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Everything posted by Emery

  1. Christ is risen. Always remember God loves you :)
  2. as future mod, I stand with the admins on this decision. Related to LoTC or not, why would u wanna see ur character get freaky in the sheets. it makes no sense just have fun and find a different hobby
  3. "Blood for Ashford!" cried out Tancred of Mondville. The Druscan warrior, overwhelmed with emotion, wept tears of joy after the great victory of Veletz and her allies.
  4. "King Aleksander is a coward" stated a Druscan warrior.
  5. Emery

    PvP Plugin

    Thank you @fluffycop🙏
  6. Name: Baldwin de Rouen Age: 22 Race: Human Nation: Adria
  7. "A' least 'e wasn't caught smugglin' blocks o' iron into Aevos" remarked Titus Frostbeard with a chuckle.
  8. "Why couldn't you hand deliver this missive?" Wondered Harold.
  9. "Two whole miracles?! When was the last time this was seen?" A young acolyte asked the experienced Father Blackwater with a wink.
  10. "A disgrace to consider an Adunian as full-blooded" scoffed a long-lost de Joannes.
  11. "There, there," Adrian Tobias rubbed the back of Constanz in a reassuring manner. "It will be over soon..."
  12. felsen solos renatus
  13. You ARE the lord of the craft. We'll all miss you bro
  14. @BudaqI thought better of you man really uncool what you did....

  15. Ishimoto Yasuke gazed to the horizon, bobbing his head as his brother spoke. He makes his way to the inner deck of their wasen to wax the string of his yumi.
  16. "You'd think Sedan has bigger problems to worry about than a treasonous no-good marshal," remarked Edmond de Rouen.
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