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1966 Godly

About Medvekoma

  • Birthday 05/24/1995

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    United Kingdom
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    History, humanities & economics. Crude Oil & Finance.

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  • Character Name
    Alren Indarys / Koralon Doomforged
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf / Dark Dwarf

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  1. WTF is dynamic roleplay.


    People keep repeating that is if it was some elaborate argument in favour of snowflake lore pieces that are used by 3 people ever.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zaezae


      Any lore piece who's effects somehow played a very large role in how their character changed over time.


      Though still very irrelevant to the point. You can get rid of all lore. You can get rid of human lore and retroactively change all humans into elves. You can do that and the characters could still work. Still a completely bad idea to do so.

    3. Medvekoma


      Except "human" isn't much of a lore, neither is "smithing", "being a politician", "establishing relations" or so.


      We are talking about stripping snowflake superpowers that were handed out as a mistake.

    4. zaezae


      Humans are lore.


      "Oh I know. I'll make it sound unreasonable by calling lore 'snowflake superpowers'." 


      No bro. You're going to have to start providing actual affirmative reasons why you get to decide what people's RP is legit or not. So far, all I hear are generalities and CONSTANTLY shifting goal posts. Too active? Just make a normal character. Not active enough? Grr circle jerk don't interact with server. 

      To be positive for a change, I do think there is a decent way to deal with lore bloat and control it into the future. All new lore has to be introduced to the lands rather than being something 'that was always there'. Secondly, lore is only accepted once a year. Thirdly, whenever the map changes, all lore introduced in the previous map should be seriously reviewed, either removed or carried over. It should be an actual feat to get any lore updated/changed/added. That would be how I deal with it. 

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