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saint swag

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Status Updates posted by saint swag

  1. who actually cares about the age changes what ahahahahahaha u guys are weird

    1. Laeonathan


      a lot apparently, it's just way easier to say 18 and that's it, quit crying people. grrr.

    2. Unwillingly
  2. can a certain like five people stop powergaming my lore thanks

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jaelon


      nice things not allowed srry

    3. Nug


      have u tried calling them a slur

      hope this helps



    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      i will try ^-^

  3. hahahha im gonna win

  4. almaris is a trash map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. merry christmas, now please log off until after dinner.

  6. u take this too seriously

  7. holy shit Treshure is based as ****

  8. if u dont like this song pls turn in ur man card


  9. look at u, afraid to scare the hoes 😈😈😈

  10. only the silly survive

  11. some of you guys are just straight weird i cannot lie



  12. any u wanna follow my twitter ;3 ?

  13. some of you guys are just straight weird i cannot lie

    1. Guzr
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      i aint even see that, hilarious

  14. while u guys r checking my page over and over u could consider buying some of these magic internet beans that just keep making me money

  15. dont lock my posts dweeb

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      if someone could reply to my question here that would be very cool :3

    2. Jameson_h


      Likely would be questioned throughy about it but as far as I can tell so long as they didnt break any other laws they wouldn't get kicked out

    3. saint swag
  16. .


    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      i gave this to you for free lol



  17. i walked up to elysium and my framerate is a solid 20 what the **** is this place


    1. saint swag

      saint swag



      literally havent experienced this anywhere else on the server

    2. Unwillingly


      elys is just unique and quirky like that

    3. Joe_Blackman


      Let me be cool and radical in peace

  18. one eye open when im sleeping

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter



      one eEeeeEEEeEeEeeYyYyYYYYyyYyeeEEEeEEEEaaaAAAeaAEEeEEEe

  19. freebuild was ****

  20. can we have fts that take something fkn obnoxious like 10 minutes to warp because id rather that than having to hold down my W key for what feels like decades and getting lost because idk im either retarded or the signs suck ass

    1. Unwillingly


      signs do suck ass considering half of the time they're either misspelled, stop leading you at some point, or aren't even updated at all so you end up going to a place that's been defunct for like, weeks

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      OK cool i thought it was just me holy ****


      admin pls fix

  21. fafo

    1. squakhawk


      gonna start investing portfolio just based on these 3-4 letter status updates ur making


      FAFO inc solar systems to the moon baby 

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      sign up to ftx using my referral link for 5% discount on all spot purchases and trades :3




      crypto is unironically better to start out in than stocks

  22. :3

    Edited by _hexe_
    1. saint swag

      saint swag


      Edited by _hexe_
    2. saint swag
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