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Everything posted by Genetic_Mutant

  1. im not ok, does anyone want to give me their electrolytes to help?

  2. ohh na na ay! dont act like you know me!

  3. bye bye bye genesistum on to the next girl on to the next

  4. HahahaHAHAHAHahahAhahahAhaHAhahahaAHAha!!!~

  5. Fascinating indeed, truly intriguing. What a splendid delight.

  6. Can we have a section of the forums where we can post anonymously without fear of persecution or guilt? Like a confession section or something, or perhaps an anonymous AMA, I think that would be fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HedgeHug


      it's called my private inbox

    3. FreeHongKong


      You be getting people to send noodles?

    4. HedgeHug



  7. The myth, the legend, the baddest bxtch of them all.

  8. This debate is frivolous. Whether to eat meat or not should be left to the choice of the consumer, whether they want to be informed or not, is their choice. They hold the right to choose what they want in the supermarket and should not be restricted to choose plants only. You can't change how people think or how society works, only the laws that nudge it. If society could be changed more easily, I'm sure there would be a lot less social issues with all the social justice warriors popping up. Unfortunately society is a longer machine to repair whereas laws can be changed faster. Banning all meat consumption is really the only way you could have this vegan society instantly, which would lead to bigger problems.
  9. Philosophically speaking, morals are usually a minor distraction towards progress. Progress is complicated since often progress is contrasted by tradition and funny enough humans have traditionally been eating meat, but I bring progress into my argument since it is progressive to continue consuming meat. From common knowledge; meat is high in protein, a vital nutrient to the human body and it's muscle functions. Muscles are important; without muscles we wouldn't be able to lift things and we'd be heavily weak. You need muscles to walk, and perform pretty much everyday functions in general. By stripping away meat as part of some sort of moral code that is purely fantastical by human minds, since morals were brought forth from human imagination for better or worse; you hinder progress. I believe society should be progressive so I think meat should continue to be consumed. In addition to these arguments, meat consumption is commonly observed in nature, as humans we should not be different. We are a living race, we need to live for ourselves (sometimes) at the cost of other species. I am not advocating for over-production or endangerment of animals however, that disrupts the food webs and food chains of many and causes more issues than resolved. Overall, we as a HUMAN-RACE should not stop eating meat purely for the ideal of moral values. While the vegetarian diet is good for many things, taking meat from younger children can lead to MANY problems later and early on in life due to poor muscle development and whatnot. I always tend to stand in the middle-ground of any sort of debate, it's strange. Any who, now realizing that plants contain higher trophic levels than meat, and thus more "energy" (i forgot the actual name i hated science); some studies are pointing to find the vegetarian diet helpful. But then, my previous points still stand. So with all of my concerns stressed, I feel like it should be left to the consumer populace to decide. Meat production companies should continue doing what they do, and it should be left to the choice of the consumer with full knowledge of the risks and benefits of each diet.
  10. Note, this is not a quote: "original idea", this is inspired or heavily ripped off of; you be the judge, various Asian mythology and beliefs. If you watched the show The Last Airbender you would also note that chi is a highly prevalent theme there too, so thus is this idea really original, or ripped from folklore.
  11. Playing the game with the rule-maker is more fun than playing the game with a mere pawn or peasant, wouldn't you agree?

  12. Congratulations on making the wiki team (again). (: 

  13. LOL.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Harri


      i too love inside jokes brought onto a public medium

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      I dont know this guy harrison

    4. Genetic_Mutant
  14. @ElrithSearith, I have added three more detrimental effects of the Primordial Stones. Which can be read about in the lower sections of the post. Fi magic is now able to completely stun and block magic form a Primordial Stone holder whilst giving them incredibly dreadful migrains that will harm them greatly, as well as turning their aura, stone and eyes black for the duration of the Stun which can be quite spooky. Overtime the body will ware down akin to a necromancer, if the mage is not careful they can develop an acute condition known as Void Illness which will cause them severe back pain and joint pain. Transfigurationists who practice Warding and Abjuration can effectively stun a wearer and they will receive extreme migraines akin to Fi' magic but their stones, aura, eyes will not turn black. Primordial Stones also got a cool new feature in that they can monitor Mana Usage and Reserves.
  15. +1 Much like modern wicca, however whilst the void is often seen as unnatural, this could add an alchemical flavour towards magic as it is today. I think physical components in spellcasting would be a fantastic addition and it would be a good asset towards those who use both alchemy and transfiguration. It could also inspire some new Magical Artifacts.
  16. @Krugalicious, To address your concern I lowered the minimum casting emotes to three. This should hopefully cause them to be less overpowered, in addition to this I removed the resistance that Transfigurationists and Mental Mages can use. @The Rabbi, To address your concern I removed the bit that stated that Transfigurationists and Mental Mages can resist the psychological effects. Should a mage in the event of acquiring one of the five stones, encounter psychologic effects, it is up to their own personal research (and submission of a MaRT or piece of lore) that can evade the psychological effects; obviously also in most cases taking away the buff they give. And overall I mentioned in the "red-lines" that due to the influx of mana and power they grant, the body will be weakened down to the level of a necromancer (derived from the casting instrument lore), not even tools or jewelry will be able to stop this crippling effect on the wearer. Furthermore magics like lightning evocation that take longer to cast have an emote minimum of 4 (unless their tier dictates under that). The minimums are solely based off the buff. Furthermore I would like the highlight the above passage. I believe the fact that they are highly coveted and sought after by governments would indeed spice up roleplay. It will lead to conflict and whatnot. These stones are waiting to incite more plotlines and eventlines. They are also quite interesting in that they can be used to show non-mages what it is like to see aura and magic, and whatnot. Thus, I hope these edits remedy your concerns.
  17. @Sir K Andruske, Voidal Mages now are able to feel a stone when it is closeby allowing them to be candidates for location of the stones, the closeby range can inherently extend miles outwards, and Blood Mages are able to directly summon a stone to their location, during or after a Borealis. However it is only after the Borealis that a Blood Mage is uncertain of whether or not they'll get what they intend. Blood Mages are able to target the void during a Borealis to summon a Primordial Stone during the event, and after the event, they are left with a mere gamble. Which can mean a 1 in a hundred chance of summoning one of the five.
  18. The Primordial Stones A flash of light and the sudden opening of the skies, radiant bursts of lights stretched out across Axios and gripped the attention of mostly all Voidal Mages, the veil was weakening, and things were happening. The world was gripped in a front row seat towards the temporary tearing of the veil. The skies shifted in radiant hues; like a mage's aura. Something may've gone wrong. Someone may've done something, but what was for certain, is that all mages in Axios felt a great proximity closer to the Void. Objects in misty trails begun to fall from the skies, and when they hit, the select few receiving felt estranging as ever. Thus how the Primordial Stones came to be. The event now re-occurs every few years, and the Stones are some of the most rarest and elusive to find objects that lay dormant in our beloved Axios. The event itself is known as the Novaeum Borealis. The Primordial Stones are magnificent artefacts that have fallen quite literally from the sky in recent times, they've proven to be a hassle to deal with as per the eldritch effects they instill upon people who wander too close, and the aftermath of the effects they grant the user. They fell from the void, in aspects or niches, in auras of their own; their exact existence is mathematically unexplainable, but theoretically valid. The Primordial Stones are so rare that studying them is often done for personal gain or malicious intent. Scholars with the intent to study the Primordial Stones often spend years looking and coming up short. Those who do hold the stones are, quite secretive; and even insane people. The stones themselves were otherwise born of the Void. Each potential aspect incites a new property, which uses the Void’s energy and spawns forth a stone of great power. These stones possess specific properties which alter the bearer’s personality in certain ways. The stones will emit a faint glow and tint of the aurora they were born of. This colour and tint has allowed the Primordial Stones to be recognized by Primal Stone Hunters. While many Primal Stone Hunters are unsuccessful, those who know the right secrets and tricks are very successful. Primordial Stones are some of the rarest materials in Axios, and go for very high prices. They are extremely precious and must be handled with care, otherwise the mana inside them can rupture and cause deadly explosions. What do the Primordial Stones do? In short, Primordial Stones are conduits of great power. They connect a Mage to the Void at a much more hastened and potent rate. This decreases casting times by a very fair rate, and improves a Mage’s connection in general. A spell that requires 4 emotes will only need 3 emotes. Whereas magics that already only require 3 emotes will remain at 3 emotes (as 3 emotes is the minimum to prevent powergaming), but increase the spell’s potency altogether. The buff is powerful, but the drawbacks aren’t as great either. The stones individually focus on drawbacks. All stones increase a Mage’s affinity to the void, yet uniquely curse them with a drawback. Primordial Stones are actually wells of crystallized potential which are bound to the Novaeum Borealis and Void. However this affinity is dynamic, magics like lightning evocation that require longer emotes will only go to a 4 emote minimum. It is up to you to be the judge, DO NOT take advantage of this! Behaviours and Traits of the Primordial Stones; primordial stones aren’t absorbed back into the void, more so they remain on Axios. They hold a physical form as crystallized potential wells, and thus can remain should the mage take proper care, the Primordial Stones are by default physically weakened by the impact they make against the land upon their arrival, and easily destroyed — in these cases the Primordial Stone will explode into magical dust. However due to the nature of Primordial Stones they don’t have to necessarily be destroyed always. If a Primordial Stone is preserved or worn for a long enough time, they will begin to regrow endurance. (Note that if a Primordial Stone is kept safe for a month IRL without fail, then they gain an immunity to destruction by conventional means). When two Primordial Stones meet, they repel each other. If a stone gets too close to another (even of it’s own type)— they will be repelled away by an eldritch kinetic force. The reason for this is inherently unknown. Altogether primordial stones are some of the most elusive and strange magical artefacts known to the Descendants. Funny enough, Primordial Stones seem to be naturally repelled to Archons too, the cause of this effect is as above; unknown, but some believe in divine intervention. Appearances of Primordial Stones is only within night. This, however is because at night the veil is slightly less functional. The night sky is often theorized to have a correlation with the void. Some even go as far as to accuse the stars of being a “web” of magical energies which knit together the veil itself. Funny enough the stars do not cease during the fall of the stones and that observation doesn't necessarily justify the above hypothesis. What is true, however, is the veil is always slightly more prone to weakness during night. However oddly enough, when a Primordial Stone is worn upon a Mage, they find themselves unable to tap into Dark or Deific Magics, including Blood Magic. These artefacts are truly great conduits of voidal power and bestow some of the most valuable properties known to magic researchers. In fact they don’t only abnormally affect Dark or Deific Magics, they are also known to cause eerie behaviour in Celestial Familiars and Celestial Arcanists. In these cases; Celestial Arcanists and Familiars generally feel attracted to these stones. Celestial Arcanists and Familiars actually are the best “trackers” for Primordial Stones. These two beings are actually by nature drawn to Primordial Stones. Additionally to Celestial Arcanists and Celestial Familiars being attracted to the stones, Blood Mages are very able to summon them. While it's typically a gamble, summoning a Primordial Stone is all possible with Blood Magic. In addition to this, during an event, Blood Mages can summon stones to their location rather easily. Furthermore, any Voidal Mage will feel different or adverse when near a Primordial Stone, due to the power it emits; therefore Blood Mages, Voidal Mages and Celestial Arcanists and Familiars are all the more capable of locating a Primordial Stone given they put the proper effort into it. Voidal Mages are able to feel a stone when it is closeby allowing them to be candidates for location of the stones, the closeby range can inherently extend miles outwards, and Blood Mages are able to directly summon a stone to their location, during or after a Borealis. However it is only after the Borealis that a Blood Mage is uncertain of whether or not they'll get what they intend. Blood Mages are able to target the void during a Borealis to summon a Primordial Stone during the event, and after the event, they are left with a mere gamble. Which can mean a 1 in a hundred chance of summoning one of the five. When a Mage equips the Primordial Stone via jewelry or some other form, they feel a great rush of power, and over the course of a day their personality slowly begins to change. While they may be able to cast at greater rates, their personality takes a toll. Some mages are recorded slipping into insanity and isolation, though some can resist the effects for an upwards of a week before they succumb to the effects. A mage will be able to remove the stone and no longer suffer these effects before the first week of use is over. However beyond that removing the stone will no longer cancel out the mental consequences that ensue when utilizing a Primordial Stone’s connections and even mana wells. Additionally, Primordial Stones can only be equipped via Jewelry, Staves, or Wandpieces. This is because touching a Primordial Stone physically will shock the mage’s mana pool and cause them to overclock. Unfortunately doing this will lead to a condition known as mana shock, which temporarily stops any magic casting for one IRL hour. Peculiarly, when a Primordial Stone is equipped, non-mages are able to see voidal energy, mana flow, and auras; while the explanation for this is not inherently clear. These manifest as a sort of passive ability. What’s even stranger is that non-Mages will also begin to develop a temporary Voidal connection when wearing the Stone. These are more so passive abilities, Primordial Stones can be actually used to open a non-Mage’s eyes to what magic looks like temporarily. However the non-Mage should be careful not to develop any mental ailments from the stone and should only wear it for ten minutes at most. Beyond that point the non-Mage may experience headaches and migraines due to not being used to such a connection. Due to this, Primordial stones are highly sought after by Governments and scholarly organizations therefore making them very often fought over. The stones incite conflict, manipulation, deception and are highly coveted as a rare and valuable commodity. Arguably the most frightening aspect of the Primordial Stones is their ability to distort and take hold of a mage’s innate soul. Many believe aura is a projection of the soul, and thus some may be right, but the stones do not leave the soul untouched. Upon equipping any of the stones the mage’s aura will shift immediately to that colour, and their eyes will do so as well. This is known as the merging, a time where mages and even non-Mages will experience a great deal of migraines for 10 minutes at the most. During this time their bodies are acclimatized to the aura of the stone and begin to radiate that colour through their aura. When casting with the stone equipped, their eyes will give off a slight auric glow and the stone will shine the colour that it normally held. Rexalis — The Awakened Stone The Primordial Stone which embodies the Awakening Stage of the Novaeum Borealis. Rexalis, known as the Awakened Stone, is a hunted relic that falls first of the five during a Novaeum Borealis. Rexalis falls often in various forest systems. When Rexalis makes contact with Axios; it instills an effect of great refreshment, the refreshment will be akin to having gotten a good rest, and it will cause nearby wildlife to flee away. Rexalis of course blesses it's wearer with an increased aptitude to Arcane Magic like the rest, and connection with the Void Realm will be hastened and strengthened. However like all other stones, Rexalis comes with drawbacks. Rexalis often creates an effect of great arrogance and pride, this is a negative type of pride, those who bear the Rexalis Stone feel an overwhelming superior complex dominating their personality. They inherently will feel as if they are a God in comparison to everyone else. This God complex, funny enough, causes great insecurity for the bearer as well. Often the bearer will feel deep down as if they are worthless, and will find coping in expressing their insecurity by acting as if they are righteously superior. While it's hard to wrap around, Rexalis often causes the bearer to be hated by quite a lot of people. While Rexalis instills no malicious intent, unlike Chaosum; it causes such a complex that the bearer will likely lose quite a few friends. Further beyond this, the insecurities will increase, and suicidal thoughts will inevitably entail for it's bearer. Fighting these thoughts is of course possible, albeit difficult. Likewise- Rexalis is a very mysterious albeit ethereal primordial stone. Chaosum — The Chaotic Stone The Primordial Stone which embodies chaos. Chaosum, known as the Chaos Stone, is an easily acquired relic which falls upon areas of great chaos. These are often cities with a high quantity of people. Once it makes contact with Axios; it unleashes a great explosion and harms many people. Once this explosion is over it makes it fairly obvious and easy for the stone to be located. Chaosum is arguable the most commonly seen, albeit still rare. Once fallen and contacted with the land of Axios; it instills a chaotic and conflict-like effect on those closeby. Those affected feel obligated to start fights and provoke more Chaos. Upon it's wearers, Chaosum instills an effect akin to an unending lust for fight, bloodshed and chaos. While it may not be in malevolent nature; Chaosum causes it's warlords to become obsessed with war and conflict. They are those who start Tavern Fights, but take it to extreme levels; sometimes even going out of their way to kill and maim. Chaosum has an oddly more minimal effect on magic than the other stones; while it does increase proficiency, it simply hastens a connection and makes casting less strenuous- not decreasing casting time however. Kowinel — The Spectral Stone The Primordial Stone which shines blue. Kowinel, known as the Spectral Stone, is an elusive stone which, many even Primal Stone Hunters tend to avoid. This is due to it's prime effect once it makes contact with Axios. It causes elusive and harrowing fears to whomever stoops too close to Kowinel and where it lands. Though Celestial Arcanists & Familiars are known to be great resisters of Kowinel, they can't quite not succumb to even a tiny bit of it's influence. Kowinel is one of the rarer and harder stones to acquire. Kowinel, while increasing Mage proficiency the same as the other stones, often creates a harrowingly haunting effect on it's bearer for the rest of their lives. This leads to unparalleled cases of insanity and paranoia, often accompanied by a feeling of being watched for their entire lives. Many bearers are scared to go out into public or even sleep. Often this stone causes sleep deprivation and extreme paranoia. Overtime the bearer will inevitably slip into insanity. Kowinel is arguably one of the most dangerous stones; as it in many cases causes suicidal thoughts. As Aselor; Kowinel has been known to contribute to suicides, however this fact is only known by Primal Stone Researchers- even then, many are still unaware. Kowinel likes to fall in places where bodies of water are ever present. Aselor — The Heavenly Stone The Primordial Stone which shines white. Aselor, known as the Heavenly Stone, is a heavily sought after relic by various governments and mage-hunting organizations. The infamy behind this was lead by it's prime effects when it contacts the land. The antimagic zone it causes when making contact with Axios is highly sought and coveted after. When in reality, Aselor isn't quite that an antimagic stone. Aselor is known to cause a feeling of devoidness or nothingness for it's wearer, albeit it does not differ from the other stones, it increases a Mage's connection to the void at a hastened rate just like all the other stones. Many Aselor bearers end up wearing quite a gaunt expression, and over time they become obsessed with dread. Unfortunately some bearers of Aselor have been noted to go insane over time and commit suicide, the feeling of nothingness often becomes too devoid for some to bear, and they often spend their days wishing they were able to slip into the Void and hide there. Aselor is arguably the most unique stone out of the five, for it's effect on the wearer and it's effect on hunting. Aselor enjoys falling in high mountain ranges or where the sky is closest to the land. It has been recorded enjoying favourable hotspots in places like Haelun'or and various mountain ranges across Axios. Violia — The Arcane Stone The Primordial Stone which shines violet. Violia, known as the Arcane Stone, is heavily sought after by scholars and Voidal Mages. When Violia falls and makes contact with Axios; it instills an effect of wonder and mysteriousness in those near proximity to it, leading many to become quite creative with their thoughts and seek out the stone (if already aware of it's fall). Violia increases a Mage's proficiency just the same as it would for any other stone. Violia generally instills an effect of obsession on it's bearer, the bearer will become obsessed with various scholarly pursuits and often isolate themselves from outside distractions. Overall this causes Violia wearers to become extremely antisocial and secluded. Though this obsession is rarely a benefit to study, some mages will only by a slight fraction increase their studies at a slightly, and very slight higher pace. Violia often causes people, remindingly, to become incredibly antisocial. Violia is known to tear apart social lives and even cause unrest. Violia falls upon areas where magic is heavily used. It has been recorded enjoying favourable hotspots in places like Nor’sethonn and even various Mage Cities. How do the Primordial Stones form? Whilst the exact cause is unknown from an RP standpoint, they are actually formed from a massive stutter or pulse for better wording in the void. This potential energy simply doesn't form the stone in the void itself, but rather falls from the sky (veil) and crystallizes in the atmosphere, absorbing the aura like effects of the borealis. This crystallization process is heavily difficult to study. But the final result of it causes a great stone, a conduit to the void, dramatically heightening one's own magic. All Primordial stone holders need a valid [MArt] application to validate their holdings. How can I get a Primordial Stone? Unless the event team chooses to host an event via a forum post or in game incursion and scatter them trough Axios. You either need to be given one IC or apply with a [MArt] application. Note the rarity of Primordial stones. You will need to have a good reason in order to be approved for this exclusive item. Fi magic is able to completely drain away Magic from a mage wearing a primordial stone, in fact, when someone is drained by Fi' magic, they will experience a great deal of migraines due to the acclimitizing effect the stone instills onto the body; Fi' magic can effectively stun anyone wearing a Primordial Stone. Furthermore whenever Fi' magic is used on someone wearing a Primordial Stone, their eyes and the stone itself, and their aura will shift to a black for duration of the stunning. Overtime the body will ware down. Much like a voidal mage but more drastic. The body will be unable to be fit or muscular, and will be on the level of a necromancer no matter how hard the mage tries to resist this effect. This makes Primordial Stone wearers very weak and utterly unfit for combat. They will be frail and weakly. In some cases, mages can actually fall ill from a bone mass weakening condition known as Void Illness. While the condition is preventable, mages who sit around all day are prone to it. Void Illness causes a mage to have several back and joint pain for the duration of three days. Thankfully it is not chronic, but if the mage is not careful, they will continue developing the condition. Transfigurationists who practice Warding and Abjuration are able to stun anyone wearing a Primordial Stone effectively. Much like Fi' but much weaker, someone with understanding of Voidal Conduits, Nodes or Connections in general will be able to cast a Ward or Abjuration in order to nullify and cancel out Primordial Stone buffs. This will not only cancel out the effects of the Stones (not including the psychological detriments), but will inflict large migraines on the wearer, and until the wearer unequips the stone; it is likely that it will be very hard to concentrate on the void. Ontop of those extra bits of information, Primordial Stones are actually able to monitor passive mana pools and inform the mage whenever their mana pool is at a high or low. This is represented by the gentle glow that the Primordial Stones emit when casting magic. However, the Primordial Stones also have an effect akin to mental magic or Cognatism; acting as a "second-mind", the Primordial Stones will inform the user the percentage of their mana pools via a mental note. The mental note depends on the user, for some it could be an illusion appearing in the corners of someone's sight in the form of a blunt percentage, for others it could be a bar of energy. The mental "note" depends on the user. Furthermore it is not only the mage's mana pool that someone equipped with a Primordial Stone can monitor, but they can also get a read or idea on the mana pools of others! In summary a Primordial stone is an incredibly rare artefact that enables a voidal Mage to connect to the void at a greatly heightened rate. Even non mages will feel a connection after wearing the object. They are additionally highly coveted and sought over, having a Primordial stone is no walk in the park. And finally, they create a great psychological turmoil for the wearer. While the stone heightens magical proficiency, it also causes a host of other problems, namely psychological. You cannot backstory in Primordial Stones, you must find them IRP or through Character Interactions. You can be given a Primordial Stone by an LT or ET, if you properly request them. By filing a MArt application and giving a valid reason for holding one you can acquire a Primordial Stone. You cannot go under 3 emote casts. If your magic is one of the magics that generally take longer to cast, the emote minimum is 4. You must roleplay out the drawbacks that are listed for each individual stones. You cannot ever by any circumstance metagame in the knowledge of the stones or powergame with them, currently the only people with knowledge on Primordial Stones are extensive libraries and archives of information like the Library of Dragur. While the stones deepen your mana reserves to cast greater spells in lesser time by connecting you to the void more efficiently, you cannot instant cast. Overtime, the body will start to ware down due to the influx of voidal energies and become heavily weakened, akin to a necromancer. A blood mage can only summon one primordial stone per 2 IRL months.
  19. Love that profile picture!

    1. Kvasir


      stfu i changed it

      i was testing out the 'link to twitter'

    2. Genetic_Mutant
  20. I. Love. The. Magicians.

  21. my love you have FSN UBW in your signature and for this i automatically grant you extreme supreme overlord tohsaka rin level anime grill award

    1. YFKTF




      i just liked how it looped


      get this weeb **** off my profile

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