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Status Updates posted by HedgeHug

  1. Could an LM please take a look at the creature index? I added a contribution a whike ago, and noticed there are quite a lot of unanswered proposals.

  2. Imma br you for using my meme in ur signature x3

  3. this backlash is worse than the horse nerf now im thinking of it. Alright I wish luck to the GM`s in dealing with this mess.

    1. LPT


      Horse nerf's got nothing on this


  4. I`m looking for somebody that could make a fun/cartoony doodle of my dwarven char. I offer minas but name your price :)

    1. JVQ


      put your skin in


    1. candlite


      You've made me so proud *flicks away a tear*

  6. Don`t forget to link the recently made AT video to new players. Link



    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I approve of this, updated, video-guide of applying to the server.

  7. boop boop shoop die woop

    1. MamaBearJade


      woop die shoop boop boop


    1. BasicDoctor


      Makes so much more sense now.

  9. My orcs were killed by parents : (

    1. Golin'Dar


      Well, now you should become an orc parent now!

  10. New headphones because my old ones broke. 3rd pair from House of Marley and I am nothing but content with the quality, and the prices are also v reasonable! I highly suggest you check them out if you seek a pair of solid headphones in between 40-80 dollars.

    1. Areon


      Sponsored by.

  11. Who left the oven on too long in Felsen?

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOLqMg1A5DM

    Are you HYPED to play an ORC, but are scared of our CULTURE and LANGUAGE? Fear not! Contact me and I shall gladly help you fit in! http://tinyurl.com/orcintroduction

    1. sneLf


      Okie...I guess I will check tis out sempai

  13. tumblr_mjcv4iD9xH1s6ywb8o1_500.gif

    1. Trinn


      Out of my profile, fiend..........

  14. Selling shamanism: 30 dollars

    1. Moby_Derp


      But, i've only got pounds!

  15. Ash Nazg drubatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul. Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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