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    Laerdya | Mia Asclepius | Maeyrn | Haelun'or Square
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  1. Idk is it just me or has RP communities in general just become a **** ton more toxic? Realized some of that salt was rubbing off on me recently 😬

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ark


      I’ve had the opposite experience personally, now feel like now that the average maturity on the server is so much better than it was when I first started playing. 

    3. Punished_Pup


      Yeah I think is kinda whack because for the most part I’d say the few people I run with aren’t really toxic, but I found the RPing community at large seems more toxic than when I first started back in like 2011, but I just keep hearing so much stories of people dealing with toxic stuff that it makes me feel bad, but I just feel like a lot more people are just kinda playing for whatever little power they can get rather than just tryna have fun. A lot of the time I see IC and OOC clash with each other so it just kinda ruins the experience imo. 

    4. Lojo613


      Its about the same level of toxicity as it was in 2014


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