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11662 Rep Farm CEO

About Unwillingly

  • Birthday 02/19/2003

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    Prefer Not to Say

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  • Character Name
    Malphas, Galahad Nullivari
  • Character Race
    Zar'akal, High Elf

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  1. what's the craziest encounter you've had with a new player

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MeteorDragon


      This is a long one


      I was going with a new player on my Sorvian and told one of their characters some things that related to Sorvians cause my Sorvian was bragging about their superiority. Also said that they could heal themself due to being a Sculptor. When I was about to leave, they tried to tell me that Sorvians can't heal themselves so I had to explain Sorvian lore to them



      Fast forward to the next day and they find my Sorvian on a different character and start to metagame everything about Sorvians to my Sorvian. A few days later, they message me on discord asking to learn magic. They ended up finding me and it was a mess of them saying they wanted to learn elemental magic but that void magic was bad and evil. The character was talking to a voidal mage about the Voidal evocations....


      This was like a month ago, last I heard from him was that he tried to make a Translo FA but I've not heard anything beyond that 

    3. Damnit_Delmar


      Had a new player try to fight and kill me after I did some schizo preacher rp. Then, he proceeded to throw what he thought, was a one shot assassin item. When he showed it, was just an iron nugget with two lines of description. Did not even have a signature or anything. Had to explain to him how items, and item signatures work. Also about lore items, and poisons and the like. 


      Was interesting rp, wonder what he is doing now. 

    4. JoshBright


      We don't talk about it.

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