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Everything posted by blago

  1. Man, raids do sure help with practicing humility when you get battered. 

    1. Guest


      don’t lose then

    2. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      Didn't pick me up.

  2. Who makes skins? Offering 3k mina.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zacho


      i can make them, dunno how good it'll be

    3. blago


      Axel is making it for me - Thank you, everyone.


  3. I miss you..




    1. ibraheemc2000


      Don't we all</3

  4. Back at red.. It feels so right to see. 

  5. Circle of Oghren -=- Dverga ethos Oghren Oghren Blackaxe “We got what you need—Muscle, drugs, girls; anything if you have the mina.” Origins: The Circle of Oghren originates from the slums of Jornheim; a rugged bunch of ill-mannered Dwedmar. Outcasts to Dwarven society, they were brought together by Oghren Blackaxe, a man seeking worth through giving the pseudo-mercenary bunch a purpose. Subjected to crippling poverty, it was seen through work and loyalty that they would be given a path to avoid their pasts, not to live in the slums, but to own them. Under Oghren, they would begin making a monopoly over Pixie Dust and other narcotics, slinging them throughout Dwarven territory to fund their expanding claim. With Axios quickly falling to the wicked taint of thanhium, their expansion to provide their trade was halted—returning soon after per the landing of Atlas. Purpose: Keeping to the streets, the purpose of the band is quite ambiguous. While some are there for fun or family, others simply desire pockets brimmed with mina. Through violent activity, the Circle of Oghren seeks to retain a dominion over most petty crime within Atlas, bringing in business for their protection. Oghren aspires to lead his fellow Brothers and Sisters into an escape from the binding oppression of their low birth. Using the Circle, he may succeed in making change for them all, offering both family and most importantly, a stable future. Aside from the general ambition of holding a purposeful syndicate, the goal varies by each individual's perspective. As things continue to grow, it is hoped that it will become something more powerful than ever imagined. Ranking: Though simple in theory, the Circle of Oghren holds some level of organization in keeping itself running. Lined by prestige, every member falls in a certain grouping. Be they a Newblood, Brother, or Underlord, all follow the expectations of the Circle Leader. Under a faint bureaucracy, it is with three staged areas that all things go on—Leadership, management, and labour. With most people being brought in as they catch Oghren’s attention, formal recruitment is non-existent within the order. As all prove their worth and go through the trials given, all that needs to be shown is a stalwart personality. (Me and my friends aren't doing this - It was posted for the sake of posting what was finished.)
  6. It's time to fight wars with love.

    1. adamc2000


      it is time indeed! let us take over the world with LOVE!

  7. "love your friends, love your enemies more" - Kevin, progressive King of Haense. Words we should all live by.

    1. MysticalStranger


      "If you kill your enemies, they win."

  8. OOC: Minecraft Username: Blago. Timezone: EST. How active you can be (semi/always/neither): I've not bothered with the server for a while but I can be always active. Why are you interested in joining: I want to fight for God. IC: Name: Rikkard. Age: Thirty-three. Race: Highlander, Human. Gender: Male. Noble or Common Lineage: Common. Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Semi. Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Canonist. Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Complete.
  9. Request Format Username: Blago. Discord Tag: Blagfruit#7594. Skin Type (Head/Body/Full Body): Full Body. Steve/Alex Model: Steve. References/Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bQUy7-9vb8wnQA_ElWlwmPsczdTv01fM0i2pPBN9J-o/edit?usp=sharing. Character Details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bQUy7-9vb8wnQA_ElWlwmPsczdTv01fM0i2pPBN9J-o/edit?usp=sharing. Type of Payment: Minas. Proof of Payment: https://gyazo.com/e92978973574d75e67dc8974945854f8. Amazing Song:
  10. "One thousand minas." a man would call out, flailing his arm in the air with crazed behavior.
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