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Legendary Builder
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Status Replies posted by Reeg_

  1. why do people believe different subspecies of humans who evolved in totally different climates have the same levels of intelligence. really makes you think huh...

  2. why do people believe different subspecies of humans who evolved in totally different climates have the same levels of intelligence. really makes you think huh...

    1. Reeg_


      Each breed of dog was also purposely bred for a specific trait by humans. The dog/human comparison doesn't really work in that sense. 


      Also, why would climate have anything to do with one's intelligence? 

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  3. very new here :^0 hope my whitelist app didn't give a bad first impression to anyone that saw it, i noticed a lot of errors regarding that. glad to be a part of this community!

  4. are there any kharajyr frost witches/kharajyr hoping to become frost witches? hmu if so, asking for a, uhm, friend.

  5. Alright Oren, Im not about to shitpost about you but why am I able to go through a fast travel to reach another fast travel to reach another fast travel?

    1. Reeg_


      I agree, Oren is oversized. Even after considering the fact that most of the playerbase is human, it's still oversized. I hope that's something different in 5.0. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. For anyone that remembers my old YouTube series "My Adventures in LoTC", what do you think about me starting them up again?  I can't promise a steady stream of videos, but I'll do what I can if y'all would like! :)

  7. Can Alchemist Fuel not be a thing? Like damn it

  8. Anyone know how to get to Kal'Ordholm from the dwarven docks?


  9. Somebody has a clue when the results of the Competitive Triune get revealed?
    If so, may someone link me them c: 

  10. yo when that cards against lotc coming out?

  11. Why listen to country music when you could drink bleach for the same effect?

  12. Someday, I'll be able to paint/draw more well and realistically.. for now..



  13. any good series/shows to watch atm? already seen GoT, house of cards and daredevil

    1. Reeg_


      I just finished Sherlock and started Firefly. 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)



    **** off 

  15. Do smoke whispers actually have a mechanical effect or are they just roleplay potions? 

  16. Anyone have an example of a goblin skin? Are they pretty similar looking to Uruks? 

  17. Everyone's out roleplaying, and I'm sitting in my room writing fanfiction about my character.


    Save me. I'm in too deep.

  18. Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.

  19. about to watch zootopia! Don't judge me. 

  20. All of the descendant races have a stereotype, can someone give us halflings a stereotype? :(

  21. This whole inventory erase thing is part of the AGENDA

    By erasing player inventories, the staff removes valuable items, deflating the economy and returning it to semi normalcy

    The High Elves are obviously behind this.


    Yesterday a /////////certain////////// GM told me that he was """""not happy"""""" with the reforms coming up shortly


    open your eyes sheepRPers! 4/1 was an INSIDE JOB.

    Priceflash can't melt premium minecraft roleplay servers!


  22. it seems really absurd to dislike gender-benders when we have people rping as ghosts and ****

    1. Reeg_


      I mean, if one genderbends simply for ftb purposes...yeeeaaah that's kinda weird. But, I think it has more to do (or it should) with the character you're trying to play. Ex. My first character, Rosa, is more like myself: quiet, insecure, unsure of her own beliefs. My second character, Jack, is not like me at all; forward, extroverted, ambitious. And I'm not trying to be sexist and say guys are more confident in social situations or something like that, that's just how I made the characters. I can't imagine Jack as a girl. I can't imagine Rosa as a guy. Their gender is just part of who they are. 

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  23. Who likes pineapples? I like pineapples

  24. Was anybody else get chased by a lot of people the first time you got on the server.

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