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About thesaintjaleel

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  • Birthday August 8

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  1. Metagaming is using OOC knowledge IC....There are no other definitions of it, so he technically didn't metagame...If Alex gets banned that means that I should get banned too for telling someone OOCly that my character hates theirs.

    1. Trenchist


      Telling someone OOCly your character hates theirs isn't metagaming...

    2. AGiantPie


      A clear and deliberate OOC attempt to assist someone in taking down one of your enemies without RP is blatant metagaming imo.

    3. thesaintjaleel


      Skale asked people why they hated the dominion and attempted to get them together IC for a raid, thats metagaming.It wouldve been metagaming if Alex went through with it but he obviously didn't, and Skale hasnt provided evidenxe that Alex offered to open the door for him. BOTH can be guilty with an IC action but this was all OOC without action, so it isn'

      @Trenchistthats my exact point, telling someone OOCly why your character hates the dominion and wants to attack it isn't metagaming, he stated he would attack it if given the chance but in no way did he bresk the laws of metagame which are : Taking OOC information and using it IC.Period

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