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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Carson

  1.  i ******* love this the piano is absolutely beautiful and ~jazzy~


    @Medvekoma i know you like this song thanks for showing it to me

  3. I'm addicted to snapchat


  5. Nation states is so fun i love oppressing people @ContestedSnow

    1. Carson


      I just started this nation today!!!

  6. this is our last embraaaaace, must i dream and aaaalways see your faaaaaace~

  7. this is my jam 


  8. I probably should log on at some point but I'm hella lazy and forgetful!

  9. omg this is pretty rad 



  10. what would y'all recommend for me to get to treat an illness

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Archipelego


      here's just what i do ;p


    3. Chaw


      enjoy it, you can miss all your responsibilities. 

    4. ibraheemc2000


      lay down and rest and eat a spoon full of honey and take it easy.

  11. LOTC is down????? I've been rly inactive lately and am so out of loop whats going on guys

    1. kingnothing


      im convinced its a part of an april fools prank

  12. Anyone with some expertise in musical theater/acting willing to give some audition tips? Or people who listen to musical soundtracks who can recommend tunes to sing.


    I have minimal experience in the field of drama, but am fairly decent at music.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Carson


      I know some typical audition tips and whatnot thanks to being a musician, but it's good to know they apply to actors.

      as for the actual production, it's not a play as much as an annual concert of singing Broadway show tunes and whatnot. I've got freedom to choose pretty much whatever song for the audition itself, but I'm not too certain as to what type of tunes would suit my voice.


      I'm a music major at my school rather than a drama one, so it's more so the theater component that I'll likely struggle with. Here's the announcement poster if it'll give any better information than I can: https://imgur.com/a/UHdkt



    3. King of Cartography

      King of Cartography

      Just be yourself! Unless if you are auditioning for a part, then be that person.

    4. Silverstatik


      I do audio management and design from the back of the house so I help with auditions often. Just act confident, if the director talks with you a bit about your choice and why you are trying out before singing, speak clearly and loud enough to be heard if he is a ways off into the theater house.. As others have said, no isn't the end of the world and the experience helps a ton for next time.

  13. my grandpa once thought my role model was Kim Jong Un because he confused Kim kardashian with the supreme leader of North Korea

  14. you're an oxymoron without the oxy part

    1. sullincollivan
    2. TinyBiceps


      you're a mean person without the... person......


      and i'm clever without the clever

  15. "they say you woo a girl with diamonds. girls don't want diamonds. girls want 40 pounds of freshly caught salmons"

    1. TinyBiceps


      i prefer 15.43 lbs of seal blubber. works everytime.

    2. Carson
    3. TinyBiceps


      seal blubber is too graphicfor me to look at. you win this round.

  16. i love you too random stranger and thx for liking the chicken strip???

    1. Carson


      was. was it the chicken strip

  17. Now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches!

    1. lawnmowerman
    2. Chorale__


      i'll give you stitches if you keep this up

      (FM's this is just a m e m e no warns please)

    3. Carson


      it's SHAWN MENDES, people

  18. i think im in love with shawn mendes

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Carson


      God I'm such a mess right now I just need Shawn Mendes here

      honestly who here wants to start a wholesome friendship with me and cry abt our sorrows together

    3. Carson


      esry are you good at writing songs maybe we could collab on smth as part of our wholesome friendship! I can do melodies

    4. Carson


      let's start a girl band

  19. Kennedy is a PILF

  20. I'll likely be taking a break from everything. Feeling overwhelmed emotionally and generally uninspired.

    1. Archipelego


      i hope you have a good day

    2. GodEmperorFlam




      Hope you feel better random person.

    3. BasicDoctor


      Also hope you feel better random person.


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