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Posts posted by MarquisAlex

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             0 - Newly Created.


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Seth Calith


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    An understanding of Atronachs:


    An Atronach is a construct designed and created to serve their creator, often used as tools and guards to those gifted with the skill of Atronach Forging. The creator forges an orb, of various sizes, made from a large mana-crystal encased in either Arcaurum or Magegold.  The mana-crystal is used as the energy source of the Atronach, which requires charging once a week near a mana-source, such as a Mana Obelisk. Preferably, this should be done with the aid of a Mana-Wire/Mana-Layline or a Voidal Magi (who understands the Atronach core in question) to assist with the charging process.

    Once created, the orb conjures an Atronach, a Sentient humanoid creature, who embodies an element chosen by their creator. The Element should be from a Voidal Magi who has completed Transfiguration & the chosen Elemental Evocation. Should an Atronach lose their charge, their element would dissipate back into the Void and the core would fall to the floor with any Atronach plating.


    There are a handful of variations of Atronachs the basics are the four commonly-known elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water. However, there is also Ice, Sand and the rarer Telekinetic (Hybrid) Atronachs.

    Atronachs may also be divided whether their elemental core is considered Solid, Liquid or Hybrid. So instance, An Earth Atronach is considered Solid, whereas a Sand Atronach is consider Liquid. 

    For the most part, the density (Liquid, Solid or Hybrid) of the core and the Atronach as a whole reflects how much protection their core needs, as it is harder to protect a liquid-conjuring core. Should a liquid core be damaged, it would begin to bleed their element, but solid cores would give off a gaseous mana. Extensive damage can destroy an Atronach core.


    Atronachs are sentient creatures, but bound to the will of their creator, as they are conjured up to be tools in the process of knowledge. As such,Atronachs are incredibly intelligent, capable of critical learning and can apply knowledge from their experience to their daily situations. They can perform nearly any task (within the parameters their physical state allows them to perform) and do so with the skill of a Master within a handful of practical and theoretical demonstrations. They are able to communication initially in Common, with the potential to learn other languages. However, Atronachs do not possess innate morals or emotions, creating a craving to understand and experience emotions in hopes of replicating them. 


    Atronachs are weaker than Golems, requiring fewer hits to ultimately overcome, however they are still a threat when opposing one in combat. An experienced descendant may be able to take on an Atronach, with some difficulty, whilst having a larger group could make the task easier. Atronachs are also weak to Fi, Alteration, Warding/Abjuration, and their opposing elements. For example, an Ice atronach would be weak to Fire.


    Ice Atronachs:


    Atronach-Forged by a Voidal Magi who understands water evocation and altering it into the Ice subtype, Ice Atronachs are a weaker solid variant in comparison to the Earth Atronach, however they are similar to their more durable Cousins in terms of function. Much like the Earth Atronach, they do not require as much Atronach plating as a liquid Atronach, as their ice maintains most of their shape. However, should the ice be struck by a sharp weapon attacks, it can chip the form of the Ice Atronach. Blunt force weapons, such as a Mace, has the potential to shatter an ice atronach completely & easily. As such, Atronach plating for an Ice Atronach is usually used to cover the limbs and the chest to prevent this from occurring. Ice Atronachs tend to use Icy projectiles to aid in their defense.


    Being the embodiment of Ice, Ice Atronachs are innately attuned to their element, allowing them to manipulate Ice to create a variety of effects. They are capable to creating passive art with their Ice, molding it into a shape or design with relative ease. In a combat scenario, the Ice Atronach is best ultilised in the back of a group, either to fire Ice Projectiles towards enemies, or create a Dome of Ice to protect themselves or Allies. They may also affect their surroundings by conjuring a blizzard within a small area centered on themselves, which can hamper an enemy by obscuring vision and lashing opponents with snow & hail respectively. Should they feel in substantial danger, they are designed with a Contingency, which allows them to melt down their core and expel all the energy from within. This devastating attack should be used as a last resort. As a rule of thumb, an Ice Atronach has the Voidal Magical Potential of a T3 Mage.


    As previously mentioned above, Ice Atronachs are uniquely susceptible to Fi, Alteration, Warding/Abjuration, and their opposing element, Fire.




    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Unlike some of of the other creations of Seth Calith, Fenn'thill is not plated completely with Haelun'orian Guard Armour, but with bits and pieces of it.
    Roughly 7" tall and relatively bulky in the body and limbs, Fenn'thill tends to create a frost about his Atronach Plating, creating an effect that his Armour looks off-coloured. 

    Patches of snow form upon some of his armour, which he periodically will attempt to dust off himself, particularly the shoulders guards.

    Fenn'thill also sports treated wolf-pelts among parts of his lower body and back, though this appears for aesthetics, it is actually used to aid in this dusting process.
    The eyes of the Fenn'thill glow a dull yellow through the helmet he sports.





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Albus Amador


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Eminence


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Albus Henrik Brian Amador


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ursus Grandace


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. 2RY-o3mmHpm8nNfGdVlJ09iD4MykPTyTl0_Q1GZEwY4TMCQ9XxDLsBa5_VLpPCYR4M21l6Y3lReQZTLvl2ifIvzsxCCNkwp6Ysgxbfap00WxYtdMxvAZ0vGCcoNLE_AGxwDJNhhz87MDJQvdlVco42s

    EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present



    From Ashes, We Rise



    - The Funeral of Nataliya Mariya Amador, Baroness of Mondstadt - 


    Issued on the 9th day of Tov ag Yermey in the 486th Year of Exalted Sigismund.



    Let it be known that Her Ladyship, Nataliya Mariya Amador, The Phoenix of Amador, Baroness of Mondstadt and Kastellan of Immigration of Haeseni-Ruska, has this day passed on to the Seven Skies. She died of natural causes following complications after her most recent pregnancy and childbirth. The child, though small, seems likely to survive the tragedy and shall be named Theodosya as the late Baroness wished, and be granted the second name Nataliya after the Baroness. As is customary for the House of Amador, the House will enter a state of mourning until such time as her Funeral is concluded.

    Her Funeral will take place on Jula ag Piov, in the 487th Year of Exalted Sigismund at the Evarardian Basilica in the City of Valdev. We welcome all who wish to pay their final respects to our Late Bossiras. Her Coffin with be sanctified by a Priest of the Church, before being buried in the Ground of the Basilica, beneath the same tree as her recently fallen kin, Ser Karl Ruslan Amador.


    The Impact of the late Bossiras to the House of Amador can not be understated. Thanks to the efforts of herself, her mother, Olessya Amador, and her faithful sister Liridona Amador, the House of Amador stands today among the most spectacular families in the Dual Kongzem. She battled during the end-times of Almaris against the Mori’quesse;, she served the Dual Kongzem faithfully and loyally as Kastellan of Immigration. 


    She leaves behind her Husband, Four Sons and Two Daughters, her Sisters, Mother, Father and all the rest of her surviving kinsmen. We Honour the Bossiras that reignited the flame of the House and returned the House to the Nobility within the Dual Kongzem of Hanseti-Ruska. 


    Let it also be known, as per the wishes of the Late Bossiras, that Professor Albus Amador, the Chronologist of the House of Amador and Son of Radmir Amador, shall act as Regent, until the eldest son of the Bossiras, Henrik Edvard Amador, now known as Henrik III, comes of age. We request time to Mourn the loss of so much in such a short blink of time.




    OOC Spoiler: 6pm EST at the Evardian Basilica on Thursday 20th July.





    Professor, Albus Amador, Regent & Chronologist of the House of Amador

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Albus Henrik Brian Amador


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Briga Irongut


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Albus Henrik Brian Amador


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Translocation Magic is the practice of disassembling an inanimate object through the void and reassembling it at a different location. There are two different subsections of spells: Expatriation & Shifting. The former concerns the deconstruction and reconstruction of objects within the void, storing them away using the Voidal Pocket or Summon Weapon spells or transporting them with Half-Expatriation. The latter subsection concerns the transportation of one's self (and in some cases, others) through means of teleportation, known as 'Shifting'. Whilst Organic beings cannot survive for any prolonged period of time in the void, those who willingly go can travel via the void to a location dictated by the Mage's Anchor. With a greater skill, one can traverse greater distances. In combat, a Translocation Mage may 'Blink', a spell that may be utilized to either escape swiftly, or position themselves into a tactically advantageous place.


    To learn Translocation, an aspiring mage (hereafter the Acolyte) must create a connection to the void and develop that connection over prolonged training and time, with the aid of a Teacher and preferably with access to a Mana-Obelisk. Once a connection is established, the Acolyte must select an object or person that they wish to Expatriate or Shift by creating an Anchor and imagining the deconstruction and/or reconstruction from Point A to Point B.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Expatriation - By studying an object, down to the finest details, an acolyte can rapidly deconstruct and store the item away within the Void, for use later on. Example spells of this subsection of Translocation include Void Pocket, where an acolyte may gradually store away larger sized items over their education and training, maxing to 3³ cubic meters. They may also deconstruct more items as they grow more accustomed to Translocation magic. These stored items may be reconstructed later if not done so immediately. Half-Expatriation works much this way, with the creation of two anchors in the form of portals, where an object may quickly be transported from Point A to Point B. Summon Weapon also allows reconstruction of a simple weapon (not a crossbow, for instance, nor shield & armour), which can add more flavor to the drawing of a weapon.


    Shifting - The Subsection concerning 'Blinking' & Teleportation. Running along a similar trial of action to Expatriation, instead of storing inanimate objects away (animate, organic life would not exist in the void for prolonged periods), Shifting allows for the the quick transportation of objects and willing personas across spaces. This is usually done by connection to the void and the placement of an anchor to the desired location. Brisk Step, or 'Blinking' is the fastest form of doing this and best used to escape situations. However, Spells such as Group Teleportation require the Magi to spend more time focusing on those that they wish to transport before accomplishing that feat.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Half-Expatriation - Tier 3


    Albus Amador took up one of the teddies that had been strewn about the living room like so many fallen wheat sheaves. With a small sigh, he began to tap into the void and create his connection, as an azure aura weaved about his person.


    [!] Looking to his right, he focused on a table where he would create his first azure portal, a place where he might deposit the cuddly toy of his kin like placing a scrunched up piece of paper in the trash.

    [!] Looking up to the high shelves of the Lounge where such toys were kept in a basket, the eccentric Amador created his second azure portal, swirling just above it.

    Albus Amador finally took up the plushie toy and dropped it into the first portal, where it would land neatly within the basket. "Saved eam finding the step-ladder - HM?" he chuckled.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Void Pocket - Tier 1


    Albus Amador looked to his new acolyte with sea-mist eyes as a small smile lined his lips. "Today, vy are going to learn about Void, a spell that will allow vy to deconstruct a hand-sized item and store it away in the void." He began, waving his right hand as he instructed "Begin by establishing vyr connection to the void, just as vy did before - HM? - then place your hand palm up on your right knee." 


    The Acolyte sat cross-legged upon one of the large flat stones in the courtyard. As he closed his eyes, he could feel the wind blow against his skin and hear the fountain before him as he began to search deep... a soft white aura began to emit from his person. Soon there after, he turned his clenched hand into a faced-up open palm, rested upon his right knee.


    [!] "Ses Dobry" the scholarly Amador remarked, before picking up a simple pebble from the side of the Courtyard's Fountain, stepping forward to place it into the student's palm. "Now, study this stone." The Professor instructed "Study it intensely. Understand all of its facets... Begin to connect with it... Establish an Anchor on it."


    [!] Eyes still shut, the Acolyte ran his fingers over the pebble, feeling it for both its smooth and harsher edges. After a short while, he opened his eyes and looked at it as the Acolyte's mist began to envelop the pebble.


    Albus nodded once and with quick instruction stated: "Dobry, now store it away."


    The Acolyte's palm lit up briefly and, with just as quick an action as the command, the pebble disappeared in a flash.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    As a Teacher, it is my responsibility to correct a student if they powergame a spell that they are attempting to learn. By asking the student to analyze their own emote for a mistake that has been spotted & analyzing the student's emotes myself by highlighting where they may have gone wrong, they can learn what the mistake is. Once that is done, the best solution is to give an example emote to show how to prevent powergaming a spell, correctly following the outlines and red-lines given in the Magic Lore.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.






    ᛏᚱᛁᚨᛚ ᛟᚠ ᚱᚺᚢᚾ

    The Resignation of the Grand Ambassador of Urguan, 

    Dagmir Grandaxe

    ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚢᚾᛁᛏᚤ




    Dwedmar of Urguan, 
    Fellow Diplomats & Emissaries,


    I serve notice to you all.


    Today, on the 2nd of the Amber Cold, in the 126th Year of the Second Age, I, Dagmir of the Clan of Grandaxe, handed in my formal resignation as the Grand Ambassador of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, passing the symbol of my office, the Ornate Cane of the Grand Ambassador to His Majesty, the Grand King of Urguan, Agnar of the Clan of Grandaxe.


    I offered this resignation to His Majesty out of a desire for rest and recuperation after striving for peace and tranquillity over the course of two-decades, an achievement in modern diplomacy and a crowning jewel for His Majesty’s reign, it has been my privilege and honour to serve in His Majesty’s Government to cultivate & maintain diplomatic relations around Almaris. It has allowed the Dwedmar an era in which to grant their beardlings a happy and constructive childhood untainted by the stains of unhappiness that War and Bloodshed have wrought on Dwed lives.


    To my diplomatic contemporaries across Almaris, it has been a pleasure to work with you all in our individual and greater capacities, as diplomats, emissaries & Realms of the Continent. I wish to convey personal thanks to all, with special mention to His Royal Highness, King Georg I of the Dual Koengzem of Hanseti-Ruska, as well as his faithful subjects: His Grace, the Duke Aleksandr var Ruthern of Vidaus & Miss Ilaria Amador, Emissary to Urguan. 


    I also apologise to all foreign diplomatic bodies that you now need to re-establish your contacts and continue prosperous relations with the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Until such a time as a replacement is made and the Cane passed on, I recommend your correspondence be addressed to His Majesty, the Grand King.


    I shall maintain my office as an acting Magistrate of the High Courts of Urguan, until such time as it is no longer required of me to maintain the position at the wish of the High Justicar, Thromdrick Irongut, or His Majesty, the Grand King of Urguan. Until then, I shall tend to my personal wellbeing, physically & spiritually, as a Subject of His Majesty and Citizen of the Grand Kingdom.


    May the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, under the Serene Reign of His Majesty, remain steadfast in its commitments towards Unity among all of the Dwedmar. May the Legion remain stalwart in the face of perils, both foreign and domestic, under the firm command of Duroun Ireheart. May the Religious Sects of Urguan strive for peaceful coexistence and cooperation, under their respective leaders. May Ogradhad Guide us all.


    Narvok oz Agnar! - Narvok oz Urguan!






    Dagmir Grandaxe, Former Grand Ambassador of Urguan, 

    Acting Magistrate of the High Court of Urguan.





    People may wonder why I have decided to quit a role that I have enjoyed for a great many months.


    Simply put, I have received a Promotion IRL. I work in a Seasonal trade that saps my playtime during the summer and increases it during the winter months.


    As it would be unfair for me to hold a position in the Dwarven Government while slowly losing my time to roleplay in that capacity for the Dwarven Community, I have decided (with Lego's Blessing) to step down from the role. My Character will still be roleplayed, but my activity is unlikely to improve until October.

    It's been fun working with my companions in the Dwarven Government. I hope I can do it again soon.




  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Albus Henrik Brian Amador


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Translocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ursus Grandace


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  9. ((OOC Information))


    What is your Discord?: MarquisAlex#7294

    What is your Minecraft username?: MarquisAlex

    What is the ideal time for you to partake? GMT - I tend to work 4/5 days a week, at which point I'm available from 10pm to Midnight.




    What is your name?: 

    Albus Henrik Brian Amador


    How old are you?:



    What is your race?:

    Highlander Human


    Are you aware of the rules of the College and that not conforming with them will attract consequences?:



    What class/classes do you wish to enroll in, of the options?


    () Standard High Elven Studies (Culture, History and Language)


    () Natural Philosophy


    () Thaumaturgy


    () Voidal Studies


    () Common Studies


    () Health


    Why is it you wish to enroll in this class/ these classes?:

    I'm in a land that is distant from my own, I want to learn standard High Elven Studies, including the History and the Language, in respect for those who will likely be able to teach me in the future.

    I wish to take classes in Natural Philosophy so that I may understand more about the world around me, as well as my own impact on the world.

    I know very little of Thamaturgy or Voidal studies, so I wish to take these classes to sate my curiosity about both subjects.

    I wish to take Common Studies for much the same reason as High Elven & Natural Philosophy studies, I wish to understand every aspect of the world around me that I am able to comprehend.

    I admit, Health does not sound the most appealing of subjects, but I don't believe that should be a reason not to avoid the subject. I wish to still take this class so that I may learn about my own health and of others around me.


    Please describe yourself in a few sentences, to the best of your abilities:

    I am a young, human, teenage boy from the Highlands of Hanseti-Ruska.

    I hail from the fallen Noble House of Amador, which I ran away from following an argument with my father.

    I want to prove that I am a capable academic, that I am able to prove myself among academic peers and to achieve that, I am willing to go above and beyond whatever is asked of me.


    Anything else you wish to add?:

    I know I am young, but I implore you to give me a chance within your classes.


  10. Albus Henrik Brian Amador would look upon the missive from the Koengzem and the teenager would be quick to hide it in his bedroom among the books on his shelves. He knew his Papej would not take kindly to the story of the Ragman coming back to the surface and haunt another generation. He glances at his pocket-watch - It was nearing the end of Dusk.

    He retires to bed, hearing the mechanism of his pocket-watch resonate in his hand.

    Tick Tock Tee
    Tick Tock Tee
    Tick Tock Tee

  11. image.thumb.png.35ebfd34b124e037886ce86fcd20d295.png


    The Tale of the Ragman



    In the middle of the tundra lands between Hanseti-Ruska and Norland, a small campfire burns among a set of overturned logs, in front of a handful of tents and a lean-to...

    The sun fading from the end of Dusk and the Beginning of the cold night.


    A Papej sits upon one of those logs, in front of the campfire, his Syns on his lap and his brow furrowing whilst the pair of spritely boys beg their Papej for a Ghost Story.


    Finally, their Papej relents…




    Once upon a time, many, many years ago, back in the reign of Koeng Marius the Good, the streets of his capital were bright and happy.


     But, at night, when the mist slowly rolled from the docks and onto the Houses, it was said that the evil Ragman would appear.


    My Aetymamej told me that he carried a bag over his hunched shoulders…

    …And he was looking…

    …Always looking to fill it.


    He moved through the night, from window to window, eerily searching each room.


    Good Children were safe, Aentymamej said, asleep and warm in their bed.

    They had nothing to fear.


    But if vy were awake past vyr bedtime, the Ragman would catch you.

    And when He did, She said: 

    “He would smile wickedly”

    “He would point his crooked cane”

    “And… Poof!


    In the morning, when their Papejs & Mamejs would call for the child…

    They were gone.



     The “Ragman” Sleepover event:


    As a result of the Ragman story being circulated around the Realm of Hoonseti-Rooska, the Children of said Realm now have a Nightmarish Entity Haunting their Dreams & Sleepovers.


    Therefore, at the next Sleepover event:

     Saturday 11th February

    3pm EST

    Weiss Keep

    The Ragman will visit the Naughty Children who refuse to sleep.




    The Game is a belligerent blend of "Hide & Seek" & "Last Man Standing" 


    This is a Horror-themed, RP/CRP, Timed Event - Not PvP. 


    Set-up Rules for best experience:

    1. Please turn on Minecraft Sound Effects. 
    2. Please Lower Render distance to 5. (You may also have the Blindness effect placed on you for this event.) 
    3. /Walk at all times. 
    4. Please be respectful of @RoyalCrafter. 


    Game Rules:


    It will Last from RP Nightfall to RP Dawn. 

    All participants are unable to sleep due to anxiety.


    1. Explore the Keep with /walk.


    2a. If you encounter the Ragman, You must "/roll (Your IG Age)".


    2b. If you roll less than half your age, you must either stand "frozen by fear" or Flee to hide for a CRP round. You cannot do anything that CRP round.


    2c. If you roll half your age or more, you stand up to the Ragman. If you win a full CRP round, the Ragman will flee. If you lose, the Ragman *may* make you disappear. 


    3. A "Disappearance" will mean you are out of the game. (You've been hit, like dodgeball). Please RP having a nightmare, or SS out if you're bored. 


    4. The Ragman will not encounter you if you are RPly hiding.


    5. You have the option to leave the keep at any time. However, if all the children either disappear, refuse to come out of hiding or leave the keep, the Ragman "wins".


    6. The Kids Kingdom wins if a single child is left standing after dawn RPly breaks.


    After the Event:


    This is an event with Minor RP consequences - those who disappear or experience fear are requested to RPly express those emotions outside the event for a couple of RP months/year after.


    Thank you for participating in the event. 


  12. 8qy8eAEy6Sz7_Ni_L62M-bd_HgUWuhptCCBViHd4Auk_g89ct8T_EhywEAKMf7RIuEjaI2omTHJSEDR0CctJ2562CM8pF7IJq9g96smxuk8OvOEcRkY5IBAIW4VVevyhgY7wN330GkuJbdB0u4aIEWh--2jBbzxaatBjSCbgGHZUu-9_2XTubocoU1CSlA-TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP




    ᚱᛟᚲᚴ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᛏᛟᚾᛖ

     Cultural Exchange: 

    Chess Tournament Between Hanseti-Ruska & Urguan

    ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚾᛖ




    12th of the Amber Cold, in the 111th Year of the Second Age


    12th of Joma Ag Umund in the Year 460th of Exalted Sigismund, 



    As per the Renewed Iron Accord, Signed in the 110th Year of the Second Age/459th Year of Exalted Sigismund, The Grand-Kingdom of Urguan hereby Announces a Cultural Exchange Event within the Dual-Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. A Chess Tournament will be held within the Capital of the Dual-Kingdom: Karosgrad, upon the Palace Grounds. There will be a Trophy Handed out to the Winner of the Tournament, for those willing to test their mettle, whilst friendlier games available for the participation of all those who wish to come.




    I. The Chess Tournament will be held on two boards outside the Palace of Karosgrad. 


    II: Competitors will be arranged into pairs to compete against each other, with the winner of each pair moving to the next round.


    III: The winner of the chess Tournament will be granted the honorific title of ‘Chess Grandmaster’, confirmed to them by the receiving of a Chess Grandmaster Trophy, as well as prize of mina.


    IV: If you are interested in competing, please reply to this announcement stating your name and your race. These will be compiled by the Grand Ambassador of Urguan for the Tournament.


    Other available games:


    I. Naughts & Crosses


    II: Hanseti Chess



    Essentially the game ‘Sorry!


    III: Bowling



    Multiple players - roll 1d10, over 7 rounds. Person with the highest total wins.




    The Karosgrad Palace grounds


    The Snow’s Maiden, In the 113th Year of the Second Age

    Msitza Ag Dargund, In the 462nd Year of Exalted Sigismund



    23rd January, 4pm @ Karosgrad Palace Ground





    Her Excellency, Viorica Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court


    His Lordship, Aurik Bishop, Baron of Ostervik, Ambassador to Urguan


    Dagmir Grandaxe, Grand Ambassador of Urguan




    Imperium Sextus Brigade

    His Imperial Majesty’s Armed Forces


    Realm of Oren, The Lions of Man

    Renown wardens of the law, vigilance, and military morals throughout the Empire of Man;

    Bannermen of Imperium




    Mounted Knights of the Imperial Legion sallying

    fort ahead of the accompanying

    infantry, c. 1611



    The Imperial Sextus Brigade is premier amongst the wardens of humanity, as the greatest of the Imperial soldiers, holding the bulwark of the Empire’s military assets. Those conscripted are considered elite men of the Empire, and serve as the foremost martial force - enacting the Emperor’s will with precision and diligence the likes of which is unparalleled.


    Under command of the Marshal and his commissaries, each Brigadier shall serve a lifelong duty and fortuitous pledge of servitude. For the Empire’s violet purple is adorned upon the tabard of every soldier, shall he always hold it vigilant within mind, and belief.



    With thy hand, I strike down all who oppose me,

    for they are the scourge upon humanity;

    shall this prove brisk.


    - Emperor John Frederick in private audience

    of his council, in addressment of the

    Norlandic imposement.



    Letter of Reformation

    In order to effect a timely halt to lethargy currently gripping the Imperial Capital of Adelburg and the Holy Orenian Empire as a whole, the Imperial Crown has decided, in counsel with the Crown’s military advisors, to henceforth dissolve the Adelburgian Guard Force. In its stead, a new standing army shall be formed from the guard force, to serve and protect the Empire.  This standing army shall be maintained through the diligence of an Imperial Military Council, comprising of Commanders within the newly formed Imperium Sextus Brigade, whose service and loyalty to the Crown is unquestioned. From experience garnered from the Imperial Constabulary Forces to the Adelburgian Guard Force, it is the view of the Imperial Military Council that the ranks of military personnel and their subsequent promotions within the former orders shall be henceforth rescinded. The 6th Imperium Brigade shall be structured anew, with promotions for members having to be passed by the Marshal of the Imperium Sextus Brigade, whilst implementing a true system of pay for the glorious soldiers who defend us.


    Much like contemporary army structures around Axios, military personnel will be assigned a rank within the Imperium Sextus Brigade. This is used to help structure command, responsibility, camaraderie and authority within the ranks. Promotions within such ranks are granted on merit, activity and availability. This new system is designed to be functional, offering distinctions between the ranks, which will grant a greater opportunity to take pride in the uniform a soldier dons. In tandem with these sweeping reforms to the Imperial Military, a new series of military honours and medals shall also be created, gifted to soldiers by the Marshal of the Imperium Sextus Brigade or His Imperial Majesty. These will be designed on the same basis as those used in the Legion in ages past.All those who wish to Join the Imperial Army may make applications, which will then be forwarded to the Imperial Military Council. Ave Orenia.



    His Imperial Majesty, Peter II Sigismund of the House of Horen, by the Grace of God, Holy Orenian Emperor and rightful Emperor of Aeldin, Forever August, Apostolic King of Oren, Renatus, Salvus, Seventis, Vandoria, Savoy, Mardon, and the Westerlands, Duke of the Crownlands, Cascadia, Avar, Frederica, Blackmarsh, and Marna, Count of Auguston, Alamar, Frederica, Krajia, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Defender of the Canonist Faith, Supreme Protector of Mankind, Master of the Lions of Man, etcetera.


    The Right Honourable, Henrik Ramdir of the House of Amador, Count of the Blackfen, Baron of  Gravelhold Castle; Former Deputy Constable of the Imperial Constabulary Forces, Imperial Military Reformations Commander.


    The Right Honorable, James II Augustus of the House of Windsor, Count of Warwick, Baron of Windsor Castle, Master of the Warwick Armsmen; Steward General of Adelburg, Imperial Administrator of the Holy Orenian Empire.


    Ser Felix of the House of Fitch, Knight of the Order of the Red Dragon.


    Leofrik of Mondstadt from the House of Farsight, Captain of the Amador Wardens.



    Rank & File





    The Marshal is the highest ranked member within the Imperium Sextus Brigade. Appointed by popular vote among the Commanders of the Imperial Military Council and with the approval of the Imperial Throne. The Marshal carries, within this prestigious position, the complete authority and responsibility of overseeing the Imperium Sextus Brigade and the maintenance of Imperial Law. Unlike the Commanders, the Marshal acts as the de facto organiser and leader of the Imperium Sextus Brigade.


    Field Marshal (*)

    Unlike any other rank, the rank of Field Marshal is one acting both inside and outside of the system. A Privy Council position that is designated by His Imperial Majesty, the Field Marshal is the commanding voice during battle, with complete authority over the Imperium Sextus Brigade and subsequent responsibility of the result of the battle, whilst acting as a countermeasure to the powers of the Marshal. For their responsibility, they are accountable to His Imperial Majesty and the Marshal and respectively.



    The Commanders are the Officers of Imperium Sextus Brigade. Selected by the Marshal, with the approval of the Imperial Throne, to serve as military advisors and battle strategists. The majority of vassal-lords within the Holy Orenian Empire fall under this category, provided that they can levy a minimum of five men, including themselves. The Commanders can designate one of their five men to act as their Sergeant, their second, with the approval of the Marshal. A Commander acts with authority over his assigned division of men within the 6th Imperium Brigade, and takes responsibility for the maintenance of that division. They are also responsible, just like the Marshal, to maintain Imperial Law within the Holy Orenian Empire.



    The Sergeants are the second-in-commands within a Commander’s Division, aiding them in the maintenance of equipment and the measurement of morale within that division. Should a Commander be absent, it is expected for the Sergeant to take command of the division assigned. A Sergeant may oversee the maintenance of Imperial Law within the Empire, however, they do so in full knowledge of their responsibility and accountability to their Commander and the Marshal. During War, Sergeants may, with their Commander’s Permission, act as an Ensign; the standard-bearer of their division.



    The Brigadier is the foundation stone of the Imperium Sextus Brigade. They do not carry the Authority to maintain Imperial Law, nor carry out justice in it’s name, but may report back to a superior any crime that they may witness. Brigadiers in the Imperium Sextus Brigade must win over the support of their Commander, should they wish to be promoted to become a Sergeant, yet there should be no shame in their rank. Pay and Shelter will be provided, as will Equipment when requested, in return for loyal service to the Imperium Sextus Brigade.


    Recruit (*)

    The Recruit is the starting step into the 6th Imperium Brigade. After showing activity within the Imperium Sextus Brigade for a fortnight, a Recruit may be named a Brigadier by their Commander, with word being given to the Marshal of their Promotion. Like the Brigadier, they do not carry the authority to maintain Imperial Law, nor carry out justice in it’s name, but may report back to a superior any crime that they may witness.


    Doctor (*)

    An Unofficial Rank within the Imperium Sextus Brigade, Doctors are Brigadier who have taken pains to specialise in medical expertise, and may be rightfully titled “Dr.” In order to become a Doctor, a Soldier must receive Medical Training from the Barracks and receive the Green Cross Medal. They do not carry the Authority to maintain Imperial Law, nor carry out justice in it’s name.


    (*) = Rank is linked indirectly.



    Military Honours & Medals


    The Imperial Cross


    The Imperial Cross is the highest military honour a soldier can receive within the Imperial Army, awarded to those soldiers who have given service above and beyond the call of duty over a span of time exceeding two decades, in the name of the Holy Orenian Empire.


    The Sigismund Star


    The Sigismund Star, named after His Imperial Majesty - Peter II Sigismund of the House of Horen - is a tremendous military honour that is bestowed unto a soldier by His Imperial Majesty, in gratitude for martial services completed for the Imperial Household.


    The Red Dragon


    The Red Dragon Medal symbolises the prestigious award of knighthood to a soldier of the Imperial Army, admitting them into the Order of the Red Dragon. This honour is awarded to those who have shown valour during times of war within the Imperial Army.


    The Blue Medal of Merit


    The Blue Medal of Merit is awarded to soldiers for outstanding services to the Imperial Army. It is common for this military honour to awarded be awarded to a single soldier following a decisive victory in battle, usually by the the Marshal of the Imperial Army.


    The Patron’s Purple Disc


    The Patron’s Purple Disc is awarded to those within the Imperial Army who have generously donated a large sum, be it in the form of equipment or minae, to the Imperial Army. This military honour is often awarded during times of peace by the Marshal of the Imperial Army.


    The Green Cross


    The Green Cross is an honorary medal which is awarded to those who qualify as a Doctor within the Imperial Army, denoting those with medical capabilities. It is granted by the Marshal of the Imperial Army.


    The Golden Flame


    The Golden Flame is a military honour granted to soldiers for an unblemished record of conduct whilst serving in the Imperial Army. To be awarded this, a soldier must show dedication and loyalty to the Imperial Army, remaining true to their role whilst within it.


    The Medal of Service


    The Medal of Service is the most common military honour, denoting a recruit in the Imperial Army being promoted to the rank of Soldier. It is often granted by the Soldier’s Commander, with the approval of the Marshal of the Imperium Sextus Brigade.






    Minecraft Username:


    Do you have Skype:


    Do you have TS:









    Prior Experience:


    Who is your Commander, if any:

  14. Lord Henrik Ramdir Amador would glare as he spots the dismembered limb near a sign in the Capital of Adelburg. Striding over he takes the poster and rips it down, before ordering a subordinate:


    "Take the limb and have it embalmed for transport back to Santegia, then send word to these terrorists who hold my Brother-in-law. 3,500 minae and niet a penny more." 

    • Full Name: Henrik Ramdir Amador
    • House Name: Amador
    • Status of Blood [Royalty, Nobility, Gentry, etc.]: Gentry
    • Titles [King or Queen, Prince or Princess, Archduke or Archduchess, Duke or Duchess, Marquise or Marchioness, Margrave or Margravine, Count or Countess, Viscount or Viscountess, Baron or Baroness, Knight or Dame]: Count of Blackfen
    • Direct Liege’s Name: Emperor Peter II
    • Amount of Levied Men: Approx. 5.
    • Number of Citizens inhabiting any Fiefdoms: 0
    • Goods produced within your Lands: Unknown
    • The reasonable amount of Wealth or Assets you would be able to raise for Taxation: Unknown
    • Do you, by this document, swear loyalty to the Emperor, Peter II Sigismund, and the Holy Orenian Empire until death? Do you hereby accept that treason and betrayal will be met with no clemency and that your lands shall be forfeit and repossessed by His Imperial Majesty should such action be taken?: Yes
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