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Child Neglecter

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Status Updates posted by Child Neglecter

  1. we need a FlamboyantRage era with lore games except it's Realm Games

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nug


      worst take ever gg

    3. ClassyDryad


      He would have shelved your nation for not bribing him (do not ask what the bribe was.)

    4. Child Neglecter
  2. Werew0lf is muslim

  3. What is the best and most specific addition that Mojang has added to Minecraft that has had LOTC benefit the most from? What events do you guys remember that this addition impacted heavily back when it was added?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mio


      wasn't around for its implementation but i feel the debug stick was a pretty monumental addition for its time

    3. Charles The Bald
    4. chaotikal


      the scoreboard system which is the backbone for not only the names above head function but also a bunch of internal systems like old Nexus

  4. when is lao zedong warrior getting banned

    1. drfate786


      Never, he's been given a lot of alts by staff to keep doing what he does best. The entire druid community has to constantly be on the watch for him and the wood elf playerbase actively has to avoid his alts almost monthly.


      He's been active for years since his official "ban" and the same goes for most of the pests on this server. It's that the head admins aren't aware or active enough to care or partake in this themselves on alts of their own. 


      You want it to stop? Get proof, submit it to Microsoft/Mojang enforcement and hope for a second server blacklist to happen. The only way this behavior will be deemed unacceptable to staff is when they're legally forced to comply.

    2. Bhased


      1 hour ago, drfate786 said:

      wood elf playerbase actively has to avoid his alts almost monthly.

      lol i just kicked him out, he avoids me not the other way around 808571613032742924.png?size=96

      Edited by Bhased
  5. where have you been


    still at Massive?

  6. why do people post alchemy lore for the most niche unnecessary shit ever

    i literally see no point in it - especially some of these alchemy packs 

    just contributes to the vast amount of bloat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      @UnBaedis any status necessary to make?


      most of the time it's just shitposting 

    3. Priceflash


      so their alchemy character can have niche alchemy nobody else has and they can brag about it in haelunor silly goose

    4. Child Neglecter
  7. with TNT i can finally start doing offline rust raids on all of my enemies 

    1. Crevel


      I will become an avid user of LotC+, a companion mobile app designed to give you alerts on your phone while you are off the server as well as some cool features. These alerts/features include being notified when bandits or spooks are doing their bad deeds in and around your nation, being able to control your city's gates without having someone manning them, and finally being able to detect evil blocks such as TNT within the vicinity of your city. Since I am so dedicated to the grind, I will be hooking up the sensors in this mobile app through real life devices to ensure that I am alerted to them as soon as possible. See the following video below as examples for what could be applied to LotC+



    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      see i've seen this ZChum video and i'd genuinely be shocked if someone doesnt do this

  8. wonder how many massivecraft rpers that used to play on lotc are gonna come back now that massivecraft got blocked by mojang lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. greisn
    3. Nug


      do they have obvious pay to win in their server shop? is lotc next? o:

    4. Amayonnaise


      @_SugIt just looks like an azdrazi w/ massivecraft eyes, go ham

  9. you know the ruling's bad when Krusader is the only one who supports it

  10. you're 13 ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)

    1. Kvasir



  11. ب_ب

    1. James


      يجب عليك المغادرة

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