. Barring of course, those who wish to remain either with the US or the Han. 4AP for construction of 4 Stealth corvettes ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Eadn -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 250,000 Humans 17,500 Da’nor 6,500 Human-Tijerian 15,500 Skellar 10,500 Libellans 1,250 Ceri GARRISON 50,000 Ceri 15,000 Ascard 20,000 Da’nor Total Pop 301,250 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  19. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2144 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ ____________________________ ACTIONS 2AP to dirtys, dirty projects 8AP for ordering a South Dakota battleship from the Bejing Shipyard which owes the USA ALOT of cash. 6AP into the Han Shipyard 1AP into some......tests...... 0AP Colonizing and scanning another sector below the USAs first colony. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Eadn -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 223,500 Humans 16,000 Da’nor 6,000 Human-Tijerian 12,500 Skellar 9,000 Libellans 40,000 Ceri 35,000 Ascard 55,000 Tijeran 15,000 Da’nor Total Pop 412,000 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  20. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2143 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ Peace in Our Time The six hour war, they were calling it. One that changed humanity forever. Within six hours tens of thousands lay dead by Eadani hands. It was to be their last conquest in the galaxy as the Arabic nation shattered and its dust carried off in the wind. In one swift blow, a masterstroke attack by the Han Dominion, the French and the USA. The Human Cooperative broke into a thousand shards as more and more were routed from the battlefield. In the South upon hearing a transmission from the USA declaring knowledge of the attack the so called ‘Southern Battle Group’ turned tail and headed back into the Maltasphere. As the Human nations settled into group with many declaring federations. Humanity watched and it waited. The United States once again lay claim to the largest single human naval fleet, and it was going to get larger. “Start walking purger!” A defender droid pushed the solarin soldier forward his his metal manipulator as the straggler rejoined the columns of Solarin soldiers carrying gear and equipment back to their freighter. “I hate purgers Om-453B!” The defender droid next to him kept scanning the concourse as more and more Solarin soldiers boarded their freighter “Of course you do! You were programmed to hate it!.” The two droids nodded to each other as the last of the Solarin’s entered the tube to their docked freighter homeward bound. “ADMIRAL ON DECK!” The marine shouted as he stood at attention next to the bulkhead hatch. Admiral Johnson strode onto the bridge of his new flagship the USS South Dakota, sailors were still hard at work restocking and refitting the ship as the Admiral ducked under loose wires “At ease.” The bridge of the ship went back to its relaxed state as sailors continued work. Two soldiers dressed in full armor, the same that were on the colony of Vulentum-1 took up the Admirals flank. Looking to them for a few second the Admiral peered into their visors and the two peeled off to stand guard at the door without saying a word. Admiral Johnson walked up to the window and looked out over the the gathered fleet in anchor above the spaceport. He looked to his side where a lower ranking officer bearing the emblem of a Captain met his gaze “They Are finally ready Sir, the Swordfish. They will prove valuable in the wars to come.” Admiral Johnson smiled as he looked out over the fleet, the shipyard and the moon below “And what about the wars right now?” ____________________________ ACTIONS 4AP for a colony ship 1AP towards whatever dirty wants. 4AP on 4 Swordfish class stealth corvettes 6AP to the Han Shipyard ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Eadn -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 215,000 Humans 14,500 Da’nor 4,000 Human-Tijerian 11,000 Skellar 7,500 Libellans 20,000 Ceri 10,000 Ascard 10,000 Tijeran Total Pop 292,000 _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  21. See friend here is the issue, we already have an Arabian nation called the Holy Kingdom of Eadn, you cannot just RPly claim you owned all these countries as the lore was already established when our Saudi Arabian friend started. I urge you to read through the other posts to get an idea of whats happening. Cheers.
  22. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2141 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Transport 7024 is now docking at gateway seven” The loudspeaker echoed throughout the plaza terminal, as the large military freighter docked with the space station business continued as usual with most going about their work, shopping on the concourse or watching the many ships go by. Several defender droids marched about on the concourse in formation off to some corner of the station for one reason or another, Two defender droids painted blue with stamps of US Custom Services stood watch at the passenger tube door that slowly extended out to clamp onto the freighter. The two droids watched as the large doors opened and the first one began his spiel “Greetings, welcome to vantage station, I am OM-01482S and this is my colleage OM-002214C. We hope yo-” The droids were cut off as armed men rushed from the tunnel sprinting off in many directions carrying sandbags and other supplies. People stopped, watched, and pointed as the THC soldiers needlessly sprinted around securing various sections from an otherwise normal civilian station. The first droid looked to the one next to them. “They seem very concerned OM-002214C.” The other droid nodded as they watched more soldiers come sprinting from the transport rushing off yet again Sitting in the command center a human officer sipped his coffee as he watched through the droids eyes before nudging his friend next to him “Hey Gomez, check this out, these guys are sprinting around the station ******* putting up sandbags like headless chickens!” The man next to him chuckled “Never underestimate those for their need to overcompensate I say.” Upon saying that a THC soldier stormed through the crowd weapon drawn before diving behind the counter of a nearby fast food restaurant to ‘Secure’ it aiming his rifle at random places. ____________________________ ACTIONS 8AP Into Project Infallible 3AP into [REDACTED] 2AP into Operation “By Dawn's Early Light.” ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Eadn -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 176,500 humans 12,000 Da’nor 2750 Human-tijeran 12,000 Ceri 4,000 Ascardian Total pop = 207,250 10k neanderthals (Stuck on colony) 23,500 humans 9750 skellar 6000 Libellan _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  23. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2141 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The large Hephaestus transport made landfall, the hulking beast of itoron and metal landed in the central tarmac at AFB Pierce just 20Km outside of the capital New Plymouth, cracks and shell craters had been hastily filled in with sand as repairs were still underway to the planet. The massive craft touched down and shut down its engines, Several US army officers stood alongside the Ceri garrison and Ascardian garrison commanders. The group of officers watched as the large steel ramps clicked and a hiss of escaping air could be heard as several ramps lowered to ground level, As the sunlight flooded into the darkened cargo bay, several army engineers walked up the ramp and keyed a code into a console. The yellow lights of the droids optical receptors all turned on at once, the first thousand in the cargo bay let go of their legs as they slowly bent their knees coming to a full stand, in unison they raised their heads as they took their blasters from their backpack in swift motion holding them against their chest. Clanking echoed in the cargo bay as the first thousand began to march in perfect step down the ramp, the thousand marched in formation coming to a halt about 20 meters from the group of officers. Taking a few paces forward one droid with yellow markings stopped before the group of officers before presenting himself in a cheery, tinny, mechanical voice “OM-079854b Command model reporting for duty.” The droid touched his right metal hand to the side of his head above his optical receptor. The garrison commanders and the other officers looked among each other in a bit of confusion, after a few seconds of awkward silence an older man of graying hair took a step forward from the group to meet the droid, with his own bionic metal arm the officer returned the droids gesture, the droid lowered his hand, the droid froze for a few moments as to which the officer raised an eyebrow, the droid snapped back before speaking “Apologies sir, all units have not fully undergone the integration updates, I do not wish to confuse you with someone else Major General Randall Holmes, 2nd Infantry division, military ID number D65-804-565.” With a sigh Randall Holmes nodded “Just General Holmes is fine commander.” The droid nodded its mechanical head “Roger Roger.” Holmes looked among the ranks of the first one thousand who stood perfectly still and silent, unusual even for the most disciplined of troops. “So Commander 79” The general was cut off “Correction sir my designation is OM-079854b Command model” The droid stated plainly to which the general nodded “There is going to be some work, starting off not everyone is going to be able to remember your full ID, so you will need to shorten it, at least when speaking with me or the other human officers for example you can be Commander 79, alright?” The droid nodded “Roger Roger, I will now refer to myself as Commander 79 as my unit identification number.” The general continued gazing around “Are your troops always this quiet?” The droid turned his head looking over the ranks of battle droids “Negative sir, almost all units are currently conversing with one another silently, whilst also listening to me converse with you, whilst also scanning the potential terrain for any hostiles.” Randall Holmes looked back to the Ceri, Ascard and other officers before continuing. “Very well Commander 79, you see that hangar over there? With the tables in front, have your units form up there, and ensure the units are listening to this right now.” The droid went silent for a few moments “General Holmes, I am pleased to report all silent conversations have ceased and all units are analysing my conversation with you.” Holmes nodded “Alright, all droids will approach the tables, it is there you will be given a designation and formed into sections, your battalion will be led by yourself, as well as a human liason, you are to be an infantry battalion. Each section will consist of 10 units, five will retain their original weapon and shall receive extra equipment. Out of the remaining five, one shall be the section commander and he shall also retain his original weapon as well as being given special leadership equipment, out of the final four, two shall be given extensive repair kits, one of the four shall be given the A-98 multirole rocket launcher and one shall receive the M-194 Squad support weapon. These sections will form the core of this battalion, all units once receiving their equipment are to report immediately to hangar seven, once in the hangar you are to proceed to runway seven as a group and embark a transport for the planet Hermes. You shall establish a camp from nothing but what you can find there. I expect it to be maintained and completed when I arrive in five days time.” The droid stood quietly “General Holmes my data banks tell me Hermes is a dune sea planet….how do you want me have the units build a camp?” General Holmes smiled at the droid who stood just a few inches shorter than him “Study your data banks Commander 79, you shall find a way. Now get your unit underway, your human liaison will meet you on the runway.” The droid nodded saluting once more “Roger roger.” Before leading the large formation of clanking droids off towards the tables with columns of crates behind him. The General sighed as he looked towards the transport where the next 1000 were marching out before glancing at his watch “Five more hours.” ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ ACTIONS The US formally endorses Kyber Kore as its primary selection of cybernetics today! Buy right, buy Kyber! With recent events the government finds it prudent to assign several teams to survery the moon of Artemis as well as its many other companion moons to locate anything that may have been missed during initial exploration efforts ((mod)) 8AP to Thuleans and Solarins alike 8AP for Project Infallible to hopefully finally make the breakthrough desired ((This brings it to 52AP)) 0AP For Operation “By Dawn's Early Light” ((MOD)) The terms of the peace accord are met in full as agreed upon. The Defender droids are fully integrated into their own division and split into the various subgroups the smallest being a section of 10 droids alongside a Human officer liaison in order to assist and control. On the jointly occupied demilitarized jungle colony of Vulentum-1 the agreed upon one quarter of the garrison, is delivered by way of freighter, 4500 soldiers arrive, if you could call them that, They bear no identifying marks or patches and all wear the same uniform that completely masks their identities. More importantly they never speak. One could make an astute judgement in that these are not US Army soldiers. An apology is made to Hephaestus for purchasing one of their drones at a market to be used as a spy probe, however compliments are given to its engineering having lasted over 30 years without needing any repair. The USA also includes itself with the lend lease program offering it up to be used by the LC ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Holy Kingdom Of Eadn -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 165,000 humans 9,500 Da’nor 2000 Human-tijeran 12,000 Ceri 4,000 Ascardian Total pop = 224,250 The below populace are inhabitants of Vulentum one and shall continue to grow but will not affect main population numbers at this time. 7,500 Skellar 4,250 Libellan 20,000 humans 10k neanderthals _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots -15,000 Defender droids. ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
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