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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. antifaareviolentcommunists

  2. I made a thing describing Halfling activity in a nutshell this map:



  3. antifaareviolentcommunists

  4. If y'all could fill this out when you have the time, that'd be great: https://goo.gl/forms/zABcUjBfxpLesarI3

  5. antifaareviolentcommunists

  6. Any groups want me? I'm lonely :(

  7. I want to kill myself

  8. my communist fm agenda is to remove rep so everyones equal

  9. Odd request, can someone with Promising Blacksmith tell me how long it takes to make Iron Studs?

  10. my communist fm agenda is to remove rep so everyones equal

  11. Session is back - We're wrapping up and then we'll be going live here likely in the next ~5 minutes!

  12. Hey guys! If you haven't seen our tweet the server will be down for a bit while we go to LotC 5.2.2! We've got a few awesome changes we think you'll love so just hang in there with us!

  13. THE NUMBERS ARE IN! Oren, Welves, sutica,Haria,haense, urguan, monkeymen, and gm village all get land in 6.0!! if ur not on the list ur not getting land for lacking strong ppl

  14. THE NUMBERS ARE IN! Oren, Welves, sutica,Haria,haense, urguan, monkeymen, and gm village all get land in 6.0!! if ur not on the list ur not getting land for lacking strong ppl

  15. Been gone for a while, where do most people hang around on the server??

  16. Anthos was cool because you could make cheese and there was a brewery plugin

  17. The FM has decided to take down the horrible attempt at humour due to the generation of toxicity that it caused. It is the very same toxicity that most of the LOTC player-base had seemed to be complaining about. 


    Everyone should know that they are all part of this mechanism and that if they want to change LOTC, they too have 

    to contribute to such advancements.


    Any attempts at reviving such a disgusting display of 'humour' will 

    be shot down without hesitation.


  18. tell me who ur strong ppl are or you dont get a spot in 6.0



  19. tell me who ur strong ppl are or you dont get a spot in 6.0



  20. High Elves who want magic should 

    work under Illidar in the new ethic.

  21. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/map/ New Dynmap going live! Asul is only available for now, we're getting the rest up in a bit.

  22. If pineapples are berries, what is a stripeless  zebra?

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