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Status Updates posted by Ducklingator

  1. I'm sick on the weekend. I'll move a timezone just so that I can enjoy not going to school.

    1. pokantu


      well lucky you! ( XD )


  2. Stop spamming status updates, meanie.

    1. Chorale__







  3. @Tahmas Please resign to being my cow

  4. pvp? more like pvpoo-poo.

  5. Magnus Chase three is coming out today, and oh my satan am I excited.

    1. Ducklingator


      Update: I ordered the book, it should come in a week or two, woo

  6. happy pride month! 

  7. no warclaim no lag 


    im happy

    1. LithiumSedai


      inb4 lynched by norlander screamers

  8. https://gyazo.com/a247ad7927e976770ba1bd7df5703ace


    what the fuuuuuck. what the fuuuuuuck. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

    1. jyecarson


      What the ****?

  9. some1 with a good computer and terraria make a lotc terraria server. its gonna be a great idea i swear

    1. Sporadic


      give em hell kid

  10. server down?

    1. Forestdwarfman


      I think so, can't join either 

  11. whats up with all the war drama


    spill that tea babes

  12. wheeeeeeeere is everyone


    1. Hearth


      Sutica, you nerd


  13. sick of u

    1. Zacho


      plz forgiv me


  14. so are tent kits still a thing or what? you cant craft them anymore, but people still have working ones

  15. so are tent kits still a thing or what? you cant craft them anymore, but people still have working ones

  16. i feel so bad for my body. yesterday i ate just about nothing. today i ate a whole bag of chocolate chips.

  17. haha "server downtime" so many original april fool's jokes

  18. Why do you hate on Sandk1ng's posts? not nice.

  19. Smaw4gm, Smaw4admin.



  20. I think I was pick-pocketed.

  21. If anybody wants me to play thier son/daughter before I make another persona and the slot is taken...



    Tell meh.

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