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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Why tf have you not followed me?

  2. Apparently, the server's been downed for some mysterious reason. Anyone know why?

  3. Tourney starts in 50 minutes.  Be 

    there for melee, joust, drinks and a grand prize of 2,000 mina!!



  5. My buddy is working on a game. Here's his beta/alpha. It'd mean alot to him if you  tried it out. A fun little hack and slash game! http://www.kongregate.com/games/SnappleBro/deliverer-of-ralmore_preview

  6. My buddy is working on a game. Here's his beta/alpha. It'd mean alot to him if you  tried it out. A fun little hack and slash game! http://www.kongregate.com/games/SnappleBro/deliverer-of-ralmore_preview

  7. My buddy is working on a game. Here's his beta/alpha. It'd mean alot to him if you  tried it out. A fun little hack and slash game! http://www.kongregate.com/games/SnappleBro/deliverer-of-ralmore_preview

  8. My buddy is working on a game. Here's his beta/alpha. It'd mean alot to him if you  tried it out. A fun little hack and slash game! http://www.kongregate.com/games/SnappleBro/deliverer-of-ralmore_preview

  9. So, where does all the role play happen these days?

  10. I hope the "Lord of the Craft Vlog" comes back when the map change time grows nearer.

  11. I hope the "Lord of the Craft Vlog" comes back when the map change time grows nearer.

  12. its my 23rd birthday pls gib me pupper pictures

  13. if youre on 9 warning points and i see you reading my status and not +1ing youre getting executed 

  14. Did you know that in Kentucky a group of Emo Satanists stole a car and killed a family?

  15. If taking things from unlocked chests is banable... does that mean every single halfling player ever will be banned? Most halflings thesedays treat property in a much different manner than other races, and most property is presumed to be available to any halfling at anytime. 


    So... is that banable? If "stealing" from unlocked chests isn't seen as a bad thing in many circumstances in your character's culture, can you "steal" items from unlockedchests without a ban?


  16. If taking things from unlocked chests is banable... does that mean every single halfling player ever will be banned? Most halflings thesedays treat property in a much different manner than other races, and most property is presumed to be available to any halfling at anytime. 


    So... is that banable? If "stealing" from unlocked chests isn't seen as a bad thing in many circumstances in your character's culture, can you "steal" items from unlockedchests without a ban?


  17. Should I make an AMA once I get to 333 posts?

  18. nobody will ever be able to top this app: 



  19. Just dropped another RP guide.
    If someone was rping with my Orc clown, there ya go.


  20. Any active RP groups? Please, don't shill for your own. I'm not talking nation wise, but more magic wise. I'm looking for something to do with one of my very old characters, reply to this status or HMU in the DM's!

  21. Can we PLEASE stop with the ads that force the page to scroll back up to the top to watch them-- IT'S DOING IT AS I TYPE THIS PLEASE SOMEBODY SAVE ME

  22. can someone get the FMs to stop purging all the Halfling posts? Most of them are still relevant (such as the shortoak family records). Also they're FAMILY RECORDS, they are supposed to be there forever or at least until the famiru dies off.

  23. does anyone need a character rp'd ?

  24. Again doing lets plays and seeking people to record with! tw:attila 1212 ad mod, game of thrones mod. tw:shogun 2, red orchestra 2, pubg, project reality (which is a free tactical combined arms shooter 50v50 with tanks, apc's, lav's, ifv's, close air support, and serious gameplay.)

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