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Status Updates posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. Like 3-4 breeds per restart

    It's so far been 25 hours since the last one


    something has gotta change

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JustMeMorgan


      eight hours feels so ungodly long

    3. JustMeMorgan


      it'd also be nice to have like /bcooldown to see how many you have + how long till it resets

    4. MailC3p


      Okay, but you still atleast have a CD not attached to the Restarts anymore. What I do is breed cows and sheep at the end of the day, go to bed, wake up and then breed them when I log on.

  2. Please direct all hate mail to my accountant, Telanir

  3. Make sword swings require set manoeuvres and moves you have to use that take their own emote times like evocation magic so even sword fighting cannot be free form

  4. What are ppls thoughts on a piece of lore that changes how magic is cast n used, this is just a shower thought I had but rather than just requiring line of sight how would people feel about an alternative optional system that requires rituals / somatic and vocal elements


    mages rather than being able to sit silently n cast have to do flavourful gestures and incantations, or perhaps have to stay in the same place to draw out their spell, maybe it could be an alternative form of focus too in that the mage can get back to their spell if they lose focus at the same stage where they left it 


    (example being mage is drawing their ritual on the ground around them but knocked away, they manage to get back and finish drawing whatever was needed and bAM the spell is fulfilled)



      We have spells & magics that rely on rituals, what new ones would we need?

    2. JustMeMorgan


      It wouldn't be new ones!
      My idea would sorta be like a feat or overhaul, (feat making it optional but irreversible, i.e. you either use the new system or just cast where you can see, you can't flick between them)


      the idea would be, right now you can sit in a chair and as long as you have Line of Sight (LoS) you can just cast, only needing to do a tell


      the feat/overhaul would be rather than just LoS, you have to do verbal+somatic elements, or do some sort of ritual to cast it, maybe the option to do one or the other depending on your situation


      I.e. the new system, you can't just sit in a chair you'd have to be doing a verbal and loud incantation, as well as moving your hands or body to fulfil the spell, or if you're out in the open you would draw some sort of ritual around yourself


      It'd also mean that maybe connection operates differently, maybe rather than just losing your entire spell if you fulfil the incantation or ritual (say drawing this circle with runes, or fulfilling a set of phrases and gestures) the spell can still be finished


      It'd also mean that people would have different methods they'd have to use to break your connection, which could spice up rp rather than just pocket sand, such as getting you away from your ritual spot, or stopping you from talking / restraining your hands to keep you occupied - which to note, right now you could still technically cast a spell from behind a shield as long as you could see over/around it

  5. Why do some nations have 600 acres of farmland who you growing food for??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      it's not weird to have farms the size of cities. it's weird to NOT have farms the size of cities outside. realistically speaking, most of Aevos should be farmland in order to support the population since a city cannot be fed by fields smaller than itself (especially not with medieval era farm technology (no synthetic fertilizers))

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      yes remember your city is filled with 100,000 NPCs 

    4. JustMeMorgan


      I'm gonna try to make Talar'nor make more farmland then bc oml 

  6. I want to bring back mage cocaine

    1. DrunkPapaBear


      its called Krugamine

    2. Amayonnaise


      my water evo son

    3. JustMeMorgan


      I have returned parent

  7. I need to vat grow some children

  8. I need some psychotic players who want to play new characters to join my family tree so I can have a legacy

  9. I think we should get gun lore

  10. Idk might come back innit


    I've had more things denied than women who have rejected me so what's one more to the list 😎 

  12. Looking for those interested in playing Almenodrim (Sea Elves), pop me a msg if you're curious about it

  13. Someone fuckywuckied the forums it's really broken on website too @AlphaMoist

    1. AlphaMoist


      Yeah I can’t see **** so appreciate the tag

  14. 466128977bcf16962981542679ca50ad.png

    We're getting good statistics boys, if you're an active magic user please quickly note it! It's anonymous (no mc or rp names recorded) ❤️❤️ 



  15. How is it gonna feel when we can actually make bronze


    Edited by JustMeMorgan
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Believe it or not, in vortex lead is higher tier than iron or bronze, by a significant margin at that bizarrely enough.

    3. JustMeMorgan



      why couldn't it just be






      Higher stuff


      Why the **** do we need lead??

    4. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Filler, I assume.

      It goes 









      Invar (a irl modern alloy of nickle and iron that is super hard to make with modern machinery, which is nickle + lead in vortex)



      Bluesteel, etc.

  16. I hath returned at the End Times, i am a bad omen

  17. Nice profile pic

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