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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Chaw

  1. ah yes, the human empire vs human empire war has begun

  2. nationalist israel best israel?

  3. If I could get my diamond vip tag back that would be swell.

  4. If I could get my diamond vip tag back that would be swell.

  5. oh peace train take this country

  6. do I have to come back 

  7. Chaw

    Chaw    Mj.

    your country sucks

  8. thank **** you changed game contributer from being the colour of literal ****

  9. Forums are back, folks.

  10. Don't have to be perfect to be FM yet the app asks you to go in detail about all your warns and bans...

  11. Chaw

    Chaw    z3m0s

    why did you kill all the abos?

    @GrimReaper98 @Sky @Sythan

  12. desperately holding onto nothing at all

  13. can we write lore for a ben ten watch

  14. "All my jokes are actually cries for help."

  15. we should genocide all the elves tbh they are a shitty race

  16. we should genocide all the elves tbh they are a shitty race

  17. we should genocide all the elves tbh they are a shitty race

  18. You are 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days old.

  19. anyone have players unknown battlegrounds? !!! /1

  20. anyone have players unknown battlegrounds? !!! /1

  21. Sky

    Sky    Chaw

    dude are you ok? leaving staff made you weird

  22. Hey @Papa Khan! You're russian and I am a filthy brazilian

  23. buying gf with male parts

  24. if you've got pubg give me your steam now

  25. anyone have battlegrounds

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