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Everything posted by Fawnytheturtle

  1. When Estella heard the news, she felt very confused. Sitting on her father's lap with light hugs "I miss tia Essie" she sniffled softly, though a little more surprise waited for Estella once she grew up, seems her beloved aunt left a wedding dress for her. One she had for herself yet never wore. It was kept in a safe place until the proper moment.
  2. Fallon Bishop was walking along a road with her youngest children, making sure they were safe and head toward the camp in Savoy. Carrying her sword that her husband gave her she kept watch for any trouble. When suddenly she saw it, danger heading her way. "Hurry" she said towards her children, they only nod and walk even faster enough to make it to safety, but Fallon she felt a sharp pain in her chest, wincing she grumbled "Least they are safe" she readies her sword and prepares to fight for her own life, little did she know she would not make it to camp. But before all this could happen she was writing some letters to a few of her family and friends: Aurik - Mon amour, from the moment we met til our last child was born we have never been apart, as you read this you could of guessed I am gone, We all know this would happen one day. I have watched our children grow and now they have to fight for their own lives as I can not no longer. I know we both did the best job we could with them, my heart will always be yours. -Fallon ( @Lomiei ) Cormyth, words can't tell you how much I valued our friendship, I hope you are out there somewhere and safe. I know we lost in touch with each other and it makes me sad but my prayers are with you - Fallon ( @Dark_Celos) Otto - My brave boy, how much I wish I could watch you have your own family someday, I hope you find the right person. I am sorry we didn't get much time together, mamej loves you - Fallon Melody - My sweet girl, though I know you can look out for yourself I worry about you. I do hope you meet the right person as I trust you will know what to do when the time comes. Help Brienne the best you can. - Fallon Brienne - I am sorry we lost touch we one another though I am proud of you. I know you are out there somewhere doing what you love, just remember to take time and find someone special to spend your life with, and if not I will still love you. -Fallon Tytos - I hope you grow to be someone important, You are so smart and in my heart I know you will do all you can. I am proud of you no matter what. -Fallon Stefan & Cecilya - Your mother left you with me as she had her own pain to go through, she could not bare to have you two to see her the way she was, she did love you both I do know that, I see you as my own children and even though your papej is gone, I hope you know you have a large family to look up too and ask for help. I will watch you both as you continue to grow. I could not bare to tell you all that was hidden from you, I am sure Konrad will fill you in on any questions you may have. Take care. -Fallon Jarad - Ah my most dearest friend, you have given me so much when I didn't even ask. I am sorry if I ever disappointed you. Giving up my titles and all felt like the best move for me. I hope we meet again someday but I know it may be a long while. -Fallon ( @JoshBright ) Laurelai - Ah cousin, how I miss you, I imagine you are out there somewhere enjoying what life you have. I am sorry we lost touch. I do hope the best for you. - Fallon ( @MapleSunflower) Aleksi - I heard you were married brother and I am so happy for you, take care of the new wife will you? Also a father as well, I can't explain how proud I am of you. I will keeping watch from the seven skies - Fallon ( @LazyBacon220) After all the letters were written, Fallon would leave them behind in hopes someone would deliever them once she was gone, Now with Fallon gone to the seven skies she was welcomed by her mother, grandmother Anne, and sister. Other family members as well, all telling stories and laughing while watching those they loved.
  3. This is for my second trial, I decided to ask a few people some questions and here is what I got. A Hyspian couple sharing a romantic moment I myself may not know what romance is like nor do I know how the Hyspian people have theirs, but the fascination of it called to me, and so I went out and asked a few people opinions about how they saw it or how it worked. First Interview: - Question: "I am curious about the romance of Hyspian culture. What can you tell me about it? " Answer: " Simple, the Hyspians are much more liberal in regards to romance. People may court without parental permission and engage in various dates and the like. Marriage remains the same but is not taboo to kiss before marriage for Hypsians. We are more…expressive people and often poetry and song is added in." - His Highness Francisco I Javier de Pelear Second Interview- Question: “What is Hyspian romance like?” Answer: “Well its like passion with music and dancing” - Vicereine Madre of Hyspia Laurelie de Pelear Question: “Can you give me your opinion on Hyspian romance?” Answer: “Passion, Anne. That is the most accurate word tu will get. Music, Poetry, the dates are endless.” - Her Majesty Sofia Camila of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska A man fighting a massive bull I have heard tales of men who go to fight a bull in hope to win a ladies heart, I sometimes wonder if that was true, I also asked around about this. First Interview- Question: "I have heard about bullfights, would you says its something men do to win a heart of someone?" Answer: "Often times si, addition a man may get the favour of a woman before the bullfights as with jousting. " - His Highness Francisco I Javier de Pelear Second Interview- Question: “I been hearing alot about bull fighting, would you say people do that for fun or to win the heart of someone?” Answer: “I would say for fun, If you do it for love you might get a horn to the gut…and that’s not fun” - Vicereine Madre of Hyspia Laurelie de Pelear Question: “What is your opinion on bullfights” Answer: “ I am not much of a fan, to many people get themself paralyzed” - Her Majesty Sofia Camila of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska All though I myself have not experienced the rich culture of Hyspia as much as I would like, I have seen that it has a lot to offer, being rich in every sense, and its people sharing the same richness with its culture. I would be glad to meet more Hyspians that could help me know more about this great culture. Signed,
  4. Anne von Leopold gave a deep sigh as she heard the news "Hope Blanca is alright, last I saw her she was well..." Shakes her head lightly "My prayers are with her" she then walked off
  5. Anne smiled "Amaya is getting married, how wonderful. I wish her luck. And Princess Sofia too, I am almost ready to complete my second trial, its feels like its been forever" sighs as she walked off
  6. Anne von Leopold gasps in delight, she run around to random people of Haense and wave the missive "That is my mother, I am so proud!" she squeals in pure joy, having a skip in her step, she now had alot to do herself and life just seemed to be going great.
  7. Adelia Darkwood heard the news about her adoptive mother figure, or well more her aunt really. She sunk to the floor and cried softly. Every person she held dear to her was going away. The only comfort she had now was her husband and small daughter, since her husband was away, she hug her daughter who happen to pass by "Never forget I love you sunshine" she sniffled and stay there until they both fall asleep
  8. Anne von Leopold smiled as she reads the missive "I need to pass my second trial then my third. I am almost there, I can't wait to serve the best I can" she gulped "I am nervous though, but I know I am making my mother proud" she then went to work on her own missive for her trials
  9. Anne sighs as she reads "My birthday party was ruined, my talent show a mess, now this. I can only try" she sat down staring at blank paper
  10. A group of actors preforming, as a crowd comes to watch THE HAESENI TALENT SHOW Come one, Come all! Let us go and put on a show! Have a talent you’re just dying to show off? Well come show it to the one and only Princess Sofia, there is a talent show in her honor and she gets to be the judge! Who will win? We will see! Within the Karosgrad theater, upon the third day of the Saints week, anyone is welcome to participate in the showing! Prizes: 125 mina - 1st place 100 mina- 2nd place 50 mina - 3rd place Signed,
  11. Anne would read this over a few times, she shook a little she was nervous "I can do this, now what to plan" she hums and walked off in her own thoughts
  12. As Fallon Bishop overheard the news, she sat down and sighs "Who will I fight with now, he was sort of like an annoying brother" wipes a few tears that started to drift on her cheeks "Suppose should tell Aurik" she stood back up and went to find her husband ( @Lomiei ) Meanwhile his wife Isabel sighs in relief "Good riddance, you killed our daughter you...you.." she could not finish the words "It was hard enough to take the twins away from him but I had good reasons" she assures herself "Time to get my family back, or what is left of it" she walked off
  13. Estella would cry at first then calm down as she stared at her parents
  14. Adelia would gasp and smile "Finally, I am so happy, look my love" she went to show her husband with a smile ( @LazyBacon220 )
  15. Faeviel would welcome her brother to the seven skies, gesturing him to the others up there (I think it was her brother, I forget. Oh well) Meanwhile Fallon would not have any ideas about this, she never met her uncle and she attended her children in Ostervik singing to them as they slept
  16. IGN: Randomturtlegirl IC Name: Anne Eleanor von Leopold Age: 9 - young teen Supervisor: n/a
  17. Fallon would smile as she reads the missive "I am so proud of him, also I miss his visits" she pouts a little "Ah well, keep up the good work Theo" she then looked out the window to watch the children play outside.
  18. I will miss you buddy, I know we had our up and downs, I miss our chats though I give you space as I feel like you need it. I have had my struggles too, I been at my breaking point a few times. I made a few enimies that well make no sense to why, I hope you come back and if you ever want to chat again my discord is open
  19. Anne von Leopold who was learning to read smiled "Yay, I will make a present" then rushed off to build something herself
  20. Chantria glanced over the events then spies her name, she smiled and looked around her beloved city "If I find someone then good, if not I will just do as I want and go on adventures." She then walked off
  21. Adelia smiled as she reads over her wedding announcement, she felt so nervous and excited. She glanced over her dress sitting on her bed "I am ready for this" she then glanced out a window, "I miss him though, I wish he would of been here for this, well he is there in spirit" she then sat in a chair deep in thought. Fallon would then see the invitation and smiled "My brother getting married so exciting, must send a gift!" she went off to spread the news to her family.
  22. Fallon sighs as she reads this "Bishop, not Komnenos" she mumbled to herself "Suppose I shall head over when its time and fuss at him then"
  23. That certain niece was Fallon Bishop, she stood beside him at the piano listening, glancing over the words as she joined in slowly. Her voice rather lovely as she sang tears running on her cheeks
  24. Isabel Bishop, glanced over the missive about her husband a deep frown covering her lips "How could he do this to me, his children, Ich..." tears started to roll on her cheeks unsure what to do, she felt sad and angered at the same time "What do Ich do now" she mumbled as she held a infant son in her arms, and watched over her daughter play with her cousins. Meanwhile, Fallon Bishop the Matriarch of the family frowns deeply and sighs "You seem to get into trouble then out, its like you are on a....I am not even sure how to respond to this one but I am putting my foot down he has way to much damage" she then walked off to find her husband Aurik to discuss matters.
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