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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. time to get back on the halfling event grind

  2. Wow these new buffed horses are absurdly fast

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      put on a resource pack that changes their gallop to motorcycle sounds and laugh

  3. Nodes still broken?

    1. Tetho


      Only the nodes near the hubs work as far as I know

  4. Why play spleef on minigames servers when you can play it on LOTC?

  5. 1.18 experimental snapshots lookin' pretty good.


    Honestly LOTC might be able to get away with using vanilla world gen again in 1.18 if all the new world generation changes are fine tuned enough.

    1. Anore


      Minecraft World Generation is still hideous compared to what people want out of fantasy landscapes. But in terms of properly scaling biomes and stuff, wouldn't hurt to take some notes from Minecraft world generation to create more usable landscapes for RP. Definitely something we've needed to work on in the past is not going overboard.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Yeah I agree. Vanilla Minecraft generation isn't the greatest but it's very usable for building stuff on. Lots of Almaris requires a whole bunch of terraforming to do much which is why some nation capitals instead created their own land like the massive plateau that Oren built to put Providence on and the island that Elvenesse created for its capital build.


      Speaking of going overboard, I think the noise filters or whatever applied onto parts of Almaris are used a bit too much. There are lots of areas where you can find random 1 block holes or single blocks sticking out of the ground all on their own. Compared to previous maps Almaris feels less smooth.

      Also I'm not a huge fan of the biome mixing. I prefer having locations all be one biome rather than mixing together a whole bunch of biomes and splattering them all over the place.

      Maybe we're just trying to hard to make some uber detailed terrain when in reality most people just want terrain that looks good enough at a distance and is suitable for them to build their settlements on.

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      stop giving us quilt maps, give us 3 biomes at max and stop catering to every nations 'aesthetic'. force them to adapt.


      in my dream map the world would be one massive desert kenshi style.


  7. you wouldn't get this from

  8. A full commitment's what I'm

  9. Vortex gone yeet 

  10. Bros... I miss Atlas so much...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      I remember how everyone said how horrible it was and what a bad map it was when I joined that map

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      That’s every map Laeonathan. You can only tell how good a map is after it has passed and a new map has come.


      Almaris might improve a lot with a war rewrite and Vortex getting canned, so I don’t know if it’ll be remembered for it’s terribly long walk times or interesting wars that’ll come later in the map. Time will tell.

    4. rukio
  11. I want pits back so I can teach new players how to build halfling burrows without worrying about resource costs as much.

  12. I’ve played spleef, scavenger hunt, and even hunger games on LOTC before. Any ideas for other games that could be replicated on the server?

  13. Cart hubs? Yeah? Nah? Lemme know what y'all think

    1. CorweenieTheJedi


      there needs to be a PK clause

  14. Halfling Farmer Almanac!

    1. Hanrahan


      my favourite

  15. Soon, my friends, halfling farm event shall be daily occurance. All will be farm. All shall farm.



  16. Normalize using wool as a wall material

    1. Nug


      wool walls in my halls

  17. I made an epic halfling video!

  18. Bro we really advertising to redditors now. Scraping the bottom of the barrel

    1. Shorsand



  19. I hope the rebellion and coup rules coming out #soon turn out well


    Sucks it took this long though. I wish we were able to get good rules for this stuff set in stone earlier when the Sedan revolt was happening (since there clearly was a need for some rebellion rules in that instance).

    1. ImCookiie


      Come write them faster, noob

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