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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Sorcerio

  1. Can I use a translocation portal as a toilet?
  2. f for me but I’ll fix that 😔
  3. Such a fickle element is that of wind, from creating a soft breeze to blow upon one’s face, to sending torrents of wind which stand testament to the very harshness of nature. It is a power so many take for granted, and yet holds much power and elegance in it, as opposed to the crudeness of other evocations. While the more simple minded of mages may opt for learning a concrete art as fire, it is those who seek finesse and elegance within their craft who pursue the path of air evocation, conjuring forth air from the Void to manipulate at their whim. Overview Air Evocation is the conjuration and manipulation of air directly from the Void in order to cast it in waves or project it in other means, such as a whirlwind or sphere of compacted air. Air overall is simple, yet much more elegant in its form as opposed to other branches of evocation. Air Evocation takes up [1] magic slot. Air Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered air evocationist with a valid [TA]. Air evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. Learning and Casting Conjuring air first requires one to establish a mana anchor, requiring them to be in a more meditative state of mind. While this may be particularly difficult for newer magi, as one progresses through this art and other arts of the Arcane, they will find it to become easier as they go along. Once the anchor has been established, the mage must then picture the air they wish to conjure before pulling it out from the Void. Akin to other Arcane Arts, Air Evocation is an art of repetition and intense study, requiring the mage to study air devoutly before they may consider drawing upon its properties from the Void. Air in particular, however, may be more difficult for a mage to study, as air is often a more invisible force as opposed to other elements such as earth or fire. Regardless, with enough study of the element, particularly how it moves and feels, one may be able to successfully conjure air to use at their disposal. Properties of Conjured Air While other elements of the Void may appear more concrete, Voidally conjured air itself still holds a myriad of properties which, while mirroring the natural element, differ it from your typical breeze or average whirlwind. These properties must be taken into account when conjuring air for any purpose. Air is a pushing force, used to move objects or people in various directions. It cannot be used as a sharp slash, and only in certain cases may it be used as a compressed, solid force. Typically it is very free and flowing. Conjured air can appear either as faint streaks or can be colored with one’s aura. Whichever the mage choses for their aesthetic is up to them. Additionally, where air is conjured, objects may rustle and there may be disturbances of wind pushing or pulling in lighter objects. Most air cannot be conjured subtly, as at least one of these tells must be utilized alongside the mage’s connection tell. Air may be made warmer or chillier for aesthetic, however, warmer air cannot cause fires nor burns on its own, and chilled air may not yield frostbite. Air may be able to fan or help flames to grow, though may never create fire on its own. Air may be humid to the point of creating a light mist or fog, though cannot fully make a substantial stream of liquid; simply water particles. Humid or Misty air may be an aesthetic addition to spells, but does not provide any combative advantage. Misty or Humid air would not put out large flames. Similar to humidity, lowering the temperature of air mildly can create snow instead of mist; though not coldening to the level of hail. Snow may be an aesthetic addition to spells, but does not provide any combative advantage. This applies to "freezing" weaknesses aswell, which snowy air would not trigger. Snowy air would not put out large flames. Snow itself is not controlled, simply the current in which it flows. The Powers of Air While some may take the art of Air Evocation to be weak and ineffective, it is actually quite far from that, being able to cause great devastation is used in proper ways. From cooling down one’s tea with a soft swirl of air, to conjuring forth a great whirlwind to wreak havoc upon one’s foes, the art of air is one of diverse nature despite its seemingly limited elements. Additionally, air is an element best used as an advantage with the environment. Abbreviation Key: N - Non-Combat C - Combat Conjure Air [N] — By picturing their air in the Void and conjuring it forth into the material realm, an Air Evocationist may conjure forth nearly anything they desire albeit composed of wind. Whether they seek to create a small breeze to air out their home to conjuring a swirling tempest upon a city, the choice is ultimately theirs. Mechanics Redlines Gust [C] — A simpler spell of Air Evocation and often one which most novice Air Evocationists first learn. This spell involves the conjuring of a small gust of air which they may push towards a person or object, causing them to stumble back or even trip backwards if not well grounded. Mechanics Redlines Redirect [C] — By conjuring a small, though more moderate gust of air, an Air Evocationist may redirect a projectile flung towards them or another, albeit not directly towards that who projected it. Mechanics Redlines Air Sweep [C] — While a gust or torrent may be focused upon a more limited number of individuals, the more experienced Air Evocationist may conjure a swirl of air around them, sweeping at the feet of any who stand around them. Thus may be a double edged sword for one’s allies, as only the caster themselves is spared from this attack. Mechanics Redlines Air Shield [C] — An Air Evocationist may, by conjuring air either in front of them or around them, create a barrier of air which may deter projectiles flying towards it, though is virtually useless against melee attacks. Often such a barrier is conjured either as a dome or a forward shield of air spiraling upwards. Mechanics Redlines Air Blast [C] - The first spell in which a mage uses compressed air, conjuring a small sphere of compact air to act as a hard blow towards an opponent as opposed to merely shoving them. This is often an introductory spell for those seeking to learn compression. Mechanics Redlines Launch [C] — By conjuring a compressed pocket of air beneath a target, an Air Evocationist can effectively cause a target of choice to fly upwards into the air by causing the air pocket to explode upwards. Mechanics Redlines Sound Blast [C] — A spell which draws advantage from an Air Evocationist’s ability to conjure sound, conjuring a loud blast of air which explodes outwards and creates a terribly disturbing noise which stuns opponents briefly, often being most effective against opponent mages as it disconnects them due to concentration disturbance. Mechanics Redlines Windstorm [C] - A far more potent spell, akin to that of Gust, often used to fend off foes for as long as they can maintain it, sending forth a fury of wind in a large area, making it rather difficult for opposition to move through. Mechanics Redlines Compression [C] — A greater form of Air Blast, which allows the Air Evocationist to create a greater spherical projectile of compressed air, one which explodes outwards upon contact, causing a potentially devastating amount of damage to those who are oblivious to such a spell. Mechanics Redlines Whirlwind [C] - The ultimate compilation of all the Air Evocationist has learned, allowing them to conjure a mighty tornado which can ravage entire squares should the mage maintain adequate connection and concentration. However, one should be warned not to get too close to the conjured storm themselves, lest they be swept up by its wrath. Mechanics Redlines Tier Progression T1 - Novice The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a faint brush of air before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks. T2 - Apprentice The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered connection, as well as being able to conjure a soft gust of air before becoming exhausted. They can form vague shapes, though nothing complex or large. Lasts three [OOC] weeks. T3 - Adept The mage has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to better conjure air when in combat. They also are able to form their air into more defined, streaked shapes. Lasts five [OOC] weeks. T4 - Expert The mage now has nearly mastered their elegant and free element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat capability, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Their compression capability has vastly improved as well, allowing them much more versatile attacks, and they can begin to study and conjure air to create sounds. Lasts six [OOC] weeks. T5 - Master The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their water to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before. They can use all the spells of Air Evocation, able to perform powerful feats of their art in both combat and non-combat. Enchantments Air Evocation is an elegant, free art, yet can be devastating nonetheless. With such as this in mind, when used in conjunction with an art such as transfiguration, an enchanter may create a variety of magically imbued weapons using the art of air. Often air will cause items to move faster or projectiles to explode upon contact, though most enchantments are often used to imitate currently listed spells when used in a non-creative enchantment. Mechanics Redlines General Redlines of Air Evocation An Air Evocationist cannot manipulate real air, only control what they themselves have conjured forth from the Void. Once they have cast their air and it has made contact with the real world, it cannot be controlled again, dematerializing back into the Void once its task has been completed. All spells require line of sight, that being their maximum range, unless specified otherwise. The further the spell is casted, the more draining it may be and the more time it may take to charge One may not suffocate, inflate, or in any way manipulate one or anothers breathing in any shape or form. Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, one could make a small arrow out of an Air Blast as a projectile only, though not as a primordial conjuration, rather simply being a projectile composed of air that appears in the shape of an arrow. Casting Air Evocation, as any Void Magic, can be tiring, draining energy and mana from the mage. The more a mage casts, the more exhausted they will become progressively.
  4. Yeah because turning people to stone with magic <<<<<< Alchemy
  5. COCKATRICE’S BREATH Made during the horrors of Mordskov, this multi-purpose concoction was intended to mimic that of the cockatrice’s petrifying breath, though only coming as a close second. Upon contact, the liquid or gas produced will slowly consume the object or individual’s form in stone. RECIPE Base: Aqua Vitae or Lard - x1 Air (Any/Optional – makes the concoction as an expanding vapor) - x1 Water (Any/Optional – makes the concoction as a liquid) - 2x Impediment - 1x Poison - 3x Rigidity - 1x Curtailment EFFECTS Upon contact with this concoction, whether it be as a liquid or gas, slowly calcifying the object or individual’s form, mimicking the petrifying breath of a cockatrice. This does not turn them fully into stone, but instead forms a layer of stone over the individual which inhibits their movement until eventually consuming them entirely over the course of emotes; though they may make an effort to break free. The potion cannot calcify surfaces such as glass, intangible elements such as flames, or certain alchemic treatments. Gaseous Cockatrice’s Breath expands in a 3x3x3 area, and calcifies each individual within its radius over the course of six emotes, including the alchemist if they are not careful. Liquid Cockatrice’s Breath may be applied to one target via a thrown flask, slowly calcifying the individual over the course of four emotes. The amount of time it takes to consume a person may also vary depending upon the physical state of the concoction, and the relative size of the target. The emote counts listed above are the bare minimum, applying to any descendant-sized creature and smaller, excluding orcs; who might take up to [2] additional emotes to calcify. Something as large as an olog would probably take closer to around [10] emotes. TREATING A well-learned alchemist may treat their clothing to be resistant to the effects of Cockatrice’s Breath, no longer permitting the terrible concoction to take hold upon them. This special treating is created and applied in the form of an oil, which an alchemist may treat their clothing with, thus rendering them invulnerable to the effects of the breath, whether or be gaseous or liquid. RECIPE Base: Lard - x2 Agility - 1x Purity - 3x Grace - 1x Endurance - 2x Balance Credit to Phil
  6. Previously, were flame oil to be applied to something such as wood, it’d still catch aflame. That was maintained here as well, though it can still be put out with sufficient timing. EDIT: I made sure to note that non-processed woods take significantly longer to light. Also corrected! Thanks! I love this.
  7. My post is genuine; scout’s honor.

  8. FROST OIL Similar to the potion of freezing from which it was based upon, Frost Oil is an oil with freezing capabilities, primarily being applied to clothing, armor, and particularly blades. It has a variety of uses, from inflicting chill and fatigue upon an opponent with the slash of a blade, to allowing individuals to travel more comfortably through boiling volcanos. RECIPE Base: Lard - 3x Coldness - 2x Freezing - 1x Swiftness - 2x Endurance EFFECTS The effects of this oil will cool whatever it touches, primarily through physical contact as opposed to open exposure. It may be applied to armor or clothing in order to make the wearer cold, whilst also providing protection from exposure to heat and other warm forces as flame, allowing one’s armor or flesh to be much more enduring to open flame and heat. Frost Oil might also be applied to one’s weapon, giving it a faint, shiny glisten. Should this blade cut exposed flesh, frostbite forms around the wound as ice forms in a layer over the injury, preventing bleeding through causing the victim to feel fatigued as their very blood is chilled. If not quickly treated, the area may even have to be amputated. FLAME OIL Akin to Frost Oil, Flame Oil possesses a similar effect, save that it is the exact opposite. Upon contact with any object, unless that said object’s properties prevent such, the oil will heat up upon exposure to air, making for an excellent quick combat application. RECIPE Base: Lard - 3x Burning - 2x Rage - 2x Heat - 1x Peace - 1 x Balance EFFECTS Within seconds of its exposure to air, the oil will become incredibly hot, heating up the object which it is applied to within seconds. Assuming the object’s material is a good conductor of heat, such as a sword, the oil will cause an immense burning upon any flesh it touches, easily distributing second degree burns, flesh turning red and creating puss. Should the oil be applied to a more flammable object such as processed wood or cloth, it would spark aflame, though merely as regular fire, and could be put out with relative ease should one make haste; also, non-processed woods would take significantly longer to light aflame. If applied to something such as armor, assuming it is not directly touching the skin, the armor would become more resistant to cold, able to absorb a greater amount of frost safely, albeit not totally immune. AURIC OIL Auric Oil is a curious concoction involving the application of Liquid Essence in alchemy, sought out often by mage hunters, often dousing their blades and weapons within it before battles with magical creatures due to its anti-magical properties. RECIPE Base: Lard + Liquid Essence - 2x Instability - 1x Impediment - 1x Death EFFECTS Auric Oil destabilizes the mana within entities where mana is a primary composition, such as Voidal Horrors or Golems. While it does not have the same effect upon descendants, for example, it still provides a more noticeable amount of pain to those who wield mana more prevalently, namely mages. Ectoplasmic or phantom beings would find their ectoplasm destabilized, making weapons doused in the oil capable of making contact with their intangible forms, disrupting their frames and causing them to demanifest with about three or four direct hits. Atronachs and other mana-based constructs, such as golems, will find the oil to tear through their element like a knife through warm butter, dealing heavy damage to their cores and weakening their casting ability, allowing them to take about four or five direct hits before de demanifesting. Runesmiths’ runes will react violently, trembling and shaking as they crack and thus are damaged. Substances such as Shade Amber would be damaged similarly as if to Aurum, though Shades themselves are unaffected. Mana fueled objects and enchantments can be quite damaged by contact with Auric Oil and the effects of the oil can render the enchantment null or even tear a spell apart directly should it be used to ‘cut’ through the spell. And lastly, Auric Oil is excruciating to Voidal Horrors, tearing them apart by their very seams, cutting through them as if slicing parchment paper with a sharpened knife. Alternatively, one may embalm an item in Auric Oil to remove an enchantment from it, and with this prolonged contact, could nullify Tier-5 Enchantments. This would require one week within a bath of Auric Oil uninterrupted. FORTITUDE OIL Simply described as “armor for your armor”, Fortitude Oil strengthens the durability and endurance of the material it is applied to, often being applied to armor, weapons, shields, or other goods that an alchemist might wish to protect. RECIPE Base: Lard - 1x Earth (Any) - 2x Endurance - 1x Fire (Any) - 3x Strength EFFECTS Upon application, any armor or clothing it is applied to will become more enduring, able to take hits from arrow hits, stabs, and light slashes with relative ease. However, blunt force from weapons such as hammers and axes, as well as faster projectiles such as crossbow bolts, will still cause successful harm to the armor, denting and puncturing it with enough force. In the case of weapons, the weapon will become more enduring, like that of high-carbon steel, though will not exceed this even if the natural durability of the weapon exceeds the standard for the oil. This makes it optimal for extending the life and durability of the weapon it is used on. HAIR REJUVENATION OIL A simple oil utilized by hair stylists or perhaps even rogues, growing a surplus of hair upon any flesh it is applied to. Often, one must be careful when handling it, as a single slip of a finger could result in hair growing all over the individual. RECIPE Base: Lard - 2x Grace - 2x Swiftness - 4x Growth EFFECTS Upon application to any skin or bald spot hair will grow from it, the length determined by the amount applied; typically a drop or two correlated to half an inch of hair, and applying more will cause the hair to grow even further. If only a smidge or drop is applied to regular hair, the hair will become rather shiny and pristine. Should something contaminate the oil, however, it may cause fungus or other undesirable things to grow instead of hair, and consumption of the bottle is not a pleasant experience either, causing the individual to likely vomit entire mouthfuls of hair for a period of time, albeit rather harmless. GLUE OIL A handy concoction which can act as a powerful glue or adhesive to objects it is applied to, being quite versatile for things such as construction or repair. RECIPE Base: Lard - 1x Swiftness - 2x Connection - 2x Endurance EFFECTS Should Glue Oil be applied to two objects, it will stick them together with relative ease. This can be used to stick things together in construction, acting as cement, or perhaps create shoes that don’t slip on ice, or even repairing something as a broken sidewalk. Ultimately, it’s very versatile and leaves much to the alchemist’s own creativity. GENERAL REDLINES - Unless stated otherwise, all oils require an ST signature to be valid. - These oils are considered common alchemical knowledge and could be assumed to be learned by moderate to adept alchemists, assuming they understand the means. - As a rule of thumb, more than one oil cannot be applied to an object at the same time, lest the object rust, warp, become brittle, or even combust. - At most, the effects of applied Oils will last for up to one OOC hour, though may be easily washed away through means of water, as any mundane oil. Exceptions to these are the Hair Rejuvenation and Glue Oils, which may last indefinitely, unless disturbed otherwise.
  9. I have made some changes to the submission! If you have any other additions or edits you would like, please let me know! The changelog is below, hope you enjoy!
  10. What happened to BEEHAW??

  11. OOC ((MC Name: Gohlbez)) ((Discord: pundimonium#9142)) ((Timezone: CST )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Tarhelas Elverhilin Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? Since the days of yore have the Arts of the Void been practiced by those of my kin. Thus, I seek to delve more deeply into the Arcane Arts in hope that I, too, may ascend to the ranks of Arcane Practice which my forefathers achieved. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Earth Evocation, Arcanism What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Adeptus Minor When should you be contacted for an interview? Any time the coming Elven week.
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